For dinner, eight people sat at the table.

Wren officially introduced the droplet.

"This is Droplet, and from today onwards, will be a supernumerary member of our scavenger squad. "

"Her ability is that of a protruding fish, which can suck in anything she considers inanimate. "

Nobunaga and Ogin nodded.

Brian said with some excitement: "Captain, I have opened the fine hole today and learned the ability to read, can I officially join the scavenger team now?"


Nobunaga glanced at Brian.

"I just learned to entangle. "

"Is it a test?"

"Not yet. "

"You can test it after eating. "

But there is no need to test, Wren has already guessed some, Brian's personality is similar to Nobunaga, Nobunaga is a reinforcement system, and Brian will most likely be a reinforcement system.

Sure enough, when Sayaka came over with a cup after eating, and when Brian covered his hand, the amount of water increased, and it continued to flow out of the cup.

"Reinforcement system. "

Wren looked at Brian and said, "Not yet, until you develop your abilities and get your hunter license, you can officially join the scavenger team." "

"Rooney, you too. "

"However, your telekinesis has already been developed, as long as you get your hunter's license. "

Brian was a little disappointed, but quickly cheered up again.

"I'll try. "

Rooney used to be a criminal, but that identity is gone.

Now Rooney is a new identity.

However, even if you are a criminal, you can do it.

The knights in the Phantom Brigade also got a hunter's license.

"Maggie, Nobunaga, Ogin, come in, I have something to discuss with you. "

"About the base of our scavenger squad. "

"With our current staffing, we need a fixed base, and I have two ideas right now, one is to choose a mountain in the middle of nowhere," Wren said. "

"The other thing is to choose an island. "

"What do you think?"

Maggie hesitated for a moment and said, "I think the island is more suitable." "

"Nobunaga, Ogine, what about you?"

Nobunaga and Ogin glanced at each other and said, "We can all do it, Captain, you can decide." "

Wren nodded.

"Then the island. "

Immediately, Wren found Rooney.

"The location is remote, not too big, but not too small, and it is best to have some dangerous creatures living nearby, so that people from outside cannot easily enter. "

Wren said what he wanted.

Soon, Rooney came up with a list.

"Captain, these six islands basically meet your requirements. "

Wren looked over one by one.

After a while, Wren picked one out.

It covers an area of 300 square kilometers and is located in the north, close to the Republic of Batochia, but despite its proximity, the real distance is not far, and it takes a long time to reach it.

This is a shark breeding area, and almost no one approaches it.

"That's it. "

Wren gave the order.

"Buy supplies, buy a boat, and head to the island. "

Wren's idea is to first determine the location, and then go to the Island of Greed, which has a lot of technology that Wren wants to get.

Peer, magnetic, etc.

The supplies were all placed in small droplets of eyefish.

After that, a medium-sized ship was bought by Wren.

Adjust the direction and drive as fast as you can towards the island.

Maggie was looking forward to it.

Unlike others, Maggie cares a lot about home.

In the past, Maggie regarded the cabins on Meteor Street as her home, and she was reluctant to give up.

After that, there is the manor of Canterlot.

But because that was Wren's decision, Maggie didn't refute it.

And now, the island to which he is about to go, according to Wren, is the base after the scavenger team, and it is a permanent base, for Maggie, a new home, a real home.

Suddenly, the ship jolted.

Wren came to the side of the boat and looked down.

The waves are not very big, and what causes the hull to jolt is something else.


Wren raised his eyebrows slightly.

"A giant octopus, when you see this boat, do you think there is any delicious food on board?"

The next moment, Wren moved.

"Use the character, Gunner!"

"Laser gun!"

A laser sank underwater, and instantly, it pierced the octopus's head.

"Maggie. "

"Yes. "

Maggie's threads stretched, wrapping the octopus firmly.

Wren looked at the octopus and smiled.

"Today's lunch, there is. "

"Nobunaga, you split this octopus. "

"I'll take care of the cooking. "

"Sayaka, you're here to help me. "

Wren remembers that he seemed to have mastered the level of cooking from the dismantling machine.

Not to mention that it is comparable to a real chef, but it is not a problem to cook an octopus.

Moreover, the material is good.

It is not easy for a completely pure wild octopus to grow to such a large size.


"I didn't expect you to have such good cooking skills, captain. "

Wren smiled and didn't answer.

Two days passed, and finally, the shadow of a small island appeared in everyone's sight.

"It's finally almost here. "

Wren sped up the ship.

After landing, the eight of them got off the boat and took a serious look at the island.

A small flying machine flies under Rooney's control, and Rooney prepares to take pictures of the entire island so that Wren can plan better.

Soon, Rooney was uploading the photo to his computer.

In the middle is a mountain.

To the east is a reef, to the south is a sandy beach, to the north is a cliff, and to the west is a dense forest.

"The estate is built on the hill. "

"The estate needs to be walled around it. "

"The port, built on the beach to the south, a road, extends to the location of the estate. "

Wren said that Rooney crossed out the photo and presented Wren's plan on the picture, which was more intuitive for Maggie and others to see clearly.

"Captain, if there are only eight of us, it won't be easy to get these things done. "

Wren nodded.

"It's not easy, I have a plan, but I can't say it right now. "

Wren looked at the hill and said, "Let's build a few houses that can live in it first." "

"Use the character, the gunner. "

If you want to build a house, you have to build a road first.

Start at the beach and end at the top of the mountain.

Wren decided to go a little berserk.

"G14 grenade!"

Directly explode, blow up a way.


A loud explosion sounded, and the creatures in the woods were immediately alarmed and scattered.

It was a sound they had never heard before.

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