Zhang Feng glanced at both of them disgustingly: “When you bake it, go back.”

The next Engineering Project will be completed in the hole, because it needs The materials did not come out.

The entire group returned to the cave. Zhang Feng just approached and saw a shocking thing. Cheng Yaojin these guys actually made more than one bow. He counted them carefully. More than fifty.

He corner of mouth twitching, hurriedly said: “What are you doing with so many bows and arrows?”


Alkinnon was a little wronged “It’s Old Chen…”


Zhang Feng interrupted, then looked towards Cheng Yaojin, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Old Chen , Is this all your idea?”

From the perspective of Alkinnon’s reaction, this must be Old Chen’s idea. Moreover, Alkinnon is not so courageous. Now the bow and arrow have just been experimented. Doing so much is useless at all, it’s all waste, he doesn’t know that it is impossible.

It’s just that Cheng Yaojin doesn’t think so. What he thinks is how to get more bows and arrows and then do them out. Although the formidable power of bows and arrows is not yet known, based on his experience, It’s definitely not bad, so I made a few more without Feng’zi’s approval.

Alkinnon has naturally stopped, but how can he stop the Demon King, in the end it is “coming together.”

Feng’zi came back to say that he was already ready No, no, I started talking again: “Feng’zi, when you left, you didn’t say how many to make. Moreover, doing more will only be beneficial and harmless, and it will also help to wait for the experiment.”


Zhang Feng was anxious, his face flushed, and he didn’t know how to say it when he spoke, because what this guy said is a little irrefutable. At first glance it makes sense.

I swallowed the words I was about to scold my mother again, so I had to say: “Do you know how much material was wasted? You…oh…”

Speaking, he heave a long sigh, I feel a bit hesitant to talk.

It’s not because he can’t say it, but he feels that it’s useless to say more, and the character of Old Cheng is like this. He can listen to what you say?

Sure enough, Cheng Yaojin still looks carefree, with his hands on Zhang Feng’s shoulders, said with a laugh: “Feng’zi, isn’t it just doing more? Not that, not that Ha.”

Zhang Feng took away his shoulders with a look of disgust, and did not intend to talk to this guy too much. Anyway, no matter how much he said, it would be a waste of saliva, so he looked towards Alkinnon: “You go to the last time Take out the arrow, and there are arrow feathers and other things.”

After making a bow and arrow last time, there are still some arrows and other things left. This time I just used it.

Alkinnon accepts the decree, he glanced at Cheng Yaojin faintly and left.

Cheng Yaojin is playing with bows and arrows, as if the thing is his baby, he can’t put it down, he is not afraid of Feng’zi what the hell is happening now, after all bows and arrows have been made, but think about it How to get it out is the business.

Thinking, he couldn’t help but put a wretched smile on his face, looked towards Zhang Feng and said: “Feng’zi, now there are so many bows and arrows, what are you going to do?”

” What should I do?”

Zhang Feng is a little confused. It’s not because of other things, but because he wonders why this guy asks like that. This obviously has nothing to do with him. Is it possible that you still want to get a piece of the pie?

Thinking about it, he deliberately said, “Then what do you say should be done? After all, there are so many bows and arrows wasted, isn’t it good?”

Cheng Yaojin was overjoyed, Secretly thought took the bait, took the bait.

In spite of joy in my heart, my face deliberately put on a calm look: “Well, now the bow and arrow effect is not known. After these bows and arrows are fully formed, give me a try. How is it?”

Zhang Feng suddenly came to a sudden.

It turns out that this old youngster had this idea.

Want to go home?

This is not bad. You can also promote the compound bow, which can be mass-produced in the future, or maybe put it in the barracks.

It’s just…

There is no experiment yet, if there is any problem, it is not a face slap?

Furthermore, this old youngster just wants to benefit from this, and doesn’t want to pay at all. How can this be done?

At least I have to get some benefits.

Thinking about it, he put on an embarrassed look: “This is not bad, but there is no experiment yet. Let’s talk about it after the experiment, and, don’t you plan to get something out?”

Cheng Yaojin was stunned.

He didn’t expect this youngster to be a cheapskate.

Don’t even want to take out a test product? Need to talk about conditions?

Let yourself take things out?

How is this possible?

After all, this formidable power has not been tested yet, what if I lose money?

He was about to say a word to refuse, Alkinnon was back, he held a bunch of arrow feathers and arrows said with a smile: “Dean, the things have been taken back.”

Zhang Feng checked the arrow and other things, and then handed it back to Alkinnon, with a serious face: “It is still the same manufacturing as last time, but this time the arrow and the arrow feathers both ends need to be fixed with isinglass. .”

“Why don’t you use cow glue? Can isinglass work?”

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