Gafro stepped back.

The two-faced hostess also lowered their palms.

“Your strength is very good, I hope to make me have a good time!”

He said with a grin.

As his words fell, he didn’t wait for Gafro to reply.

It just disappeared.

This speed!!

Gafro’s pupils shrank, and the two-faced Ceremonial Man had already arrived in front of him.

The palm of his hand went towards the location of his heart.


The crisp sound echoed through the palace.

I saw that Gaforo’s upper body had been wrapped with armed color domineering, and he tenaciously blocked the attacks of the two-faced supreme.

It’s really hard!

The two-faced host’s heart couldn’t help but get excited.

And Gafro also raised his domineering fist and began to attack quickly.

The navy present could see the afterimages of the two moving rapidly throughout the palace.

Sand splashes everywhere you pass.

The deafening sound of collision also sounded non-stop.

“Arashi foot steel break”

One after another invisible slashes were kicked out by Gafro.

The intensive slashes sealed the perimeter of the two-sided slash.

And under such an intensive attack.

The two-faced squirrels fluttered like paper in the wind, avoiding the attack from the small gap.


The powerful slash crossed the two sides and cut several walls directly.

Can you even draw on paper?

Gafro was a little shocked!

However, the battle did not allow him to continue to be shocked, and he quickly continued to enter the rhythm of the next round of battle.

On the other hand, the navy that began to explore the surroundings of the palace by order of Gafro also discovered the royal family.

Fortunately, the royal family is not dead, and the king is still there.

It’s just that it looks palpitating.

“Navy, has the support of the Navy arrived?”

At this time, the king could not help but be overjoyed.

He came to the leading commodore and said.

“Why are you so slow! My treasury is gone! Stolen by that demon! Can you really beat him? ”

The king of fear, even if new naval support arrives, he is still not so relieved!

The fear that I faced before is not so easy to dispel.

At that time, in the face of the demon who attacked in, a minister just said one more word and directly killed Huang Quan!

There are also disobedient royal families who also go directly to hell.

As long as you say one more word, you will die directly, and there is no rebuttal at all.

In that case, the king was also frightened.

He had never felt death so close to him.

So he used the fastest speed in his life to say the information that the other party wanted.

Fortunately, the other party disdained them and left after getting the news.

To be honest, if it weren’t for the Navy’s side saying that there was new support.

He had already evacuated the palace first.

“Don’t worry, King Geni! Our lieutenant general is already at war with that pirate! Find a place to take a break first! ”

“But before that, I hope you ask your guards to organize personnel to treat the wounded in the palace!”

The Commodore said seriously to the king of this country.

“Just now, other navies discovered that pirates are robbing other locations in the palace, and our side needs to go over and suppress it!” We hope you will spare someone to replace our people transporting the wounded. ”

King Genie was not calm when he heard this!

Quickly arrange for the captain of the Guards to gather people to help!

Now his treasury is lost.

There were other pirates who came to rob him, which was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

I can’t wait to kill all the pirates who took advantage of the fire.

Seeing that the king in front of him could recognize him, this commodore was also relieved.

He was most worried that this king and nobleman were ill, but he came to embarrass the navy.

Since this can go smoothly, it is best!

Then he looked at the largest palace with some concern.

Now his most important task is to gather the navy to drive out the pirates who are robbing the nearby pirates.

Then go and help His Excellency Lieutenant General.

At present, he has remobilized a new navy at the base and reported the situation to the navy headquarters.

He did not expect that even His Excellency the Lieutenant General was not sure of victory.

Until now, the navy from the base does not know if it will be too late!

He thought with some worry in his heart.

Palace center.

“Life Return Aka”

I saw that Gafro’s body seemed to have blood-colored steam gushing.

By this time, Gafro had already exerted his full strength.

Entering this state is extremely taxing on his body, so he needs to fight quickly.

Bang bang!

He kicked towards the ground.

The figure that was already very fast is now as fast as thunder.

The surrounding ground is lifted by strong air pressure.

Make a deafening sound.

The Navy, which had been still watching, began to cover up again.

Just in an instant, Gafro came to the front of the two-faced supreme.

His fist flowed with a powerful domineering aura and slammed directly towards the two-faced Su Wu.

The two-faced hostly raised his hand to catch the attack.

Laugh at! Laugh at!

But this time, although he caught it, his entire arm made a tearing sound.

Immediately afterwards, blood began to seep out.

The two-faced lady also laughed when he looked at the oozing blood.

The navy commonly uses the supreme technique of the Six Styles as well as the domineering internal crushing technique.



Gafro saw that the two sides of the house still shoehorned his attack.

He was shocked inside!

But on the surface, it was expressionless, like a stormy offensive bombarding the two sides.

Armed color domineering increases as the amount increases, and the intensity also increases.

Its use techniques are divided into four stages, hardening, winding, external release, internal crushing.

Often domineering people will control more superb skills.

Because of this fact, many people associate domineering strength with these skills.

But the truth is.

Even people with low domineering intensity can make up for their weakness diligently, or have a certain understanding, so as to control more superb domineering skills.

Some countries with unique inheritance skills or countries with special bloodlines have popularized among the people in terms of domineering.

And Gafro followed a powerful brother since childhood.

His domineering skills are naturally very skillful.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that someone could rely on physical skills and body control to block the domineering internal crushing this very superb skill.

What a monster this man is!!

At this time, he couldn’t help but sigh again in his heart.


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