Speaking of this, he was frowned, as if he was thinking of something: “However, these all are a minority. Only some of the children of the clan who have status will be designated as baby relatives, and the others are both parties. Parents do it by themselves, and some don’t even know what the bride looks like on the day of marriage. This is one of the reasons why Five Surnames Seven Clans many people. The marriage is arranged and no one dares to resist.”

Listen, Zhang Feng couldn’t help sighing, Great Tang is already so open, and those Surname clan still engage in this set, but there is a saying, although this method is not very brilliant, but it is very beneficial to the development of the family. At the same time, he was also thankful that he was not arranged.

After sighing, he coughed slightly before saying: “It turns out that this is the case. The marriage restriction order is much more convenient.”

“What do you say?”


Li Shimin frowned, and hurriedly said: “The marriage restriction order is imperial decree, and these Surname clan have always been intermarriage between the Surname clan. In this way, the Surname clan will definitely be dissatisfied. Much more convenient?”

Zhang Feng glanced at everyone, said with a smile: “Think about it, that man doesn’t want three wives and four concubines…”

hear Here, everyone’s cheeks blushed, Zhang Feng said that there was nothing wrong, but when he said this to the public, it still felt a bit inelegant, especially Yu Shinan and the others, it was even a little harsh in his ears, and he urged quickly. : “Quickly talk about the following.”

“Oh oh…”

Perhaps feeling the Honored Teacher’s dissatisfaction, Zhang Feng replied again and again, and continued: “The kind of big Surname clan , And Five Surnames Seven Clans’ fingertips for marriage. Even if a baby mate can make the family stronger, but the youngster in their family will surely be dissatisfied. Men need not say more, they can’t wait to marry them all, but what about women? If you marry a better husband, it’s okay to say that if you marry a wasterl, your life will be ruined, so I dare to say that these women must have grievances, but they are usually angry and dare not speak, thus suppressing in the heart, this way Over time, these women shouldn’t live long, right?”

Li Shimin frowned, as if thinking about something.

In fact, many women in Five Surnames Seven Clans died early, and many of them died just after they got married into their husband’s family.

But what does this have to do with the marriage restriction order?

He asked in a puzzled way: “Feng’zi, even if what you just said makes sense, what does this marriage restriction order have to do?”

“It seems that you still don’t I understand.”

Zhang Feng took a sip of the cold tea, said with a smile: “Think about it, if the marriage restriction order is issued, who is immediately happy?”

Immediately happy who is?

Li Shimin brows tightly knit, some can’t turn around.

If this marriage restriction order is issued, it will definitely be boycotted. How can anyone be happy?

Moreover, those leaders of Five Surnames Seven Clans will not allow anyone to be happy.

This Feng’zi doesn’t know what’s in his head.

While he was complaining about Zhang Feng, suddenly, his head flashed over what Zhang Feng had just said.

The woman of Five Surnames Seven Clans?

Those women who have been arranged marriages?

If a marriage restriction order is issued, those women should be happy.

Feng’zi just said that these women are arranged for marriages, many of them are unfortunate, and some of them may be abused, especially those of the little Surname clan, if they marry In Great Family like Five Surnames Seven Clans, meeting a good husband is that’s all. If you meet a bad husband, you may regret it for life.

Presumably the marriage restriction order, once the marriage is restricted, they will have more freedom, and maybe they can also choose their son-in-law freely. This is undoubtedly a gamble for those women.

But, will they give up the conditions to marry a rich family?

Li Shimin was puzzled, looked at Zhang Feng and asked: “Feng’zi, I probably understand what you said, but how can those women listen?”

“Can’t listen Follow these all are small things.”

Zhang Feng waved his hand and did not care, said with a smile: “What really matters is the order of marriage restriction.”

Li Shimin frowned , And glanced at Li Yuan, then turned his head and looked towards Zhang Feng: “What do you mean?”


Zhang Feng interrupted Li Shimin with a wave, Then he took out a few cigarettes from his waist and scattered them on Li Shimin’s table, and then handed them to Li Yuan, Cheng Yaojin, Yu Shinan and the others. Only then did they return to their seats and took out the cigarettes to light the cigarettes and inhaled deeply. I looked towards Li Shimin and smiled embarrassingly: “Sorry, you are addicted to cigarettes, you continue to say.”

Li Shimin did not blame Zhang Feng, because he was addicted to cigarettes, watch Zhang Feng smoke With great effort, he picked up a cigarette from the table and lighted it, took a deep breath, slowly said: “I asked you why you said that the marriage restriction order is really important?”

Zhang Feng took down the cigarette butt and took a deep breath. He took a deep look at Li Shimin and said: “The marriage restriction order really only has a superficial effect. It may be okay to deal with the small Surname clan, but it is really not enough for the Five Surnames Seven Clans and Guanlong Surname clan, because they have the power to refute His Majesty and even more. Dare to refute His Majesty…”

Hearing this, Li Shimin narrowed his eyes, and a foul air flashed.

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