After contracting the construction of this basketball court, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Gong walked out of the little Tavern in a daze.

The two trembling hands, while smoking one by one, while aimlessly strolling along Cháng’ān Street.

I walked through Tonghui Street and disturbed Tonghui Street.

It wasn’t until the guards of the imperial city gate put a long halberd on the necks of the two of them. The cold and familiar feeling made them sober.

I glanced at the imperial city, and only then recognized the two guards, who were so terrified that they trembled. They turned around numbly and squatted in the corner.

“I said…Old Black, you feel what Feng’zi said, has several points of true?”

Yuchi Gong asked hoarsely.

Cheng Yaojin didn’t say a word for a long time. He also wanted to know if what the youngster said was true.

A few sentences are true.

But from the locust powder and Bone Strengthening Powder, Cheng Yaojin really believes that what this guy said is true.

After all, he has really eaten those two things. Once he ate those things, his whole body became much stronger, as if he had returned to his youth ten years ago.

I rarely get sick even with body pain and knee pain.

The wrinkles on the face and the white hair on the head seem to be a lot less, and the whole person really looks like a young teenager.

And what is that?

You can see that stuff, eat something smelly.

It’s the stuff swallowed in the belly.

But now?

What is this thing now?

Is it really that amazing?

From old women to children can play, and there are that many things in it?

What can this do?

If you play, you can make people young, isn’t it?

Cheng Yaojin couldn’t help but began to struggle again.

“I… don’t know, but… this youngster is very bad, he has never blown the Bone Strengthening Powder thing like this!”

hearing this, Yuchi Gong also sighed helplessly.

“Who said no?”

“Do you think, let’s discuss with His Imperial Majesty first?”



Yuchi Gong doesn’t know what to do at this time.

This thing is really tricky. If you say it is for His Imperial Majesty, what are you talking about?

His Imperial Majesty’s mind can think of that. This is what they swore not to spread, but you don’t tell His Imperial Majesty, what if His Imperial Majesty blames it?

This youngster has nothing to do. Why are you so evil?

Yuchi Gong couldn’t help but tangled.

Until the two city gate guards brought two chairs for them, Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin clenched the teeth and said, “Fuck his mother, do it! At least let’s get them out first. Let’s see, is it true that Feng’zi said this thing is so wicked to report to His Imperial Majesty!”


And in the two of them When determined to build a basketball court.

Li Chengqian covered in dirt pulled the black coal from the city gate and walked out of the Vermilion Bird Gate.

As soon as he exited the city gate, Li Chengqian saw Yuchi Gong and Yuchi Gong with a bewildered face. He hurriedly got out of the sedan chair and waved at them.

When they saw it was Crown Prince, they looked at each other and left as if they hadn’t seen them.

At this moment, Li Chengqian was confused.

beckons with the hand and asked: “You go to check, these two goods, where did you just go?”

“No need to check, the two National Duke just went there Little Tavern, then squatted here for a long time.”

The guard leader who was accompanying said quickly.

In this case, Li Chengqian is even more confused.

This is so good, people are stupid after a little Tavern?

And why does Feng’zi come to Tavern at this time?

Li Chengqian’s mind could not help but alive, and the chief Chong guard said: “Send these things to the forge right away, Dang! Little Tavern, take a look.”

“Yes !”

Then Li Chengqian simply wiped two handfuls of black soot from the soles of the feet and wiped his face twice in the carriage, and then changed his clothes. This was the situation where everyone was not paying attention. Next, slip off the carriage and walk towards Tonghui Street swaggeringly.

Li Chengqian’s mind is full of abnormal actions by Yuchi Gong at this time.

If Zhang Feng didn’t do it, can he believe it?

These two are the best Iron Fools. Where can people see them being so confused? ?

Famous and big heart, can you do this?

Obviously, if Zhang Feng hadn’t talked about these two dumbfounded, then he would have seen a ghost.

Tonghui Street is not far away, and Li Chengqian is familiar with all kinds of trails. Within a moment, Li Chengqian’s head appeared at the door of Little Tavern.

Looking at Zhang Feng, who was lying on a recliner, picking his teeth and drinking a little wine, Li Chengqian was not angry.

“Wow, you drove us away. It turns out that someone hiding here to drink?”

Suddenly Zhang Feng roared, scared a cup The wine poured on his face, and Zhang Feng coughed again and again.

“I said, damn you, can you make a noise first when you come? Be a thief!”

Zhang Feng breathed out fire in his eyes.

But Li Chengqian doesn’t matter. In Zhang Feng’s eyes, he walked into the small Tavern, sat opposite Zhang Feng, picked up the exquisite iron pot from Zhang Feng, and gulped two mouthfuls.

“This liquor is still cool! Come to Feng’zi, come to another jar, this little pot is not enough!”


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