
In the run-down Marinfodo, it rained heavily, extremely rarely.

It’s like the sky is leaking!

In a makeshift high-level conference room for the Navy.

Warring states.



Yellow Ape.

The faces of the four people looked extremely ugly.

Sengoku took a deep breath and headed towards Tsuru.

“Inform Lin Kai and Sakaski?”

“What did they say?”

The crane bowed his head and said in a deep voice.


“But they said they had something to do and might be in the dark for a while.”

As soon as Tsuru’s words came out, the entire conference room fell silent.

This is what it used to be.

At the high-level meeting of the Navy, Lin Kai and Sakaski dared to be late.

Although no one dares to really take the two of them.

But it is absolutely inevitable that the yellow ape’s few yin and yang strange voices.

But now even the yellow ape is silent.

It is enough to see what kind of pressure the original team of their naval top is under in these few days.

A battle on top.

The city was destroyed, although Lin Kai went to suppress it, stabilizing the situation.

But after Lin Kai left, Blackbeard Titch sneaked in again, not only seriously injuring Magellan, but also releasing the prisoners on the sixth floor of the Advance City who were not killed by Lin Kai.

Among them,!

Sea heroes are very peaceful!


It also includes those brought by Blackbeard on top.

More importantly, the most secret underground half of the city.

It is also because of Blackbeard’s big trouble that the truly most vicious criminals fled. “720”

Among them, there is the Red Earl, who once defeated the current general marshal of the three armies!

Former One Piece crew, Barrett.

Momo Fruit Ability, Bondi Wald and so on.

This account should not have been counted on the heads of Warring States and others.

However, before the war on the top, Lin Kai suggested to the top of the navy more than once that it was necessary to strengthen the defense of the city.

But at that time, who really took Lin Kai’s words seriously, and even did not hesitate to directly burst out at the meeting that he was willing to bear all the consequences.

Therefore, this account, the world government can all be counted on the heads of Warring States and others.

This was the first pressure that Sengoku and others understood.

Second stress!

At the top, because of cowardice, the Warring States even wanted to make concessions with the red-haired Shanks and others, which to a great extent tarnished the reputation of the navy and was scorned by the whole world, so the world government also had to calculate this account on their heads.

The third pressure is not from the world government, but completely from within their navy.

Karp fled with Luffy and the others, and the three of the Warring States not only did not chase, but also contributed to the escape of Karp and the others.

Although there is not enough evidence that the three of them have defected.

But it was precisely because of the actions of the three of them that they completely broke the hearts of the navy.

From the top of the past three days.

The originally highly respected Marshal of the Warring States, the two generals, directly seemed to have become transparent objects in the navy.

No one took the initiative to talk to them anymore, and even when they saw the three of them, the ordinary navy had to go far away.

Enough to see how much disgust it is!

At the same time, the top naval officials during this time became extremely depressed because of Karp’s suicide.

After a long silence.

Sengoku suddenly spoke, Dao.

“There is always a time when things have to be resolved.”

“How many times have I been told that there must be someone to take on these responsibilities.”

“After thinking about it, I guess only I am the only person who can bear this responsibility.”

“It is precisely because of my mistakes in judgment, but also because of my paranoia and faults.”

“That’s why we gave our navy such great losses to the world, plus so many disasters.”

“I am ready to submit my resignation to Marshal Air and no longer hold the post of Admiral in the future.”

Sengoku’s words came out.

Tsuru was the first to object.


“Karp is dead now, have you even started to retreat?”

“After the war, everything is in ruins, and the entire navy still needs you.”

“Where people never make mistakes, although now the people below are very resistant to us.”

“But I believe that after a while, everything will get better.”

The green pheasant also spoke.

“Capusan, with his life, has given the world an explanation.”

“There is a mistake in the advancing city, although we are responsible, but how can the responsibility be all on us!”

“Didn’t Lin Kai also go at that time?”

“Isn’t it the same, has everything that should have happened happened?”

Tsuru took the call.

“Kuzan is right.”

“Sengoku, you can’t lose confidence because of Karp’s death.”

“The entire Navy needs you!”

“Now that Newgate is dead in battle, the red-haired pirates are almost dead in name except for Shanks.”

“All the outlaws on this sea have begun to covet the position of these two sea emperors, and they are about to move, if you resign from the position of marshal now.”

“Who are you going to clean up this mess?”

“Lin Kai and Sakaski, after what happened to them, I admit that both of them absolutely believe in justice.”

“But justice is by no means conquering the entire sea with a sword in your hand alone.”

Compared to the firmness of the position and the understanding of justice.

Tsuru was probably more paranoid than anyone present.

He really didn’t like Lin Kai and Sakaski’s kind of people who were too murderous.

On the contrary, they also feel that the navy on this sea should follow the way they do things like the Warring States Karp.

When Warring States heard this, he just shook his head again and again and said at the same time.

“The current situation is by no means something that can be shirked by a few words.”

“All faults and derelictions must be borne by one person.”

“So this person has to be me too.”

“It’s just that I have one more thing to do before I resign.”


Hearing Sengoku shouting himself, the green pheasant looked up blankly and said.

“Marshal of the Warring States.”

“What do you want to say?”

Sengoku said with a deep sigh.

“I am ready to fully recommend you as the new Admiral!”

Just when this sentence of the Warring States was just exported.

The door to the conference room suddenly opened.

It was no one else who walked in.

It was Lin Kai and Sakaski.

Seeing the two of them coming, none of the high-ranking naval officials present spoke.

Lin Kai said.

“Marshal of the Warring States.”

“I’m really sorry, the two of us came to the evening because of something temporary.”

“What is the end of your meeting?”

