At this time, Zhang Feng is immersed in the design of football.

This thing is not better than basketball. Elasticity does not need to be too good. It has a texture similar to Cuju, but it must be a little softer than Cuju.

I have seen it by Zhang Feng, and it’s like a bamboo stick wrapped in a thick layer of cowhide. This thing is really useless.

The bamboo sticks were done three times, but each time was not satisfactory.

Zhang Feng finally finalized the bamboo sticks and the general situation of rugby. Only then did he jump out of the workshop and breathe the taste of nature.

That feels like a rebirth.

At this moment, Little Gui’zi did not wait for the carriage to stop, and shouted from a long distance: “Noble Son Zhang, Noble Son Zhang.”

With abhorrible cold, and a sense of sight of the ladyboy who once saw Sawadika on TV, winking at him, Zhang Feng resisted the vomiting, and hurriedly backed up a few steps until he leaned against the wall. Just stopped the figure.

Zhang Feng is a very self-reliant person. Seeing that Little Gui’zi got closer, he stood up straight, and made a motion that could sprint for a hundred meters at any time and asked: “Isn’t this Takako? It’s rare to see you come alone.”

After all, Little Gui’zi is the corner of Li Shimin who is used to seeing all kinds of people, like Zhang Feng, some Surprised, but still said: “What is Noble Son Zhang talking about, small things, eight lifetimes are not enough. Noble Son Zhang no effort at all!”

Zhang Feng didn’t bother to talk to him. I’m pulling, the key is that I can’t hold back the feminine words, blunt asked: “Did something happen to Old Li”?

If Old Li hadn’t sent him to kill Zhang Feng, he wouldn’t believe it, he would come to himself.

Little Gui’zi coughed and looked at Zhang Feng meaningfully. He could only see that Zhang Feng was all hairy. Then he said leisurely: “Could it be that Noble Son Zhang doesn’t know what happened in Chang’an City today? ?”

“What do I know?” Zhang Feng was a little confused.

“It seems that Noble Son Zhang really doesn’t know. Just two hours ago, a group of Foreign Merchants came to Chang’an City.”

Zhang Feng nodded asked “Then what?”

Little Gui’zi glanced at the direction of the Tonghui Street memorial archway gate and said: “But until now, the merchant’s motorcade has been entering Chang’an City end to end. And it is said that it is tobacco.”

“There are more tobacco outside the city than Chang’an City. They are waiting to enter the city. The second master hurriedly asked the younger one to inform Noble Son Zhang, and at this time Basically, the fleet outside the city gate has been controlled, which has caused congestion in Chang’an City. If you are entering the city and attract the attention of those great characters, it will be bad.”

Zhang Feng is shocked. After a few seconds, suck in a cold breath of air asked: “You said, these cars pull tobacco?”

Suddenly, Zhang Feng really remembered that he was in Mt. Under Kui Street Market, he gave a Foreign Merchant a handful of Silver Bills. As for how much he gave, he really forgot. He just told him to buy as much as the amount of Silver Bills.

Unfortunately, Zhang Feng hurriedly asked: “Do you know how many cars of tobacco there are now?”

“Who knows this? But if you look at it in the past, you will know it? “Little Gui’zi spread out his hands, and then said: “Old Lord Li also knows about this, and is now waiting for you in your mansion for this thing!”

Tobacco is in the Tang Dynasty. In the eyes of him, it looks like the leaves of trees outside the city, and they are usually bigger leaves.

So many leaves of trees have entered the city, it is strange not to panic.

At this moment, Niu Weili carried the sky blue official gown and ran over breathlessly, yelling as he ran, “Noble Son Zhang, I found you. !”

“Hurry up and take a look. The Guard army has been alarmed. Now the whole Cháng’ān Street is messed up. If you don’t go, what will happen to heaven knows! “

Zhang Feng hearing this startled: “You won’t let them go to Mt. Kui?”

Niu Weili hearing this became even more anxious.

“The damn bastard came from Mt. Kui. Ting Shuo was chased out by people outside Mt. Kui. There are so many things that everyone is embarrassed to read, hurry up Go and take a look, otherwise there will be serious problems.”

Zhang Feng couldn’t help but also got anxious.

This fucking.

He also didn’t expect, this time, so many tobacco leaves will come out, so many, is that stuff really worthless in return? Is it really as cheap as leaves and grass?

Zhang Feng hurriedly followed Niu Weili to Chang’an City, while thinking about what to do with so many things,

If this is missed by the gangster, don’t be too much. What you need to do is just a fire book, and the entire Chang’an City has to be burned!

He Zhang Feng is true for this charge, but he can’t stand it.

At this time, at the intersection of Chang’an City and Vermilion Bird Gate, the imperial city guards are already waiting, the long knife at the waist and the lance in the hand are all erected, even the Vermilion Bird The gates are all closed, and the densely packed archers on the city gate have all arrows on the black, waiting for them.

Headed by a robust man wearing golden armor, expression indifferent staring at a businessman with a crooked beard in front of these carriages said: “I give you time it takes to drink a cup of tea, take these Damn it, get me out of the city, otherwise, all your goods today, and all your people, die!”

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