“What did you say? My uncle did it?”

Zhang Mansion.

Zhang Shan looked at the pack of cigarettes delivered by Old Scholar in amazement.

Old Scholar stroked his beard and drank tea slowly said with a smile: “It’s not that youngster!”

“This stinky youngster doesn’t know what to do on the mountain. Yu Shinan and a few Old Guys don’t care about it, but this thing is really good. Feng’zi didn’t have time before. This morning, I just remembered it. The messenger gave me some and asked me to pass it on to you. “

Where did Zhang Feng think of him as a cheap Sir?

This is really early this morning, and I think of Cháng’ān University. If it weren’t for breakfast, if Li Chengqian mentioned it, Zhang Feng really couldn’t remember anything.

I just remembered this mention. The people on Tonghui Street who made cigarettes hurriedly made a large number of cigarettes and sent a large box to Li Gang and Old Scholar.

While lighting up the cigarettes in Cheng Chumo coquettishly, smoking one by one.

Old Scholar talentedly picked up the broom and shouted wasrel to throw Cheng Chumo out.

Then the two old men followed Cheng Chumo’s appearance and squatted in the study for an hour, only to instantly realize that this gadget that Mr. Boshi couldn’t put it down turned out to be a good thing.

But this time Old Scholar was not happy anymore. While smoking a cigarette, while looking at the stewed meat and beer on the table, he sighed: “oh! This old village chief doesn’t know what to do. What to eat? If this goes on, Feng’zi’s ability will all be pitted to these scams!”

Li Gang shook the white paper in his hand to look at it, and let out a puff of white smoke: ” Old Guy, this thing is a real good thing! Although this youngster is a bit of a wasterl destination, you also know that now pigs and chickens are a big burden for Great Tang!”

“This youngster solved this matter in an instant after doing this. This can be considered a matter that will let his Zhang Family pass for generations!”

When I heard Zhang Family.

Old Scholar I just remembered Zhang Feng’s Sir.

Get out a lot from the frame, and then put it down half of it distressedly. Finally, after thinking about it, he took out a big bamboo tube and installed two bamboo tubes, and then slowly swallowed the smoke. Out of the Academy.

At this time.

Zhang Shan interrupted Old Scholar’s ​​conjecture, curiously asked: “This thing…have you tried it?”

Old Scholar did not speak, but took out a wooden from his arms. Box, took out two cigarettes, and Zhang Shan, one by one, lit the cigarette, and then said: “Taste it, and you know Divine Doctor Sun and Mr. Boshi, right? This thing is now on the mountain. A few of them are smoked and still love it.”

“I also heard that as long as anyone does not smoke on the mountain at this time, they are regarded as monsters. What else is there to say, no smoke, no alcohol, hard work? Boat, there are tobacco and wine books often!”

What the hell is that?

This thing is really so good?

Zhang Shan couldn’t help but looked suspiciously at a piece of smoke, like the incense of his wife’s ancestors, the General Administration was a little weird.

But at this time he is not good to say anything.

I had to suck up with Old Scholar, but Old Scholar was still careful, telling him how to suck, how to suck so that he would not choke his lungs, slowly.


Zhang Shan was also surprised to find that this thing is really good.

He is a businessman after all.

The white paper has already made him feel distressed.

As well as the pork stuff and so on, they secretly scolded Zhang Feng as wasrel, but after all they hadn’t really become relatives, so they had to shake their heads and sigh, thinking about the benefits of Zhang Feng’s doing this.

Otherwise, Zhang Feng would have vomited blood.


When I met Old Scholar at this time, Zhang Shan couldn’t help but asked with a worried expression: “Old Scholar, I can see it. You treat Feng’zi youngster as a son, right?”

Old Scholar hearing this, his face is stern.

“Making a fool! Old man is a cherish talent!”

But as soon as the voice fell, Old Scholar shook his head and sighed again.

Actually, in his heart, Zhang Feng’s youngster has long been regarded as his son, but he also knows that with Zhang Feng’s temper, he must be unwilling, but he doesn’t want to see Zhang. Feng was only learning, so it was a waste.

But after he met Li Yuan and Li Shimin, he only knew that he was thinking too much.

Zhang Feng’s achievements will only be the existence he looks up to in the future. After Zhang Feng opened the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning on the mountain, Old Scholar buried his thoughts in his heart.

He believes that with these people, Zhang Feng will generally not have trouble.

But there is something I want, Feng’zi, a silly youngster, who has given everything to others. Then, after he gets married in the future, what else can he pass on to future generations?

When Old Scholar thinks this way, the vicissitudes in his eyes are even more obvious.

“Oh! Zhang Lord, don’t make fun of the old man. By the way, let’s not talk about this. The old man will go up the mountain tomorrow and ask Feng’zi what he is doing. Don’t worry, the youngster old man Feng’zi knows that he has more abilities! Don’t worry, you can smoke this thing first, no more, you send someone to my Academy, or you are on Mt. Kui Street Isn’t the Market handy? Ask them to find the old village chief. Now this thing, Feng’zi is all handed over to the old village chief!”

Zhang Shan smacked and wanted to say something, but finally swallowed Went back.

Sighed: “I’m getting old too. I didn’t want to worry about the youngster. But you know, my girl has been lost since she saw the youngster. Like a soul, you go and ask, what can she do on the mountain, when the time comes, I also want to have a what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over!”

“You cry and cry all day long, and I’m so tired of it.”

Old Scholar haha ​​said with a smile: “Shopkeeper Zhang, you are giving a little old man a problem, you Is this forced marriage?”

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