Zefa, who had completely lost his will to fight, and even said that he had the courage to face reality, after seeing the arrival of the green pheasant.

On that numb face, a smile suddenly appeared.

“Kuzan, I haven’t seen you for so many years, and you’ve become an adult.”

The green pheasant shook his head and smiled.

“But I’m not a cool person.”

“I can’t even protect my own benefactor.”

“Now I don’t even have a navy.”

“Teacher Zefa, the pain you have endured, I seem to feel it personally.”

As he spoke, the green pheasant turned his gaze to Lin Kai again, and then said.

“Lin Kai, our account should also be settled.”

“The death of Mr. Karp, the coma of the Marshal of the Warring States.”

“And the navy today, and the balance of this sea that has been upset.”

“All of this is inextricably linked to you.”

“Today, it’s time to settle together.”

Lin Kai listened to the words of the green pheasant, and couldn’t help but sneer.


“You and your teacher are just the same.”

“It’s all waste that has thrown away their faith.”

“After not being able to bear the pain of reality, it becomes crazy and extreme!”

“It feels as if the world is sorry for you.”

“But I don’t like to lecture anyone.”

“Want revenge, huh?”

“Then come on!”

Lin Kai drank coldly, holding a long knife, and faced the two people of the green pheasant and the yellow ape.

Now it’s a showdown between old and new.

But the names of the green pheasant and the yellow ape had already resounded throughout the sea long before Lin Kai was born.

Lin Kai is one against two, what will be this victory or defeat?

The green pheasant waved his hand indifferently.

“Lin Kai, before I killed you, I actually always had a question that I wanted to ask you.”

“You have been in our navy since you joined our navy.”

“In the beginning, we were actually extremely optimistic about you.”

“I even fantasized that one day we would be partners, the most loyal comrades to each other.”

“But your style is really unacceptable to us.”

“I know, this may be justice as you understand it!”

“But bloody slaughter, careless fighting!”

“Do you think there will really be the outcome you want?”

“You said that Teacher Zefa and I are extreme, but in fact, the most extreme person happens to be you~.”

“Without your presence, this sea would not have been as stormy as this.”

“Why can’t you try to think about it, balance is actually the most powerful guarantee in this world!”

The voice of the green pheasant fell!

Lin Kai’s answer to him was directly an extremely swift sword.

The green pheasant seemed to have guessed that Lin Kai would answer him in such a way.

I didn’t feel surprised at all.

After dodging Lin Kai’s knife.

The pheasant continued.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can’t explain it?”

“So you can only cover up your lack of confidence through violence?”

“You killed Whitebeard.”

“Kill Ace!”

“Destroy the Seven Martial Seas!”

“Together with Sakaski, the headquarters of the Navy was relocated to the New World!”

“But what’s the point of all this you’ve done?”

“The end of the old emperor always stimulates the new emperor’s accession to the throne!”

“This sea has not compromised because of your tough methods.”

“On the contrary, it has become more and more tyrannical!”

“What’s the point of everything you do?”

In the eyes of the green pheasant, today’s Lin Kai will definitely die.

And as a person who hates Lin Kai, Qing Pheasant does not want to let Lin Kai die just like that.

He wanted Lin Kai to understand a truth.

Tough attitude and unlimited killing.

The word justice cannot be upheld at all.

Although Lin Kai has strong force.

But this mind is more like a child.

It’s ridiculously childish!

Lin Kai slashed at the green pheasant a few more times, and then said with a smile.


“The world is so chaotic.”

“It is because there are people like you, guarding the so-called balance, that Roger which fool will open the so-called era of sea thieves!”

“You’re right.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“The end of the old emperor will always stimulate the new emperor’s accession to the throne!”

“But isn’t this so-called new emperor and old emperor precisely because of your balance?”

“The era of sea thieves, the real culprit!”

“It’s not Roger, it’s not the Four Emperors, it’s you old fashioned fools!”

“And the Five Old Stars and Draco!”

When it comes to the Five Old Stars and Draco.

All the navies, almost at the same time, gasped!

Because the three words Draco are like a spell for ordinary people!

You can curse him countless times in your heart, but you must not put these three words on the table.

At this moment, Lin Kai directly named these three noble words after the culprit.

How much courage does it take to be?

“I killed pirates because they were incompetent!”

“They would have been victims of this messy world!”

“But why are they so stupid and do not recognize who brought them injustice and misfortune!”

“And choose to point the butcher knife at the civilians who have no resistance?”

“So pirates damn it!”

“As for Karp and Sengoku! And you guys! ”

“Although they all have force that is difficult for ordinary people to match, they always leave a line of leeway for pirates.”

“Perhaps, you are doing this to the so-called balance of yours!”

“But it is precisely because of your balance that the world is getting worse and worse!”

“Let the pirates lose their fear, and also make the navy unable to embody true justice!”

“So, I’m going to break it all!”

“I’m going to turn it all upside down!”

“I must use the toughest attitude and the most iron-blooded means to break your balance!”

“If the old cannot be transformed, it can only be destroyed and new things built!”

“Kuzan, Berusalino!”

“I don’t care what your position is, or what you believe in.”

“But you are all obstacles to my pursuit of absolute justice.”

“So you all have to die!”

As soon as Lin Kai’s words fell, his attack became sharper.

Even if it is one enemy and two, it does not fall behind in the slightest.

As for the green pheasant and the yellow ape.

The more I listened, the more I felt frightened.

As far as Lin Kai’s words just now, they had never thought about it as a navy!

Could it be that this is what Lin Kai has always thought and originally intent?

Has his target always been Draco and Five Old Stars?

“Lin Kai!”

“What the hell do you want?”

The green pheasant asked, Lin Kai slashed over again, and then said.

“Kill you!”

“Also, smash this messy world!”

“Let the so-called five old stars, Draco all disappear!”

“Establish a new order!”

“Let the privileges of the Draco disappear, and everyone can be equal!”

“Sin can be punished, and goodness can be sheltered!”

“Build a truly equal world!”

Lin Kai’s last words directly echoed throughout the island!

It entered the ears of those present.

At the same time, it really entered their hearts.

The dream in my heart can be so gentle!

However, after thinking about it carefully, no one seemed to feel that Lin Kai was saying empty words.

Because since Lin Kai appeared.

He never attacked any civilians.

He had never bowed his head to any Draco.

Even the green pheasant and the yellow ape who were bent on taking Lin Kai’s life.

After listening to Lin Kai’s words.

It’s like you’ve been under a spell.

In their eyes, Lin Kai was a butcher and devil with blood on his hands.

But now, Lin Kai, the butcher, doesn’t seem to be as simple as they think.

Its ambition and heart.

It seemed like they had never thought about it.

At this time, the yellow ape and the green pheasant were almost a little confused about right and wrong.

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