
Hearing the call, Kearns subconsciously turned his head to look at Dimiugos on the side, and said with some doubts.

“What’s wrong?”

Bekearns asked suddenly, and Dimiurgos was also stunned for a moment, and responded with some puzzlement.

“What’s wrong?”

This time, it was Kanes’ turn to be stunned for a moment.

Just now I was sure that I heard the voice calling for myself.

Beside him, there was only Dimiurgos.

If he wasn’t shouting himself, who would it be?

A puzzled Kearns was about to ask Dimiurgos.

But when the voice arrived, it seemed to feel the doubts in Kanes’s heart, and it echoed in Kanes’ mind again at this moment.

“It’s me, Captain. I am calling you, I am the spirit of the Eternal Wind. ”

Hear the voice.

Kearns turned his head to look at the skeleton banner with the crown at the mast.


On the side, seeing Kanes’s abnormal reaction, Dimiugos also noticed the abnormality.

Following Kearns’ gaze, Dimiugos also looked at the flag.

A moment later, I saw a smile on his face, and he said a little suddenly.

“So it is, are you ‘alive’? What a surprise! ”

Even Kearns couldn’t help but agree with Dimiurgos.

“It’s really surprising!”

The crown skeleton of the banner trembled slightly.

In the next second, I saw him open his mouth and speak.

“Don’t be surprised, Captain, you gave me new life so that I was able to speak as I am at this moment.”

As the ship spirit spoke.

The crew members of the ship stopped their work and looked up at the pirate flag hanging on the sails.

“Hey, hey, I didn’t hear you wrong, did I?”

“Flags….. Spoken? ”

“I heard it too, it can’t be wrong.”

The crew exclaimed.

It’s just that the ship spirit didn’t take care of them at the moment.

“I gave you new life? Is it because I named the Pirates? Kearns asked, wondering in his heart.

In this regard, Ship Ling decisively admitted.

“Yes, it is also your name, Captain, that has given me new life, thinking, and strength.”

“That’s how it is.” Kearns nodded, and the answer was the same as he had predicted.

At this time, the ship spirit looked at Dimiurgos and spoke.

“It also surprised me that you discovered my existence so quickly.”

Dimiurgos chuckled disapprovingly.

“Isn’t that a matter of course? As the most loyal subordinate of the captain, if he does not even have this ability, how can he stay by the captain’s side and serve the captain? ”

In this regard, the ship spirit also agreed with the opening of the mouth.

“Indeed as you said!”

Listening to the conversation between the ship spirit and Dimiugos, Kearns suddenly remembered something.

Although it is said that it is a ship spirit and can speak, it should have other abilities.

Thinking so, Kearns was about to open his mouth to ask the ship spirit.

However, his thoughts had just arisen, and before he could speak, a large amount of information poured into his mind.

And all this is about the ability of the ship spirit.

Three of them stand out the most.

“At the helm”, “psychic”, “sharing”

“At the helm”, as the name suggests, is the ability to take over the ship and steer the ship.

And “psychic” is somewhat similar to the taste of apparition.

As long as it is the flag pattern of the “Pale Emperor Pirates”, the ship spirit can be channeled through, in other words, the flag pattern of the “Pale Emperor Pirates” is where the ship spirit is.

“Sharing” means sharing of vision.

Kearns can see what the ship spirit sees through the eyes of the ship spirit!

I have a general understanding of the ship’s ability.

Kearns couldn’t help but sigh.

“It’s really some practical ability.”

“So now, it’s almost there…” Kanes turned his head to look at the endless sea.

“Always waiting for your orders, Captain.” Dimiurgos spoke respectfully.

Kearns: “Set sail!” ”


On the mast, the sail with the symbol of the huge pirate group fell in response to the sound, and was blown up by the sea breeze.

The Eternal Windbreaker, which docked in port, also started slowly at the same time.

The Pale Emperor Pirate Group has officially set sail at this moment!

Sail on great routes!



Time flies.

One morning a few days after the Pale Emperor Pirates’ group set sail.

An island.

A girl who turned sixteen and had long blonde hair also ushered in her own voyage.

The coastal beach of the island.

Several of her friends were waving goodbye with tears in their eyes.

After saying goodbye one by one, the girl faced the sea.

At this time, her expression was a little excited, and she was full of expectations for the future.


Taking a deep breath, the girl rushed to the sea, let go of her voice and shouted.

“The sea!! ONEPIECE! I’m Via Angeli, here!! ”

After this shout, Weiya couldn’t help but laugh happily.




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