The first half of the Great Route.

Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

The marshal of the navy was holding a freshly baked newspaper.

There was a hint of solemnity in his expression.

Two-faced hosting?

Look at the fierce look of the wanton smile on that photo.

Just the face on the photo!

Empty can feel this man’s lawless personality and special temperament.

Such people are often not simple!

He couldn’t help but think of a man.

Originally, this kind of pirate sky with a bounty of tens of millions would not pay much attention.

But this time the nature is more special, and the commodore of the headquarters is coerced to fight him with the pirates.

In the end, he was still defeated.

Not only that, all the naval pirates present were not spared, with countless deaths and injuries.

This time, the Navy headquarters and the world government used manpower to tamper with the news, especially the intervention of the world government, so the air will pay attention to this emerging pirate.

At this time, he looked at the newspaper and pondered for a moment, and then called the adjutant.

He was ready to send a powerful rear admiral to hunt down the two-faced puppet.

As an empty space that has gone through three eras.

From the era when pirates were not very tricky to the era of Lokes and now the era of pirates, he has experienced various winds and waves along the way.

What kind of person has seen it, his eyes are extremely vicious.

He knows very well that many sea thieves often start at a young age.

And the style of the man in this bounty order and the certain characteristics possessed in the bounty order are very consistent with his intuition.

He had a hunch that if he could not contain it in time, this man might become a tricky sea thief in the future.

Therefore, if you can, it is better to hunt him down and send him to Advance City as soon as possible.

The first half of the Great Voyage, Chambordi Islands, Xia Qi’s drum bar BAR.

One Piece’s right hand, a big man known as “Hades” lives here, his name is Sirbaz Reilly.

At this time, Renly held the newspaper and watched with relish.

“The era of the sea pirate has arrived, and now the pirate is afraid that a new supernova will appear.”

Renly put the newspaper down, picked up the wine on the tavern counter and drank it.

“I can feel that this teenager is not simple!”

Xia Qi next to her held a lady’s cigarette in her right hand, she exhaled a cigarette gracefully, and then smiled.

“The initial bounty of 48 million Bailey is indeed very high, and he actually coerced the navy and pirates to join forces, it seems to be a battle maniac!”

Reilly nodded, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“No matter what, the seedlings of the new era are starting to grow, and it is worth celebrating!”

He filled the wine glass, toasted to Xia Qi, and drank it again.

The second half of the Great Route, the regions of the New World.

In this sea where the mighty of the pirates walked all over the ground.

The two-faced news and bounty orders did not cause much waves.

For the inhabitants of the countries of the New World.

Other seas outside the New World are often too far away, and even a behemoth like the navy is somewhat powerless here.

So the pirates in the first half of a great voyage are still a little far away for them.

There is no real feeling.

And for the pirates of the New World.

Even the first half of the Great Voyage was jokingly called paradise by them.

Over here.

Domineering is the unimpeded pass, and they naturally carry a sense of superiority for pirates outside the new world.

Think it’s just a small trouble.

Even those supernovae that have not yet grown up with hundreds of millions of bounties, they are a little undaimous.

Not to mention a brat who suddenly appeared with tens of millions of bounties.

Alone, there is not even a decent pirate flag, and they are also not concerned about this kind of solo pirate.

Most of them glance at the bounty and pass by, and then it is just a joke.

However, in the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Voyage, many people who followed the newspaper began to be shocked by the appearance of the two-faced puppet.

The reward of tens of millions of Baileys may not be much for the Great Voyage.

But for Sihai, it is already a high bounty amount.

Fortunately, as soon as the man appeared, he appeared directly on the Great Route.

Many people began to rejoice.

It was really his bounty that looked too fierce and vicious.

At the same time, his name as a blood killer began to spread.

The first half of the Great Route, in a sea area.

On a pirate ship, more than forty pirates on it are working tremblingly.

Working hard to get to the next island.

They are the remnants of the Ledo Pirates and some other pirates, and the captain of the Ledo Pirates offers a bounty of 38 million Baileys, but the captain Ledo is no longer available.

Killed directly by a cruel guy.

If it weren’t for the man who needed to drive the boat, I’m afraid everyone else would have to follow Huangquan.

So they are not afraid.

Inside the pirate ship’s room, a pink-haired man leaned back in a chair.

The newspapers and bounty orders spread out on the table, and the pictures inside were of the man named Two-Faced Lady.

“Blood Killer, the navy of this world is really boring enough, it would take such an ugly nickname!”

The two sides casually put their right hand on their chins, and the corners of their mouths split.

At this time, he felt the power in his body far beyond before.

Now he hopes that the Navy will send some strong people to fight him.

“Hopefully, the next Navy won’t disappoint me too much!”

The faces of the two-faced women were hidden in the shadows.


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