Nowadays, it may be that the pirates and outlaws in the entire sea will be screaming when they hear Lin Kai’s name.

Seeing Lin Kai himself, it would be even more frightened that he couldn’t even walk.

But when it comes to the Warring States, he is really not afraid of Lin Kai, and at the same time, his hatred for Lin Kai is almost to the point of gritting his teeth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the eyes of the Warring States, the reason why Karp chose to die.

That was all because Lin Kai forced it.

If it weren’t for Lin Kai’s insistence on killing Luffy the Straw Hat, how could Karp, who had been loyal to the navy all his life, turn his back on the justice he believed in!

If Karp did not turn his back on justice, he would naturally not feel faceless to live in this world, let alone choose to die to free himself!

“It was discussed who should take this responsibility.”

“Who should succeed the next Admiral!”

Lin Kai sneered and said.

“Then since this is the case, may I ask the Marshal of the Warring States, how did you think about it?”

Sengoku glanced at Lin Kai and said.

“I’ll be responsible for the incident in Advance City.”

“I will also bear the burden of compromising with the redhead on top.”

“So I will take the initiative to submit my resignation to Marshal Kong.”

“As for the position of marshal, I will strongly recommend Kuzan to take over!”

“I believe Kuzan can do better than I can and change the status quo of our Navy across the board.”

“At the same time, it can better solve the dispute on this sea!”

Lin Kai nodded.

“Marshal of the Warring States, you said it very well and correctly.”


Without waiting for Lin Kai to finish speaking.

But listen to the crane.

“But what?”

“Sengoku is still the marshal of the Navy, you talk to him like that.”

“Is there a trace of respect for superiors!”

When Lin Kai heard this, he laughed directly and said.


“Hahahaha, Crane, you are respecting me now?”

“You seem to have forgotten that I reminded you more than once before I went to war on top!”

“It is necessary to strengthen the defense of the city!”

“It is necessary to strengthen the defense !!! of the city”

“But what about you?”

“Who has heard me!”

“Who else took me Lin Kai seriously!”

“Well, even if I, Lin Kai, am a butcher, I don’t deserve your respect!”

“What about Lieutenant General Squirrel?”

“Why did you agree to Hancock’s request that female pirate to visit Advance City!”

“Do you know, just because you promised!”

“How many jailers died in the city, and how many forces were damaged!”

“Lieutenant General Squirrel, you can’t walk upright until now!”

“Did you respect him?”

Lin Kai can never forget 0…….

The moment he stepped into the Advance City, what did the entire Advance City look like.

At the same time, it is impossible to forget.

When the squirrel was beaten by Luffy’s brothers, his helplessness, and his firmness!

And the source of all this is all because of the stupidity of those present!

Kuzan stood up and said.

“The incident that advanced into the city was an accident!”

“And didn’t you already arrive then?”

“And didn’t you also fail to change the situation?”

When Lin Kai heard this, he immediately slammed the table and roared.

“I, Lin Kai, am also a person!”

“Not God!”

“Well, if there are more today, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you!”

“I’ll explain a little now!”

“Marshal of the Warring States, let me call you Marshal once at the end.”

“Who are you going to recommend,.”

“But you said you want to resign, and I, Lin Kai, will never agree!”

When the yellow ape heard this, he also stood up and said with a smile.

“You are the one who scolded the Marshal of the Warring States, and the person who did not let the Marshal of the Warring States resign is also you.”

“Then what did you mean by that?”

“What exactly are you trying to say?”

Lin Kaidao.


“Indecisive in case of trouble, failed decision-making, as the supreme commander of the Navy, caused immeasurable losses to the Navy!”

“So this can’t be called resignation at all, it’s called dismissal!”



Between the two, there are completely different concepts.

The former is an active exit, which is equivalent to a retirement after success.

And the latter had to leave because he made a major mistake!

Lin Kai’s dismissal came out.

A bolt of lightning crossed the sky.

A muffled thunderbolt was like breaking the stalemate in an instant.

Outside the house, heavy rain poured, but inside the house Kuzan said coldly.

“Lin Kai, don’t forget your own body 4.1 parts!”

“Although you are the number one hero in this war, you cannot be proud of your merits!”

“The Marshal of the Warring States dedicated his life to the development of the Navy.”

“What qualifications do you have, to deny everything about him!”

Lin Kai nodded and smiled.

“Yes, I am indeed not qualified to point fingers at the Warring States.”

“I am not qualified to decide where a marshal will stay!”

“What about them?”

“Can they?”

Lin Kai suddenly stretched out his finger to the dilapidated square outside the meeting.

People in the room.

By the lightning in the rainy night, but the situation in the square can be seen clearly.

Lieutenant General of all hawks.

The elite navies of the various units that have not yet left.

At this moment, it was neatly and densely standing on the ruined square.

Seeing Sengoku and the others, they looked at the square.

Almost in unison.

“Ask the Marshal of the Warring States to accept the dismissal!”

“Ask the Marshal of the Warring States to accept the dismissal!!”

“Ask the Marshal of the Warring States to accept the dismissal!!!”

This loud sound, completely surpassing the thunder in the sky, echoed throughout the square of Marinfodo.

Kuzan was furious, and said, “Lin Kai, you are demagogizing people and forcing the palace against the former marshal of the Warring States!” ”

And after the Warring States saw the scene outside the house, blood surged for a while, and a mouthful of old blood directly spewed out.

The whole person seemed to be unable to stand and fell directly to the ground.

And just when the rest of the people hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to lift the Warring States up.

But suddenly, everyone in the conference room saw Sengoku’s originally thick and dark hair.

It is rapidly turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye!.

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