In Zhang Feng’s living room, Li Yuan is lying on Zhang Feng’s tiger-skin lounger, smoking a cigarette comfortably, and playing with Zhang Feng’s small hip flask.

Seeing that Zhang Feng came in, he took Zhang Feng’s flask into his arms quickly, and Zhang Feng wanted to hit someone.

Why is Lao Tzu like this, and so is my son?

It’s true that it is natural.

Zhang Feng didn’t see it, anyway, now this thing can be mass produced, he likes to give it to him.

As soon as Li Yuan entered the door, hehe smiled and said: “Didn’t expect you to get up early today, why is it because your little lover can’t sleep anymore,”

Zhang Feng Quietly asked: “What little lover, don’t talk nonsense, by the way, what’s the matter with me today? I’m still busy.”

“Things about Dongdu, I’m interested “Is it?” Li Yuan faintly smiled, with a different color in his eyes and asked: “What do you think of this Dongdu?”

Zhang Feng doesn’t know what kind of wind this Lord is doing today, unexpectedly Also learn Old Li to ask this kind of thing waiting to lose your head.

But looking at the origins of this Bieyuan, Zhang Feng did a sound suppression action this time, and after dismissing all the servants, he said: “Lord, this morning, you are Take the wrong medicine? We can’t inquire about this!”

Li Yuan subconsciously asked: “Why can’t I inquire about it?”

“This is not related to Is my house? Ask what’s wrong? And this is where the Sixteen King’s house is located. The news is so rigorous, let’s talk about it.”

“I also have a number in my heart.”

Zhang Feng is very upset.

This matter, although it is really nothing.

But it’s a felony to comment on this Dongdu arbitrarily!

After all, this is the rule laid down by the Retired Emperor, but seeing Old Lord Li being entangled, Zhang Feng also helplessly said: “Thank you, don’t worry, let’s say it slowly. No?”

Hearing this Li Yuan, I’m willing to do it.

“If your youngster is fascinated, let’s talk about it, shouldn’t this Dongdu be repaired.”

Zhang Feng lit a cigarette and searched for a long time about Dongdu. From the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty’s demise, then he turned to ask: “Lord, let me ask you first, this Dongdu, do you think it can be repaired or not?”

This time Li Yuan asked, pointing to himself, shook his head and said, “You youngster, am I not asking you? First tell me your opinion.”

Zhang Feng rolled the eyes and sat down in the seat. He dangled his two legs in the air, sipping tea to the spout and said, “Actually, if there is no such natural danger as Yellow River, there is really no need to repair it. Don’t talk about it, don’t talk about it. , Isn’t this Cháng’ān bad?”

“It’s on the Dragon Vein of Qinling Mountains to the south, and on top of the dragon head of Mt. Longshou in the depths. What is this? This is where Dragon Vein converges. Turkic is blocked by an endless mountain of natural leisure, with Liang Province and Tongguan in the west based on natural risks, and the Yellow River in the east. Isn’t this a treasured land?”

“Look at the Emperor Qin and Hanwu , Why not go to the eastern capital? Instead, stay at Cháng’ān all the time?”

“If you look at the map again, you will know that if the capital is moved, there will be no Cháng’ān control. , The nomadic clan in the north and Tibet Tuyuhun in the south are bound to have no more worries. Once they take advantage of the emptiness to enter Cháng’ān, then…it will be difficult to fight back!”

Li Yuan Hearing this was startled, and hurriedly asked: “Then you mean not to repair it?”

Zhang Feng mysterious smiled, hooked his finger, and Li Yuan patted Zhang Feng’s head angrily. Zhang Feng said honestly: “Xiu, it means that His Imperial Majesty is preparing to move the capital. Once the capital is moved, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the north. If the north is turbulent, then the Surname clan in the south, your character, you slowly Pin.”

Li Yuan couldn’t help but his face slowly sank.

Although he is no longer involved in government affairs at this time, this Dongdu has always been his heart knot.

Building is the general trend.

The relocation of the capital was also for the sake of this aspect. It was before and after the change of Weishui that I had this idea and proposal, but this is what Zhang Feng said at this time.

Li Yuan suddenly thought of the kind of no stronghold one cannot overcome that Zhang Feng had made, and the fire gun that was being cast, and he couldn’t help but feel a little timid at this time.

I couldn’t help but feel a little upset at this time.

The construction of the Eastern Capital was already a noisy discussion spiritedly in the Imperial Court. At this time, Great Tang’s national strength was basically unable to withstand the repair of the Eastern Capital. Li Yuan asked again: “Then you surely think Now it’s useless to build the eastern capital?”

“It’s still useful. Although the previous dynasty was useless, it did a good deed. It connects all the major rivers in Great Tang. The eastern capital It is to be built, but the premise is that after the iron-clad ship is built, when the time comes, Qianli Jiangnan must be reached in one day, and this eastern capital is the important place to contain the south.”

Zhang Feng said. , Added: “However, the premise is that the integration of the northern forces must be completed before, and the awe must be completed, otherwise, the dove will occupy the magpie’s nest and become the king. Do you think His Imperial Majesty will agree? He? He’s not a fool.”

Li Yuan couldn’t help but let out a secretly thought.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter to us, you can just give me the blueprint for the construction of the villa and the approval of the required materials. As for the construction, I will let Erlang go. Just do it, but I really have an important thing to find you today.”

Zhang Feng hearing this, said: “What’s the matter?”

“About the autumn hunter! “Li Yuan looked at Zhang Feng and said: “He doesn’t know where your youngster got this basketball thing. Although there is a lot of rumors in Cháng’ān and even the surrounding area, the Ministry of Works and Ministry of Rites’s assessment has also come out, this thing is not suitable!”

! ! !

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