Basketball is a good basketball.

Although there is a little problem with the material, it is generally ok, but…

This air is really insufficient.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Feng began to worry about patting the basketball twice again and asked: “Cowhide, your bellows, can you inflate this thing? It’s where you left. I charged him with the soft plug that was caulked before?”


The cowhide can’t help but twist his brows together.

When Zhang Feng saw this, he couldn’t help but sighed, let’s go and look at your bellows.

The Theory of the bellows is exactly similar to the inflatable tube, except that one is shrunk several hundred times, and the other is a thing that can only stay in one place.

The two entered the room.

The husky lands in the room, as well as the work, all looked at Zhang Feng excitedly at this moment, especially the black ball in Zhang Feng’s hands.

His eyes are hot.

After Zhang Feng greeted everyone casually, he squatted in front of the bellows to look.

But after thinking about it this way, Zhang Feng felt that it was impossible. After looking at the rest of the Rubber, Zhang Feng couldn’t help thinking.

“Cowhide yellow, you immediately find me a seven-foot-long bamboo tube with such a thick arm, and so on, until only this seam is as big as one end.”

Cowhide hearing this, suddenly realized.

Hurrying with the hatchet, he ran out.

What is this?

This is Zhang Feng teaching skills!

Before the Bone Strengthening Powder and the sale of the nutritional porridge, he had long been greedy to death because of a vocabulary.

That is to keep fit!

I don’t want to talk about the things that Zhang Feng made afterwards. Which one is not a fortune-making business?

At this time, Cowhide seemed to be worried that the woman was at home, fearing to annoy Zhang Feng, twisted the woman’s ears, and pulled out of the room door.

Zhang Feng glanced at the door and waved said with a smile: “It’s all gone, three days at most three days, you can play this stuff, and I hope you all in the neighborhood when the time Comes give me more publicity!”

Though these people don’t know what publicity means.

But it basically means that it seems to be for them to talk about it.

Where everyone did not agree, Le Diandian repeatedly promised to run away.

And Zhang Feng finally has time to study the valve of this basketball.

Basketball is easy to make, but once this valve is not fixed, this thing is a waste. The cow urinary bubble is made of tenacious and can be used as a water sac for traveling in the desert. Naturally, it has his reason. Inside, Zhang Feng doesn’t doubt this, but the difficulty lies here. How to make these two things fit perfectly is the key.

Pull out the cork. After Zhang Feng studied the sunlight outside the window, he couldn’t help but think of the plug on a portable water bottle of later generations.

In an instant, Zhang Feng’s mind had an idea.

I picked up the wooden spoon, scooped up some sticky rubber, and then took the bowl of cold boiled water that he poured the cowhide into him, and raised the wooden spoon high to let the rubber in the spoon gather into A silk thread dripped into the bowl.

After Zhang Feng saw it, he picked up a cylindrical Rubber stick that was smaller than chopsticks in the bowl, and drew a stroke on the air inlet of the basketball. After making the upper layer of Rubber the same size as the intake valve port, then smearing Rubber on the intake valve port. After doing all this, Zhang Feng pointed the Rubber stick in the handle cautiously to the inlet. The air valve was pushed in.

After a cup of tea, Zhang Feng picked up the basketball again, soaked him in a water tank, and then squeezed the basketball hard. After all, there was still air in the basketball. I tried a few more trials. After confirming that there was no possibility of air leakage, Zhang Feng was sighed in relief.

Until now, basketball is finally complete.

The rest is the inflator.

As long as the inflator can be perfectly pierced through the inlet valve Rubber, everything is perfect.

“Noble Son Zhang, you… just finished it like this?”

The sudden appearance of the voice really shocked Zhang Feng and turned around to look at him. It’s a little discipline of cowhide, Zhang Feng asked: “Have you seen it all?”

Little discipline nodded. ,

Zhang Feng asked again: “What’s your name?”

“The younger one is Guo Taibao, and Noble Son Zhang, you can call me Xiaobao.”

Guo Taibao?

Too full?

Good name!

Zhang Feng couldn’t help but in the heart secretly gave a thumbs up. The attainments of the ancients are simply culmination, especially reflected in this name, which is simply…

“Little Treasure, Can you see all my manufacturing steps clearly?”

Guo Taibao was hearing this, thinking that Zhang Feng would be held accountable, he hurriedly knelt on the ground in fright.

“Noble Son Zhang, it was not intentional to be small, this…”

Guo Taibao was about to cry.

“You must never tell me Master Teacher’s Wife, otherwise I have to lose another layer of skin!”

Zhang Feng jokingly said: “You let me not say OK, let me ask you, have you remembered the steps I just did?”


Zhang Feng hearing this nodded.

“Okay, from now on, this basketball manufacture matter is left to you, remember, this craft is not allowed to be passed on, otherwise it will be decapitated, do you understand? If it is passed out, not only Your head is not protected, your whole family is young, and your Master’s head is not protected!”

Guo Taibao was frightened and forced.

In an instant Zhang Feng smelled an unpleasant smell of urine.

This product, so unintimidated?

Zhang Feng frowned and covered his nose and said: “Wait for your Master to come back and ask him to make an inflatable tube. As for how to do it, I don’t care how to inflate it. If I don’t see it tomorrow morning, I will do this errand. I will find another person.”


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