None of them are idiots.

On the contrary.

Can be mixed into the status of National Duke.

Where do you not know these things?

But Zhang Feng doesn’t know the identities of several people. If he knew, he would definitely not dare to say that.

The key question is, this youngster doesn’t know yet!

From the perspective of a businessman, Zhang Feng is really trying to protect himself to the maximum extent, as well as to protect their comprehensiveness, and prevent them from directly becoming the target of Aristocratic Family Great Clan’s anger.

But this time is different.

This time.

The benefits of this white paper, after a little thought in their hearts, they can understand that not a few Great Confucians can handle it.

However, Zhang Feng only minimized the risk.

As for whether Zhang Feng has a back player, they still don’t know for the time being.

But after talking for a long time, this youngster seems to have given nothing!

Zhangsun Wuji squinted, tapping the plate with the chopsticks in his hand, and said, “Feng’zi, you have been talking for a long time, this paper, even if you give us a little bit, is easy for us to handle, isn’t it? Such a good thing, do you give it or not? We want to get it back now.”

while speaking Zhangsun Wuji sighed said with a bitter smile: “Frankly, last night, how many of us This wife, because I was angry with the white paper, made a noise all night, so the old Elder Brother, I must get a little back!”

“You know, the woman’s family has nothing to do. All day long, I just followed the people in the Street Market to compare, and the neighborhood and neighborhood knew about the incident of adding a punch to the mountain before, but now it’s good, and we don’t know it. This makes my family lose it. With a big face, if I can’t take it back today, old Elder Brother, I…”

Everyone was hearing this, and their eyes lit up instantly.

One after another comes up with bitter tricks.

“Is it Feng’zi? The famous tigress from my family. I was drinking with Old Li and the others last night. The guy rushed in and twisted my ears and dragged it back. At home, look at my ears, look at them, what are they all red?”

Cheng Yaojin pointed to the black earlobe and twisted it.

Zhang Feng, who was watching, suffered a burst of embarrassing cancer.

“Isn’t it? You see, last night, we all drank together. Since the shrew of Old Chen came, basically all came, which made us, the old Elder Brother, lost My lord!”

The drama of a few people made Zhang Feng pouted.

Said silently: “I said everyone, now I have separated the benefits of the paper mill, can you go and get it yourself?” Everyone was hearing this for a moment.

Immediately, he stood up and ran in ecstasy.

Zhang Feng hurriedly stopped a few people and said: “However, you have to produce the four Great Confucian monthly papers!”


“Didn’t you just say that it came out of your share? So it became…”

Everyone was instantly unhappy.

Two hundred catties of paper per person per month, although not much, it is all money.

But Zhang Feng doesn’t care.

Let him out of everything, and he won’t pay for it?

“I don’t care about this, you guys have seen it, I’m only enough for the daily consumption of the Academy, where can I pay? Is there something extra? You don’t want to look at the Academy’s reputation, because there is no paper available, and it becomes stinky? If you let outsiders know that Zhang Feng only sells paper to make money, and ignores the trials of the Academy’s people, what do people think that day? Me?”

Everyone is hearing this. After thinking about it, Wei Zheng asked: “What do you want so much paper for?”

“Printed textbooks, and students’ daily writing practice Words, homework, which one does not need paper?”

Wei Zheng opened his mouth.

He really doesn’t understand what this Academy is going to teach.

It is not the same as anything known by Great Tang’s Academy or Professor now.

Where is the Academy? Do you need so much paper?

And it’s still such a blank paper?

The cheap papyrus, is it not good to use?

The wooden board is not good?

You have to use this excellent white paper. What is this not wastrel?

Wei Zheng sighed: “That’s all, in that case, the papers of the four of them are ours. Then we will go to get the papers and go home now, otherwise it will be troublesome if we go back late.”

While speaking, a few people ran away in a hurry.

And Li Chengqian also took the opportunity to slip away.

No way, if they don’t go, these masters may not even be able to enter the door of the paper mill. Where is the old village head personally looking at the door and seeing the blank paper more than their lives important.

They just go like this, it’s strange not to be interrupted.

Zhang Feng was speechless when he looked at the crowded people.

But at this moment.

Yuchi Gong seems to have thought of something.

He came back in a hurry.

“Feng’zi, what do you think if I have something to discuss with you?”

Zhang Feng stared at Yuchi Gong vigilantly. After observing for a long time, nothing happened. What is abnormal, I said: “Tell me about it.”

“Then, don’t worry about anything, I just think, isn’t my son in the Academy? I want him to follow you too , How? In this way, if anyone wants to bully you, the two of them promise that you will hit it and not? There is also a youngster named Niu. That youngster is also good and a good player!”

Emotion, Are you treating me as a concentration camp for thugs?

If you see someone upset, hit someone?

Will I let your son beat you up?

Not waiting for Zhang Feng’s answer.

Yuchi Gong has been chasing Wei Zheng and the others violently, and said from a distance: “That’s all for this matter! I’ll let them stand guard for you tonight!”


“Go go go, go, I, this is the Academy! Academy! It’s not a concentration camp for thugs, or a den of bandits, if you dare to get it, I will pack it for you and send it back! Never come to the Academy half Step!”


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