Afterwards, the test continued.

Ghost Spider continued to record

"Frederick, 4100 Dao Strength"

"Rudy Vega, 3200 Daoli"

"Arnold Langer, 6000 dwt"

"Milje Dogus, 12,000 Dao Force"

"Rabbi DeFuller, 4300 Dao Force"

"Anderson Harper, 2000 DOL"

"Rishiman Baghdadi, 9500 Daoli"


Time passed quickly, and soon, the data of many people who came to test their Dao power were recorded by Ghost Spider.

"I didn't expect that there are so many powerful guys in our world. Miljedogus with 12,000 Daoli is almost as good as me."

Lieutenant General Doberman looked at these people and couldn't help but sigh.

Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan smoked a cigar and said in a deep voice:"Rishman Baghdadi with 9,500 Daoli is also very powerful. He is just one point away from breaking through 10,000 Daoli. If he breaks through, he will be considered a strong man in the navy."

"These guys are full of hidden talents. If it weren't for the World Recruitment, we wouldn't have known there were so many civilian masters."

Vice Admiral Stoloberi followed up. Vice Admiral Flying

Squirrel looked at everyone and said,"Everyone should work hard. This World Recruitment has probably attracted many masters. If we don't work hard, we may fall behind."

Milje Dogus, Richman Baghdadi... are all guys with great potential. If they are well trained, they will be a major force in the Navy.

If they eat the devil fruit, their combat effectiveness will double.

In short, the World Government's World Recruitment was not wrong.

"Green Bull, come here and test your Dao power."

Suddenly, Ghost Spider, who was recording, called out a person's name.

Suddenly, a handsome man came out.

He had black curly hair.

Click, click, click~~

Green Bull rubbed his hands, clenched his fists and did some warm-up exercises.

"I said, what is the limit of this machine?"Suddenly, Green Bull asked Spider Demon.

Hearing this, Spider Demon said to Green Bull:"I don't know the limit of this machine, but I can tell you that even if several of us lieutenant generals hit it with all our strength, this machine will not have any problems."The machine used by the World Government for world conscription is naturally not too shabby.

This machine was developed through Vegapunk's research.

As Vegapunk is 500 years ahead of today's technology, it is not difficult to make such a machine.

"So, I feel relieved."Green Bull smiled happily.

Then, he kicked the ground with his feet, clenched his fists and punched the machine.

With a bang!

This fist with fierce power directly shook the test machine.









The data on the test machine keeps jumping, it's crazy

"15,000." Lieutenant General Doberman's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but say.

15,000. 16,000. 17,000. 18,000


However, the numbers still did not stop. At this moment, Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan's heart moved, and the corner of his mouth twitched and said:"It's already 18,000. How much power does this guy have?"

Green Bull's value is a bit scary. Even Vice Admiral Huoshaoshan can't type this number.

18,000 power is absolutely terrifying. With the Navy's six styles and devil fruits, the combat power will become even more terrifying.


19,000. 20,000. 21,000


Green Bull's Dao power value has not stopped yet.

"21,000 Dao Force, is this guy coming for the Navy Admiral?"

When Vice Admiral Stoloberi saw this number, he couldn't help but say.

21,000 Dao Force, he is definitely qualified to challenge the Navy Admiral.

The World Government's World Recruitment does not say that you can't recruit Admirals, of course, the premise is that you have the strength.


22,050. 22,140.



Green Bull's Dao Power finally slowed down.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel's nerves were a little tense, and he said nervously:"This guy's Dao Power is actually around 22,000, so amazing." A

Dao Power of around 22,000 can definitely compete for the position of Navy Admiral.

The Navy Admiral has very high requirements for all aspects. Basically, if you are not a monster, you can't be one.


In the end, Green Bull's Dao Power stayed at 22,450. Green Bull said with some regret:"22,450? I didn't perform well, I regressed."

Green Bull's words made Ghost Spider couldn't help but say:"It's already very good. I guess your Dao Power will become a ceiling that others can't break."

22,450, a monster?

Even Vice Admiral Ghost Spider can't play out such a Dao Power.

A Dao Power of 15,000 to 18,000 is difficult for even Vice Admiral Ghost Spider to deal with.

It is not impossible for Green Bull to have such a strong power value and become the top of the navy recruitment list this time.

"Really? Thanks a lot. I'm going to sleep now."

"Do you want me to arrange a better place for you?"

"No, I don't like eating."

"Don't like eating?"

Ghost Spider looked at Green Bull in confusion, not understanding what Green Bull was thinking.

"Next, Simon the Vongola."

At this time, Vice Admiral Spider-Ghost read out Qin Long's pseudonym.

The system gave Qin Long a false identity and asked Qin Long to participate in this naval conscription.

Qin Long walked up to Vice Admiral Spider-Ghost, smiled, and said,"What is the maximum power value of this machine?"

Spider-Ghost felt that Simon the Vongola was a bit impractical, so he said to Qin Long,"Green Bull is an exception. The power value of this machine is not something that everyone can break."

"Really, why do all these guys want to break the record?"Lieutenant General Doberman said impatiently.

"Records are not so easy to break. The Dao power values of our vice admirals are only between 10,000 and 20,000." Vice

Admiral Huoshaoshan couldn't help but say.

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel followed up and said,"It's probably hard to break Green Bull's record. Unless there is a navy admiral here, it's hard for ordinary people to surpass Green Bull."

22,450 Dao power values are definitely not something that ordinary people can challenge.

An ordinary person with 8 points of Dao power is already very strong.

Qin Long seemed not to hear what these people were saying. He walked to the Dao power test machine and punched it.

With a thud, there was a loud bang.

The heavy Dao power test machine was smashed to pieces by Qin Long, emitting black smoke, and then exploded.

"What happened? What exploded?"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider didn't seem to react, but the next second, his face was incredible:"What, a punch blew up the Dao force testing machine."

Lieutenant General Doberman was shocked and said in a trembling voice:"This, this, this... How much Dao force did this produce!"

"My god, it's even scarier than the Green Bull monster. This civilian expert is too scary."Huoshaoshan Lieutenant General exclaimed, thinking that Qin Long was not a human, but a monster. Green Bull's 22450 Dao force was scary enough, but Qin Long could even blow up the machine that tested the Dao force. How much Dao force did he have?

"This... is impossible... The Dao Power Value Machine was blown up, which is something that several of our lieutenant generals can't blow up."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with a look of disbelief

"Could this be the legendary genius?"

Ghost Spider looked at everyone and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Directly blowing up the Dao force value testing machine designed by Vegapunk, this is a bit too abnormal. The Navy only has one such machine, and after the Dao force value machine is blown up, the Navy cannot take out a second such machine, because this machine is the best.

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