Ma Zhou is very excited.

I finally waited for the early days.

Ma Zhou was very poor when he was young.

I can’t even eat enough.

The reason why I want to participate in the imperial examinations to reach a higher-level is nothing more than obsession.

But the words of Zhang Feng just now seemed to open the door to another world for Ma Zhou, making Ma Zhou’s eyes shine instantly.

What about after high school?

After fulfilling his wish, what does he want to do?

He really didn’t think about it.

At this time, Zhang Feng awakened the person in his dream with a word, and Ma Zhou couldn’t help but feel an urge to cry.

Before, Zhang Feng taught them aerodynamics and other things they couldn’t understand. Although Ma Zhou listened very carefully, he was still calculating in his heart. This thing seemed profound. , But it was completely different from what he needed.

But now…

Zhang Feng’s words, especially which research institute, let Ma Zhou see the light.

Don’t expect to surpass the achievements of Divine Doctor Sun in the future, as long as the general achievements of Divine Doctor Sun can be achieved, what if it is not a scientific examination?

Zhang Feng also presented Ma Zhou’s bow, and then slowly said: “Let’s go, now that it’s settled, I’m also interested today, take you to a long experience, don’t Always live in the world you think you think!”

Ma Zhou hearing this, once again, stood behind Zhang Feng look steadily forward.

The goal is finally achieved and Zhang Feng will not stay anymore. After all, the smell of pig manure here is not a little bit big, it is a bit pungent and spicy.

“Lao Gao, the youngster will come to see you another day. Youngster will leave first!”

Lao Gao also got up and said, “The little old man eats deliciously here. Get it, no need to worry about it, just go and work on yours.”

Out of the pig farm.

Zhang Feng refreshed instantly.

Some people have already been talking about the pig farm.

In the beginning, it was also to feed the people on the mountain. Now, with the consumption of food processing plants, the pigs on the mountain will always be consumed one day. What happened at that time? Zhang Feng didn’t even think about this question.

Throw it all out.

In the future, someone will talk about the 300,000 pigs.

Not only is it a bit disadvantageous during the autumn hunting, but it will also lose face in the future Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Meeting.

What is a pig?

No matter in which era, this thing is synonymous with inferiority.

That’s why Zhang Feng was anxious to finish the matter of the pig farm before the autumn hunting.

Moreover, the most important thing is that it is the most important thing to keep Ma Zhou flickering here. No one else can do this except Ma Zhou.

The main reason is that Ma Zhou is not careful.

Zhang Feng carried his hands on his back and hummed a song. Ma Zhou was like a henchman, hung tightly behind Zhang Feng. In this way, the two followed the mountain stream and came to the forge.

The forging workshop at this time.

Because I know Zhang Feng’s tricks.

It has basically changed its appearance greatly.

Under Zhang Feng’s strong request, the guards here have long been chased away, and all the shackles on these people have been thrown into the furnace.

Even the forge, which was only more than 100 square meters before, was excavated by these people and used wood to extend more than half of it on the edge of the cliff, and more than half of it expanded.

Earth smelting furnaces were also built along the mountain wall, and some people even used bamboos to lead the mountain streams to the forge.

In this scene, Zhang Feng can’t wait to let Chen Tieniu and a few lazy people come to see it. People in Western Regions can think of things that they have personally told countless times. This kind of sharp water conservancy method, they will learn it for everyone?

This is simply…

The arrival of the two made the forgers of Western Regions scream.

It seems to be reporting, and it seems to be vigilant.

After all, what Zhang Feng said before, really made them both worried and excited. They hadn’t seen Zhang Feng for a few days. At this time, everyone was also a little worried.

Mokoaddo and Alkinnon hurriedly drilled out of the cave upon hearing the news. Except for the two eyes, they were all black and black, like a drill. It’s like a coal kiln.

After seeing Zhang Feng and Ma Zhou, but not seeing Niu Jinda and the others behind Zhang Feng, the two of them sighed in relief deeply, and turned around to roar with gu lu. After a few throats, everyone gradually became quiet.

The two ran towards Zhang Feng.

“The noble Lord Dean came to inspect?”

“He he he, no, just come and have a look, you are busy with you, don’t care 1”

After Zhang Feng waved to the people in the distance, he pointed to the rocks outside the forging workshop and sat down and said, “What are you two doing? Why are you looking like this?”

After walking in, Zhang Feng saw that these two people’s faces were curvy like the hair of a golden lion king, they were burnt yellow long ago, and some were even burnt by sparks. The potholes.

hearing this, the two looked at each other, and Alkinnon said: “It’s because of the smelting thing that Lord Dean said that there were several setbacks, the fryer was three times, and the fire was turned off. Five times, in the end, the two of us dug a hole in the mountain wall, we are going to try in the cave to see if the formidable power of the fire can be upgraded to a higher level.”

“Otherwise, the fire at this time The kind of steel you mentioned, even the iron essence can’t be smelted.”

Can’t condense the high temperature?

Zhang Feng hearing this eyebrows slightly frowned.

This can’t be done.

In later generations, he often watched the live broadcasts of the great outdoors.

Aren’t those great people smelt like this?


Unfortunately, Zhang Feng seemed to have thought of something, and waved his hand: “Walk around, let’s check your stove first.”

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