Zhang Feng is also a little surprised.

This guy, in his memory, is not something to provoke.

This product, how come?

Zhang Feng arched his hands calmly, and stepped forward: “Master Niu, what kind of wind is blowing you here? Come and come, please come in, please come in, Ma Zhou, go and cook. Tea!”

Lord Niu was surprised when he saw Zhang Feng’s politeness. He hurriedly bowed his body. After Zhang Feng sat down, Mr. Niu dared to take a seat after Zhang Feng sat down. The gift box in his hand was handed to Zhang Feng and said, “The last time I bought the land was a pure misunderstanding. I hope Brother must not take it to heart!”

Is it for this?

Zhang Feng glanced suspiciously at the yellow paper box on the table, and couldn’t help but become even more puzzled.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Zhang Feng could not help but asked slightly: “I don’t know what the Lord Niu is visiting today?”

Niu Weili hearing this, knowing that Zhang Feng was a little impatient, he called Haha, I didn’t say anything. Instead, I opened the gift box on the table. While opening the gift box, he said: “Old Brother, I know that you are a large number of Noble Son Zhang. We did have a misunderstanding before, but believe Noble. Son Zhang won’t take seriously either.”

“I’ve been thinking about giving you a gift before, but I’m too busy to go to Mt. Kui, watching you benefit from Mt. Kui. People, this officer is very moved!”

“I heard that Noble Son Zhang likes to collect treasures from all over the world. It happened that some time ago, my family members from my hometown got a strange thing from a Western Regions merchant. , I just brought it here, and I’m going to show it to Brother.”

while speaking.

Niu Weili slowly opened the paper box, revealing a few dirt bumps inside.

Zhang Feng did not pay attention at first.

This Niu Weili, a small Cháng’ān County Magistrate, can he have something good, but from this point of view, obediently, it almost made Zhang Feng stand up and call a fellow .

But reason, let Zhang Feng forcefully stabilize his expression, after all, this guy, now holding this thing to find himself, he must have something to ask for.

Zhang Feng glanced at the few earth balls calmly, picked up one at random and looked at it curiously asked, “What is this earthball?”

Niu Weili’s meeting attracted Zhang Feng’s attention.

Some excitement.

“Noble Son Zhang, this small thing, I don’t know where it came from for the time being. I only knew that it was a Western Regions merchant who was mixing with the local specialties when selling the specialties of Xiyu. The angry Cháng’ān businessman came to this house. Old Brother I learned that Noble Son Zhang likes to collect this kind of grotesquely shaped stuff during this period, so I bought this thing.”

“Don’t worry, I have agreed to purchase this item at the same price from the Western Regions merchant and Great Tang merchant!”

Niu Weili did not know the weight of Zhang Feng, but that night The secret order below made Niu Weili dare not treat Zhang Feng as an ordinary person.

Furthermore, now Zhang Feng is still a Viscount.

Although there is no official Fiefdom yet, Mt. Kui has been rewarded to him. Is the name of Mt. Kui still far away?

Furthermore, regardless of this status, it is the Libation Chancellor of the Cháng’ān University and the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, plus the dean, and the Great Confucian name jointly recommended by the four Great Confucians. Not what Niu Weili can provoke now.

So Niu Weili deliberately emphasized the word “buy”.

Zhang Feng hearing this, calmly put the soil on the table, lit a cigarette for Niu Weili, and pours a cup of tea for Niu Weili from the teapot he brought up from Ma Zhou. Then he said: “Niu Sir, Niu Old Brother, I have never seen this thing, such a magical thing, I like it very much, there is a ticket here, you collect it, as I bought it…”

Niu Weili is not happy anymore.

His face was stern, and something angrily said: “Noble Son Zhang, this is another affair with the old Elder Brother, isn’t it? This thing is not a fun thing at all, I spent ten cents to buy it Come, the Western Regions businessman smiled and couldn’t even close his mouth. You gave me this, do you want to break me?”

Niu Weili didn’t even look at the ticket Zhang Feng handed over, and was a little angry The way.

When Zhang Feng saw this, he said with a smile, “That feeling is good! Many thanks, the old Elder Brother!”

“Thank you? Originally Noble Son Zhang In my Cháng’ān, I opened the Cháng’ān Academy to benefit my Cháng’ān people, and in Mt. Kui to help the victims. If you want to say thank you, I should say thank you. If it weren’t for Noble Son Zhang, maybe Old Brother I’m now Don’t talk about being an official, now it’s estimated that this guy on his head has moved a long time ago!”

After Niu Weili finished speaking, he was about to get up and leave. Zhang Feng was busy taking him Pulled and sat down. ,

“Since Niu Old Brother is so empathetic, if I refuse, it is my Zhang Feng’s fault. Since there is no such thing, I will accept the youngster.”

When Niu Weili saw this, he sat down with a smile, smoking and drinking tea.

“By the way, Old Brother is here this time, but there is still something to do? If there is something youngster can help, Old Brother, just say it, youngster will do it for you!”


This is the point!

Niu Weili came to give things for nothing?

I didn’t believe Zhang Feng was killed.

hearing this, Niu Weili sighed bitterly: “oh! This is the old Elder Brother, I have no ability!”

“Noble Son Zhang, you can help Help me!”

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