“Bastard! Do you not exist when Lao Tzu? ”

An angry shout came.

I saw that Jijie broke through the blockade of the commodore and jumped up with a quick dash.

Swinging his sandbag-sized fist, he slammed his punch at the two duplicants who were still attacking Rose.

His speed was extremely fast, and the two-faced Su Wu saw a human dog flying over at this time, and also rose and punched him.

Immediately burst out.

The powerful impact made him rely on the unloading technique to retreat and delay the blow.

Even so, the arms of the two-faced puppets were still broken and hanging, and the flesh and blood were also greatly sprained.

“The strength of this attack is not bad!”

He looked at the big dog walking upright in front of him, and also showed an interested look.

“Is this the animal line ability? That’s fun! ”

Immediately, the broken arm that did not change color was turned back into place like a toy.

The reverse technique runs, and a force begins to heal the arm, and the originally hanging arm grabs and returns to the level where it can fight.

At this time, Jijie had also finished watching his deputy captain, although he was not dead, but he was almost the same.

The upper body suffered many lacerations, including fatal parts, and even if such a serious injury was treated, it was impossible to save it.

He arranged for his subordinates around him to move Ross to the ship for simple treatment.

Such a good combat power can’t just die casually.

After arranging it, I looked back and saw this scene.

Jijie’s eyes were also wide, and his attack just now had clearly felt that the opponent’s arm could no longer fight.

Now it seems that he has regained his mobility, and this healing speed is not the level of ordinary people.

“Boy, it seems that you are an able person, but this is not a reason for you to provoke Lao Tzu!”

Jijie looked viciously at the two-faced host.

Just now, when he found out that something was wrong at the first time, he wanted to come forward to rescue, but was intercepted by the commodore on the opposite side.

In the end, he was able to break through his interception because Ross looked like he was dying.

What kind of calculation that guy makes, if Jijie knows very well.

At this time, he looked at the pink-haired imp in front of him and continued.

“But your strength is good, you can defeat my deputy captain and join my pirate group!” The co-captain can let you do it later! ”

Looking at the interested expression of the person in front of him, he waved his fist and threatened.

“Otherwise, prepare to be buried here!”

He had an absolute advantage in the confrontation just now.

Even though the other party is capable and can recover some injuries, it is indeed a dream to defeat him with this.

While Jijie and Two-Faced Hostly were talking.

The surrounding naval pirates also looked incredible.

The man who suddenly appeared actually defeated Ross, who was known as the Broken Rock Swordsman.

How powerful the Broken Rock Swordsman Ross is, the naval pirates present have the right to speak.

Needless to say, as the deputy captain of the pirate group, how could he convince the public without showing great strength.

The navy, on the other hand, was killed by the pirate Ross.

The powerless posture displayed during the battle was also reflected in the hearts of many navies.

I just didn’t expect to be defeated by a man who looked completely unimpressed.

The figure that unleashed a strong attack on Ross was deeply reflected in the hearts of those present.

Therefore, even if the deputy captain is intercepted, the pirates do not dare to go up to rescue easily.

And the same is true of the crowd hiding in the distance.

They were also shocked, that Ross’s bounty was enough for twenty-eight million Baileys, and he was also a big deal for the people here.

I didn’t expect to be so cruelly killed by that adult.

That’s right, in their eyes it’s torture.

The blood looks like it’s all rushing out a few meters, and the crazy look is so far away is also heart-warming!

People can’t help but sigh! How cruel!!

Several people who questioned before were also glad that they did not speak close at that time.

Otherwise, such a cruel person might run over and give them a few claws after hearing this, and their small body can not afford it.

And in the crowd there are other outliers, which are a few journalists.

As journalists, they are also very familiar with the various powerful people in the region.

This cruelty is completely nothing for them!

What they’re thinking about right now is big news!

The pink-haired man did not appear in their impression at all at this time.

This appearance killed 28 million Broken Rock Swordsmen.

Now it looks like it’s still on the mad dog.

They can only pray now that the other party will not die so easily.

Otherwise, even if it is strong, the dead will not have much transmission.

On the other side, Moore was also looking at the image in front of him.

“Mad dog?”

This pirate he has a little impression, after all, he still reads many newspapers.

More than 50 million Bailey’s pirates, especially this thick-skinned animal line.

It’s still a little reluctant to be two-faced.

His attack is still a little weak, even if he can fully mobilize most of the muscles in his body.

But the foundation is too poor, and physical strength is also a problem.

And in general, the stronger the person, the higher the control over the body.

If you want to try to eat the other party in this regard, you also think too well.

Moreover, in addition to this pirate, there are other pirates and navies around.

Those navies clearly wanted to take advantage of the fishermen, and they did not even rule out the possibility of other support.

However, these two-faced puppets are not expected to consider so much.

The extreme challenge is like breathing for him, and the guy is probably happy about it!

But Moore can’t ignore it.

At present, the doppelganger death can indeed be resurrected.

But it takes a year.

Unless there are special circumstances, Moore cannot ignore the doppelganger to die.

Therefore, he can only open the hang for him.

He opened the two-faced panel.

The reputation value above is worth more than seven hundred.

This prestige is already quite a lot.

The most important way to increase your avatar’s combat power.

Among them, the attribute D liter D+ needs 100, D+ liter C needs 500, C liter C+ needs 1000, C + liter B needs 5000… And so on, simple and straightforward.

And for ability skills, D liter C is 1000, C liter D is 10000… And so on.

It is worth mentioning that the ability skills are not D+, C+ and the like.

At present, these more than seven hundred reputation points are not enough for ability skills.

You can only raise the attribute.

Increase the power of the two-faced puppet from D to D+, and spend 100.

Then increase agility d+ to c and spend 500.

After a meal, the panels on both sides also look a little bit like this.

Doppelganger: Two-faced host

Power: D+

Constitution: D+

Agile: c

Spirit: c

Abilities: Extreme Balance (Grade C) Reversal Technique (Grade C) Child of the Wind (Grade C).

Skills: Domineering (Grade C) Physical Skills (Grade D).

Prestige: 102

Note: d, the attributes of ordinary people in the current world

Looking at the two-sided panel, there is no problem for such a panel to defeat that mad dog.

It’s just that it’s not that everything is fine, and his physique is still a problem.

Physique contains physical strength, combat requires physical strength, and the use of ability skills also requires physical strength.

If the two-faced wave is too much, there are also many crises.

Gat Island port site.

Confronted Rose’s two-faced puppet, ignoring his chatter.

He felt the strength of his body’s muscles skyrocket, and at the same time, his body’s flexibility also improved a lot.

It’s as if he’s letting go of a burden.

This feeling!

The corners of his mouth hooked, and he thought of a better idea.

Without saying a word, towards Ross is sprinting past.

And Ross is also very angry, it seems that the other party did not listen to him in the slightest!

Then let him teach him what the law of the jungle is, and the strong are honored!


PS: The new book sets sail, I kindly ask you to collect a wave plus some free tickets and flowers to support it.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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