He looked at Zhang Feng with a puzzled look, and asked, “Feng’zi, what are you doing? Why do you want to put ink on the glasses?” Zhang Feng laughed and put the glasses on Handed it to Li Yuan: “You will know if you try.” Li Yuan took the glasses curiously and played with them for a while. Apart from finding that the lenses were blacked out by ink, he found no other special places. I wanted to inquire about Feng’zi, but when he saw Feng’zi’s confident expression on his face, he couldn’t speak up. Driven by curiosity, he still put on his glasses.

At the moment he put on the glasses, he instantly felt that everything around him changed its appearance, as if it had turned black, as if it was covered with a mysterious veil. It feels amazing, and it makes his eyes shine.

Not only that, there is also a feeling of looking at the world with these eyes, as if everything around you has to acknowledge allegiance. This is a feeling of inexplicability.

He took off his glasses with a bit of reluctance, and looked at Zhang Feng with surprise: “Feng’zi, how did you do this?”

Such a magical thing If we can do a few more, it will be the gospel. Zhang Feng laughed: “I just dyed the color with ink, nothing else.”

Others are a little confused, they don’t know the effect of these two people, and they don’t know that these two people are weird. Dialogue, but they are sure that this glasses is very difficult to deal with, at least not inferior to Telescope.

The heat is burning in their hearts, and they all want to try the effect of the glasses, but they are in Li Yuan’s hands, but no one dares to touch them.

The entire group is out of the hole, Li Shimin and the others are already lined up, holding the bow and arrow in their hands be eager to have a try, Cheng Yaojin is watching Zhang Feng closely and asking Zhang Feng to complete the bet just now The appointment, Zhang Feng is naturally worthwhile, Telescope has been made, are you afraid of this?

He took a bow and arrow and pierced Yang with a hundred steps under Cheng Yaojin’s eyelids. In this scene, Cheng Yaojin almost didn’t stare out his eyes. He didn’t believe that Zhang Feng could shoot arrows. Look at this guy’s little Body, with this distance, how is it possible?

But this scene still made him slap his face, and instantly felt his face flushed. Just looking for a chance to slip away, Zhang Feng said: “Old Cheng, you forgot the bet you just made?” Cheng Yaojin’s body was shocked. He was just preparing to slip away just because of the betting appointment just now. Then Cheng thought of this youngster to stop him at this time?

Isn’t this deliberately embarrassing yourself? But when he thought about the bet he had just made, he was quite discouraged. After all, he was going to bet just now, but he couldn’t kowtow, right?

Thinking about it, he moved his gaze to Cheng Chumo. Cheng Chumo actually had the idea of ​​Old Ghost father a long time ago, but when he saw it this way, he still felt a chill in his back. He wanted to say it and refused, but when he thought about the inhuman means of his father, he still endured it and had to be obedient. Go and kowtow to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng is naturally unwilling. It is Old Cheng who bet, what is going on asking his son to come?

Cheng Yaojin saw that Zhang Feng was unwilling, and he was anxious in an instant. As a National Duke, even if he loses the bet, he is impossible to kowtow. There is nothing wrong with letting his son go. Now Feng’zi doesn’t. willing? This is how to do? In a hurry, he accidentally saw Li Shimin who was shooting an arrow. With a scheming, he quickly asked Li Shimin to intercede with Zhang Feng.

Li Shimin naturally knows all this, and at the same time understands the difficulties of Old Cheng, so he asked Zhang Feng to intercede. Zhang Feng is not an unreasonable person. He always intercedes when he sees Old Li, not only I don’t want to kowtow. I don’t care about the previous things with Old Cheng, but I need to send the cow glue, fish glue and other things up the mountain.

Cheng Yaojin originally disagreed at first. There is no such thing as cow glue at home. Besides, I was almost caught by tigress the last time I stole something. Why did I dare to go? But once I thought about it, if this guy mentioned the gambling contract again, he still agreed.

After a storm, Zhang Feng was in a good mood, and his arrow technique was greatly improved. He greeted everyone and continued to practice arrows. Needless to say, Li Shimin was an archer since he was a child. Naturally, he has no arrows, nor did Cheng Yaojin. Bad, you can get ten rings every time.

It’s just that Zhangsun Chong and Du Gou are not good enough. When they are farther away, they can’t shoot an arrow. Especially Cheng Chumo can’t even shoot an arrow. This can be annoying. Cheng Yaojin was very annoyed. It was a violent beating when he went up. It felt like he was going to spread all the anger on this guy. Cheng Chumo was a little bit suspicious of life.

Li Yuan originally wanted to practice archery, but as soon as he was farther away, he had a little more than enough strength. In addition, he just got the glasses, he thought that he was simply not on the bow and arrow, so he put on the glasses Everywhere showed off, everyone did not dare to say anything, so they had to agree.

Remarkably, he actually walked down the Forge and unconsciously walked to the Academy. I was about to go to the Academy to find Yu Shinan and the others to show off, but a white-bearded old man came to face him, not Sun Simiao or who? Li Yuan quickly stepped forward, deliberately pushed his glasses, and said with a smug look: “Old Sun, where is this going?”

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