Chang’an City, the residence of the sixteen kings.

Yuchi Fuzhong.

At noon, Yuchi Gong was lying on the limp, and the snoring sound could be heard from a distance.

Madam of Yuchi Gong, as well as the family members and generals, turned a deaf ear.

It seems that I have been used to the general.

It’s just that today’s Yuchi Mansion, many servants, officials, generals and the others have been staring at the gate from time to time.

Some great character seems to be waiting for.

“Come! Madam, come!”

At this moment.

A gatekeeper rushed into the house with a cheer.

Yuchi Madam hearing this, his eyes lit up: “Where is it?”

While speaking, Yuchi Madam glared at Yuchi Gong who was snoring and said: “Go to me Call the dead man up, everyone is here, he still wants to sleep?”


The family will be hearing this, a little bit frustrated.

Yuchi Gong is sleeping, who dares to step forward?

That would be beaten to death.

But they didn’t dare to shy away from the woman’s order, so the veteran glared at the recruit. The last recruit stunned his neck, and stammering came to Yuchi Gong’s side.

When Yuchi Gong was awakened, he fell asleep.

No, when Yuchi Gong was awakened, Yuchi Gong slapped his face with saliva, and knocked him unconscious.

“The dead, can you really sleep? Everyone is here, you are still sleeping! Why don’t you die!”

Yuchi Madam gave Yuchi Gong a glare, Yuchi Gong hearing this , With a staring expression, awakened in an instant, waved a hand to drag the recruit down, wiped the saliva from his mouth, and hurriedly walked to the door.

“Where is she?”

“Where is she?”

“At the door!”

“Then What are you waiting for? Walk around and see.”

While speaking, Yuchi Gong was going to the door with his family members, but when they walked out of the backyard, they saw one wearing White cloak, a young woman dressed up with a Jiangnan feminine flavor, is slowly walking into the gate of the mansion.

The appearance of the woman is similar to Yuchi Gong, but only the nose and eyes, big eyes, and curved nose, but it is not used for Yuchi Gong’s five big and three thick.

Although she is still taller than the one on one side, the beautiful waist with a ribbon tied around her waist can tell that this woman is truly a beautiful woman.

The red lips are dripping, just like the delicate woman in the south of the Yangtze River after the rain, so she is so pitiful?

“Good girl, I haven’t seen you for many years, you have become more beautiful and alluring!”

When Yuchi Madam saw this, his eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, and he pulled Holds the woman’s pale hands.

The woman gently said a court etiquette: “Lan’er pays respects to Madam, his wife Madam is still so beautiful after years of not seeing her. Lan’er almost seemed to be dreaming, dreaming The first time I saw my sister-in-law Madam ten years ago.”

Yuchi Madam hearing this, I was even more delighted.

“Look at what Younger Sister said this is. We are all a family, so don’t talk about it. How have you been in Jiangnan these years?”

Yuchi Gong has A close relative, after Great Tang’s initial decision, in order to disperse the imperial court power, Li Yuan broke up all the Minister’s family power.

And the offshoot of the Yuchi Gong family naturally chose the prosperous Jiangnan generation.

I haven’t seen it in a few years. If Yuchi Gong accidentally told Zhang Feng some time ago that there was a joke about a girl, Yuchi Gong would have forgotten that this cousin came.

Then came back to discuss Zhang Feng’s marriage with Madam. The two hit it off, and then they passed the letter to Yuchi Gong’s uncle.

And this woman is a collateral of Yuchi’s great grandfather Yuchi Mengdu and the only daughter of Yuchi Gong’s cousin Yuchi Meng. ,

In recent years, the development in Jiangnan has been quite effective, even more moisturizing than Yuchi Gong this lineage.

But although life is nourishing, but after all, he cannot enter the world. At the age of last year, Yuchi Gong also received a letter from his cousin Yuchi Meng, who wanted to find a relationship for Yuchi Meng’s only daughter.

Thinking about this, Yuchi Gong couldn’t help but feel that Zhang Feng has advantages everywhere. Although there is a marriage contract, as a man, which one is not three wives and four concubines?

And this youngster saves the emperor’s grace, and is called brother to His Imperial Majesty. After that, when a man attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to heaven, I am all small things, and his Yuchi family can follow Good luck is true.

Who called him Yuchi Gong? Although there are many sons, most of them are disappointing?

Although I rarely interact with Yuchi Dream, I don’t know if this cousin hasn’t seen her in a few years, is she still not as stubborn as a firewood stick like four years ago.

But when I saw it today, Yuchi Gong almost exclaimed.

The women he has seen, there are no one thousand but eight hundred. Among them, the blond and blue-eyed people, or those from Foreign Domain who are covered with body odor, have seen them, but at this time, Yuchi still let Yuchi Gong instantly put his heart in love.

Now it’s good.

Yuchi Lan’er arrives.

That youngster doesn’t fall under her pomegranate skirt, that’s weird.

Yuchi Lan’er is not as cold and arrogant as Jing Shu, nor is it as pretty daughter in a humble family as Zhang Yuyao, on the contrary, it has a fatal attraction, charming, and more. There is a kind of elegant and poised temperament.

This is unmatched by anyone.

While Yuchi Gong grinned smirkly while touching his beard, several people had already walked into the living room.

Yuchi Lan’er leaned slightly and said: “Lan’er has seen his cousin, and he hasn’t seen him in many years, but his cousin is still so…heroic.”

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