Three days later.

Jing Shu and Zhang Yuyao moved back to the mountain again.

The main reason is that Zhang Feng is too unreliable. When they walked away with their front foot, Zhang Feng almost choked Lao Yu to death on the back foot.

After the old village chief and Old Scholar learned about it, the two old men almost peeled Lao Yusheng with a kitchen knife, but fortunately, Old Li called Lao Yu to Luozhou in time. Ship a batch of Cement, which made Old Scholar and the old village chief not get what they wanted.

However, the two women were stuffed to Zhang Feng again.

The name says, Zhang Family has to keep the family property, otherwise, if everyone comes out like this, what else is there in Old Zhang’s house?

When Zhang Feng’s doll came out, he stretched out his hand and asked him if I wanted a little housekeeping skill, what else did Zhang Feng have at that time?

The two girls also seem to know about Zhang Feng and Yu’er, but Tang Dynasty is good, the atmosphere, that simply makes Zhang Feng love and hate it, don’t you say it’s okay, this can be three Wives and four concubines, and can get along well, you say okay, this custom of three wives and four concubines makes Zhang Feng feel sorry for the two girls.

Today, Zhang Feng rarely woke up early, and he also wore the Great Confucian clothes neatly, and Zhang Yuyao, who was led by him, also wore a rare gorgeous gown. This was given by Zhangsun Wugou. As soon as he appeared, the wild beasts who were present screamed again and again.

Zhangsun Wugou is even more mediocre and nodded.

And Jing Shu not to mention.

A light yellow outfit with some pink decorations, it looks like a noble concubine. Compared with Zhang Yuyao’s gold-rimmed feather coat, there is a little more dust-free Immortal Qi.

At this time, at the gate of the mountain, Li Shimin and Zhangsun Wugou sat in a sedan to say hello to Zhang Feng, which was considered as a farewell, and Wei Zheng and the others also followed Zhang Feng. Say hello.

When I walked to the gate of the mountain, Zhang Feng took the two women down the carriage, and said with everyone: “You guys don’t want to send each other away. If you don’t succeed this time, you will be benevolent. I don’t believe Zhang Feng. Now, the rugby and basketball I made can’t kill him Cuju?”

After that, Zhang Feng waved his hand, and several people with a weird costumed Li Chengqian who wanted to go crazy, lowered their heads. With a flushed face, Zhang Feng hurried down the mountain with Zhang Feng.

These three days.

Zhang Feng secretly went down the mountain once, and found the king cripple, explained the manufacturing of rugby uniforms, and then asked Niu Weili to join the army and purchased fifteen sets of leather armor by official means Overnight, I remodeled it into the red and white that Zhang Feng wanted at this time. There is a number from 1 to 15 on the front of the chest with white paint, and there is also such a weird number on the back.

But above this number, there are four words that everyone knows.

White Deer Academy of Classical Learning!

Every autumn hunting is held in Lantian. This is a good place for natural hunting. The land is sparsely populated and the scenery is beautiful. Although it has experienced the erosion of the locust plague, the land is in this month. Under the nourishment of autumn rain, the horn of life was blooming again.

A group of people came out of the area of ​​Mt. Kui and went all the way to the west. As long as they walked along the official road along the Weishui River, the next town appeared, Lantian.

Along the way, because there is only one day, I joined the Ministry of Works Ministry of Rites at the Weishui Bridge, and then after the registration was completed, I wandered towards Lantian.

Along the way, everyone spent another two days. In these two days, they were basically students from the two major academies, plus the Institute of Great Culture, the four major academies of Cháng’ān University. The students ask questions about teaching, or hunt together, cook together, etc. There is nothing wrong with other things.

Two days are fleeting.

Two days later, when Zhang Feng was standing in an open wilderness, he looked around.

Li Chengqian full of smiles asked: “Are you looking for Erpigou?”

Zhang Feng asked in surprise: “Is it right here?”


Li Chengqian nodded.

Zhang Feng hearing this busy squatting on the ground, looking at the stones on the ground to observe, he almost came over with his head to dig for him to see if there is any coal mine below.

Li Chengqian saw this, and hurriedly dissuaded him: “You still have to stop a little bit. As far as I know, this is Erpi Ling not fake, but it’s not that it is all coal mines, right? The messenger told Old Ox, maybe in the evening, Old Ox will come over, you should prepare first, and we will see you later.”

Zhang Feng hasn’t understood what Li Chengqian said. What do you mean.

Just beside a river between the two mountains in the open area, rows of tables and chairs have been placed at this time, and the students who participated in the autumn hunting are standing upright. In the position of the Academy.

While White Deer Academy of Classical Learning and Cháng’ān University stood on the positions of Bingzi and Dingzi respectively.

Rather than waiting for Zhang Feng’s question, a small servant of the Ministry of Works stared at Zhang Feng with a stern face and some complaints: “It’s the first time you participated in the autumn hunt. Forgive you, don’t you go there quickly? Qiu Shou is waiting for you.”


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