The next morning.

Cheng Chumo and the others trembling in fear stood at the door of Zhang Feng’s small wood house, and did not dare to move.

Last night, after Zhang Feng returned to the mountain, everyone saw his gloomy terrifying face. Even Li Chengqian went up to inquire, but Zhang Feng scolded him.

Then called everyone over, fiercely criticized it a bit, and after everyone recited the multiplication and division table and the Book of Songs outside his little wood house, this made everyone get out.

While leaving, this evil star actually made everyone report at his door early this morning, before morning exercises, if he couldn’t see anyone, just get out.

Now, everyone is blown up.

Even Qian Wanli, who had been taking care of the paper mill business, was arrested. More than a dozen young men with big eyes stared at small eyes, and they didn’t know what was going on.

In the end, I asked Yuchi Gong. Yuchi Gong just gave them a piece of advice.

Don’t mess with Zhang Feng!

At this time, everyone is uneasy.

This morning, more than a dozen people hurriedly got into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl of leftovers before dawn, and then hurriedly came, but no one was careless.

The body stood straight and didn’t even dare to let go, because last night, according to Old He in the room, the light in Feng’zi’s room was on all night.

What is this concept?

In other words, Feng’zi didn’t sleep all night, maybe he was there at this time, watching everyone in the crack of the door.

And that damn Shiva is the person most people want to beat at this time. In this batch, if you ask him anything, he is just two words.

I don’t know!

I’m asking, I don’t care about you. An angry Li Chengqian kicked Cheng Chumo secretly and ordered him to blow Shiva tonight.

When everyone’s legs were weak and their heads were sweating, the door now finally opened.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Feng still had a gloomy face, staring at Shiva who was squatting at the door: “Are you ready for the armor I asked you to prepare?”

“Quasi… …Ready!”

Zhang Feng nodded: “Let someone take it over, by the way, you too!”


Shiva I wanted to cry, but Li Chengqian and the others roared excitedly in the heart.

Happiness, it’s so fucking fun!

“Today, basketball Chen Tieniu, Chong Zi, Big Fool Wei, Yu Baolin, plus Qian Wanli, you guys don’t practice anymore, wait for me to teach you a new thing. As for the rest People, I will give you ten days. Before the end of the autumn hunting and the Mid Autumn Festival, if you don’t train me to get the results I want in basketball, no matter who it is, give it to me!”


At this moment, Li Chengqian and the others were blown up and wanted to ask but didn’t dare to ask.

His face is flushed.

At this time, Cheng Chumo and the others’ heart fell to the bottom, and weakly asked: “Feng’zi…cough cough, Lord Dean, where are we?”

He was in a guilty conscience and couldn’t help it. Having known Zhang Feng for so long, this was the first time he saw Zhang Feng so furious.

Li Chengqian and the others didn’t know what Zhang Feng was going to do. They asked Shiva to get the armor for a while, and then kicked them out. This was obviously unreasonable.

Zhang Feng didn’t hide it either. He waited until everyone was waiting impatiently and said: “Did you see that thing?”

Everyone is hearing this, follow along Looking in the direction of Zhang Feng’s fingers, he saw a flat basketball with cowhide at his door. Zhang Feng continued: “This thing is called rugby. Don’t you like hitting people?”

“Okay, starting from today, I will join you. Let’s practice to the death. We must give this thing to me before the autumn hunting, that is, during these five days. If we can’t practice, the Academy will be disbanded! “


Can everyone not understand?

If you don’t understand, you can understand.

No way, I don’t understand at this time, it is simply courting death.

While speaking, Zhang Feng looked at the boxes of armor that the students had brought, and pointed at everyone: “Come on, one piece for each person, and all of them are neatly dressed for me!”

Then Zhang Feng rushed to the door and followed him up last night, the king cripple and the others beckons with the hand, Wang cripple took his more than 30 veterans, hurriedly lined up in formation, and ran here.

And this scene could not help but aroused the attention of all the Guard troops who were on Mt. Kui disguised as escorts, and made Cheng Chumo Li Chengqian and the others alarm bells.

After all, the distance here is not far. After a few breaths, everyone came to Zhang Feng. Without waiting for Wang Cripple’s introduction, Zhang Feng waved his hand and said, “You are all veterans. There is a set. Now that you choose to follow me, Zhang Feng, I will give you the first task. Have you seen these five people? I limit you to train me in five days!”


Among the thirty-odd veterans, a few were swaying after seeing Cheng Chumo.

Isn’t this Xiaowei Cheng?


How to be a student here?

And which of them dare to train Xiaoli Cheng?

But the guys who are eating are important at this time, and they can only pretend not to know each other.

One of the guys with a scar across his face clasped his fists and asked: “Noble Son Zhang, how do we train these people? If it’s a basic rush, it’s less than three days, as long as you I’m willing, under the condition that we don’t kill them, we can train you.”


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