Niu Weili is now in the mood to be lower oneself to somebody’s level with him?

I didn’t know what kind of wine Zhang Feng’s youngster gave him yesterday.

I don’t know how to go back, but early in the morning I heard the servant of Bailiff say that he was thrown from a carriage to the gate of the county government.

I wanted to visit Zhang Feng early in the morning.

By the way, let’s see if we can catch some errands.

For example, the security of Street Market under Mt. Kui.

Now the Street Market under Mt. Kui is even better than the two major Street Markets in Cháng’ān. The taxation is simply eye-catching.

However, before reaching Tonghui Street, Niu Weili saw a group of people gathered together, and Zhou Peipi, who was standing on the Pork Meatballs at the entrance of Tonghui Street, couldn’t help but walk up curiously.

I heard this good thing.

I couldn’t help but brighten my eyes, and at this time I didn’t care about Zhou Papi’s misdeeds. He waved his hand and said, “If you tell the officer without omission and in detail, you will treat it as if it had never happened. If there is half a lie, this official will punish you for the crime of humiliating the Imperial Court commander!”

while speaking, Niu Weili stared at Zhou and said: “At least you have to hit the eighty board. Then throw it into the mine!”

Hearing this, Zhou Papi panicked.

I was trembling all over when I was lying on the ground.

“Niu Lord, you are very compassionate. The little one is a rise of a brief moment. Then Noble Son Zhang itself is a Heavenly God descendant. How can ordinary people dare to climb relatives with him? So the little one is also defending Noble. Son Zhang’s reputation doesn’t mean it’s aimed at the cow Lord! “

“Come on, get up and talk.”

Niu Weili was originally to scare this youngster, where is he going to treat him? crime?

See you.

Zhou Papi got up in a hurry, and loudly said: “You all knew about basketball last night, right?”

Niu Weili frowned, looking at the master next to him and asking Said: “What is basketball?”

The master got stuck and quickly told Niu Weili about basketball in detail. Hearing this, Niu Weili couldn’t help but his expression changed drastically.

Listen carefully again.

That week, Peking seemed to have recovered the excitement he had just once again, but he didn’t dare to climb up the stone lion, raised half of the cigarette in his hand and said: “Noble Son Zhang was just in the cowhide and made the basketball himself. It’s coming out! And I heard that it was a pot of ingredients that took several days to cook with the Four Great Confucian and Divine Doctor Sun.”

“That thing is incredible!”

“Lightly pat on the ground, it can rise ten zhang high!”

“And Noble Son Zhang also said that in the future, all the streets and alleys will have to build a basketball In the field, the old Young Masters can play basketball, and they can all get fit. Let’s prolong our life together!”

“Not only that, Noble Son Zhang actually plans to pay for it out of his pocket and reward him For those who perform well, and hold basketball games in Mt. Kui every year, those who win can get a promise that Noble Son Zhang can do!”

“In other words, you can follow Noble Son Zhang has a request!”


In an instant.

Hundreds of officials are completely boiling.


“Noble Son Zhang is a heavenly God!”

“The good things in this, not only don’t need money, but also Send us money?”

“Oh my God!”

“Really, God open your eyes!”

And Niu Weili is now Also stunned.

Why didn’t you hear Noble Son Zhang talk about such an important thing yesterday?

Niu Weili couldn’t listen anymore, and hurriedly squeezed away the excited crowd, and ran to Zhang Feng’s little Tavern.

And what happened here, once again, spread out like a violent wind.

East Market.

Street Market is very quiet now, the few businessmen, listlessly gathered around playing poker, relaxing.

At this time, the appearance of a group of people instantly made the businessmen of East Market immediately become energetic and shout again, but these people are not here to buy things.

I glanced left and right, and then sews up and talked about what I had just heard at the gate of Tonghui Street.

“I’ll tell you a good thing. 1 Don’t tell me, Noble Son Zhang, should you have heard of it? It’s Lord Dean from White Deer Academy of Classical Learning. Just now he played basketball I made it!”

“And that thing can blow up the city wall as high as one shot!”

“I also heard that this thing can not only prolong life. Take a lick, put it on the next floor and eat it, and it can cure all diseases!”

“Not only that, then Noble Son Zhang is also preparing to pay for it out of his own pocket, as a reward to those who play well. !”

! ! !

hearing this.

The people at East Market are boiling.

And Xi Market is also the general situation at this time.

“Things are true!”

“Cháng’ān, the cow Lord of the government office, should you all know it? The cow Lord said it himself!”

“That thing can continue to cure all diseases. After playing for a long time, Noble Son Zhang will arrange a good career for you at Mt. Kui!”

Not only Cháng’ān Avenue East & West Markets.

Even the Peace Street and the place where the three provinces and six departments are located. At this time, the wind was heard.

At this moment, Wei Zheng couldn’t help being stunned after listening to the report from the person under his hand.

Fang Xuanling, who looked at the side, asked: “Duke Fang, what do you think of this matter?”

In the Imperial Palace, I was playing cards with Li Yuan and it was miserable. Li Shimin of Li Shimin couldn’t help laughing after learning about this situation.

Li Yuan hearing this, when I asked, I could not help but curl one’s lip slightly.

“What the hell is happening this youngster is happening again? Maybe this youngster is preparing for the autumn hunting thing!”

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