Yuchi Gong also knows the big picture.

This goddamn idiot, I don’t know when he got into trouble in Yanlai Building, and then I don’t know which bastard actually poured out the identity of Cheng Chumo, and went to National Duke with gongs and drums. It’s nothing to mess around at the gate of the mansion.

Just get some silver and send it away.

But it happened that His Imperial Majesty, who had just returned from Mt. Kui, bumped into him, and it was a lot of fun.

His Imperial Majesty spoke directly. Before tonight, I must give him an explanation!

What is this?

This is simply humiliating National Duke’s face, hitting His Imperial Majesty in the face!

At this time, he and Cheng Yaojin were not in a hurry, but they knew that Cheng Chumo was found angrily because he was afraid of being blocked by Cui’s big feet at home, so he got the little Tavern.

But where did you know that Cui Dajia actually found him.

Yuchi Gong saw the big news, and what happened here, obviously Zhang Feng’s youngster must have already known it, in case Cui’s big feet are unobstructed at this time, and Zhang Feng bumps into him. Is that okay?

Hurrying to win Cheng Chumo, the youngster, Cheng Chumo also knows that the matter is going to be big, he hurriedly rubbed his butt and limped forward, lying on Cui’s big feet and said: “Mother, this The thing is that the child is not right. It is that the child did not consider everything carefully. Regardless of his father’s affairs, we are good guys, and today the child is allowed to be punished by his father.”

Cheng Chumo also wants to start.

If this matter really makes his mother quarrel like this, he must come to a major event. Although he is extremely reluctant to be beaten, compared with His Imperial Majesty, the punishment after his identity is exposed, he I still hope to be beaten up a bit more miserably at this time.

Immediately, Cheng Chumo made the whole thing clear, especially since His Imperial Majesty was angry this time. This time, Cui Dajia was completely impatient.

“My son, you…Look at what you are doing!” Cui started crying anxiously.

I wanted to slap it down, but when I saw Cheng Chumo’s miserable appearance, I couldn’t bear to fight it down. Anxious tears came down. Looking at Yuchi Gong on the side, he said, “Big brother, tell me Look, what should I do about this?”

“Iron Ox is still so big, it’s no way to fight like this! It’s really not good, it’s really not good, don’t you think it’s a marriage?”

Yuchi Gong and Cheng Yaojin looked at each other and sighed: “This is no longer a matter of failing to get in. The second master is furious about this matter and urges the little sister, how do you think about it?”

Cheng Yaojin glanced at Cui Dajiao with some fear, “Why…not equal to me, secretly find someone to get that woman away? As long as Cháng’ān is out, it should be all right.”

“Shut up to my old lady!” Cui Da’s feet trembled and said, “Look at what you did? If something goes wrong, you only know to beat your son. Now everyone in the city knows about it. What should you do about this messy thing? It’s all you idiot, if it weren’t for you, would it be like this?”

Swearing and cursing, Cui Dajiao held Cheng Chumo in one hand. Cried.

“My God!”

“This makes me and my wife do things for me!”

“You dead man, if it weren’t for you, Can things be so big? If you don’t want to find a way out today, my old lady won’t live!”

Cheng Yaojin sat there smoking with a big head like a bucket.

Yuchi Gong also had a headache at this time. Watching Cui Dajiao who was crying and grabbing the ground could not help but say silently: “Old Black, or… marry?”

Cui Dajiao’s fierce name was that when he was in Wagang, the military advisor avoided the existence of three points. This woman is so sturdy that it can even be comparable to a General.

If this matter is really not handled properly, it may really be a setback.

Cheng Yaojin is also embarrassed at this time.

Marry it, no, where is his old face?

It’s not uncommon for such things to happen in the past. Those high-ranking officials, which one is not romantic?

But at this time, this matter must have been secretly calculated, otherwise, this kind of matter, even if she gave the Yanlai Building old bust a hundred courage, she would not be able to do it.

But it’s really not the time to study this matter. The main problem is how to hide the ugliness while also letting Feng’zi not know about it.

When thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin looked at Cui Dajia and roared impatiently: “Don’t cry, isn’t it shameful? I’ll send someone to carry that woman into a sedan chair and marry it. Can I get in? I’m shameless, right this time, right?”

Hearing this, Cui Dajiao slowly stopped crying, and looked suspiciously at Cheng Yaojin, who was full of iron.” What about the second brother?”

“Old Li, Dang! Said, Madam will go back first.”

At this moment, Zhang Feng’s voice suddenly appeared The sound of the sound outside the room made Cheng Yaojin and the others startled in a cold sweat.

At this time, Cui Dajiao also saw the handsome Noble Son.

Zhang Feng’s face was a little gloomy at this time, and he took Yu’er and Jing Shu into Tavern under the leadership of Big Fool Wei and Li Chengqian.

As soon as he walked in, Li Chengqian couldn’t stop winking at a few people, indicating that the matter was handled properly this time.

But where can Cui Dajiao see the colors of the two?

I stopped crying, got up from the ground, ignored Cheng Chumo’s pull, rushed to Zhang Feng, looked up and down Zhang Feng and said: “You said Iron Ox and my old family Black’s brother? The Lord Libation Chancellor Zhang Feng of White Deer Academy of Classical Learning?”

Zhang Feng is also the first time to see this beautiful woman. Although I don’t know what the situation is, he looks aggrieved and timid. Cheng Yaojin, and Cheng Chumo, who has been pulling her, suddenly thought of something.

I hurriedly said in a series: “It turned out to be Madam. Youngster always said that he wanted to visit Madam in your house. Didn’t expect Madam to keep in mind.”

A few people After greetings for a while, Cui Dajiao hurriedly asked: “Since you are the second brother’s brother, that is also the brother of Dajiao.”

while speaking, Cui Dajiao patted Zhang Feng’s. On the shoulder, Zhang Feng’s face instantly turned pale. Following Cui’s three slaps, he squatted on the ground instantly, his face pale.

Jing Shu and Zhang Yuyao quickly floated Zhang Feng up.

In this scene, Cui couldn’t help but froze. ,

Why is this still a soft-footed shrimp?

But when I saw the two women around Zhang Feng, they seemed to have thought of something. They smiled and asked: “Sister-in-law is here this time. It’s not for other things. You can come back. You must know Iron Ox. Things, then… At this time, my sister-in-law can’t count on these bastards. I heard that you have a good relationship with the second brother. I hope you can talk to the second brother?”

See you Zhang Feng He hurriedly patted his chest and said, “Madam, don’t worry, this matter is covered by the youngster. Iron Ox is my brother, one who will not be less! Besides, I entered the White Deer Academy of Classical Learning, that’s me. People of Zhang Feng, whoever dare to move my brother, I must fight him hard!”


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