The phone worm ignored Sora ‘s horror and continued.

“I hope you can send enough people over!” Otherwise, it’s not enough for the monsters of infinite hell to fight! ”

“Of course, you can also not send people! It’s just…”

At this point, the voice of the phone bug paused, and then he continued.

“If nothing else, at least the criminals of Infinite Hell will all run out!”

Hearing Siso’s words, the empty pupils shrank.

“Marshal Air, look forward to your arrival, by the way, there are only a few hours! If you miss it, it will be a shame! Huh! ”

With a laugh from the phone worm.

Before he could continue to ask something, the phone worm’s call ended.


Sora looked at the phone bug who closed his eyes, and slammed his right hand on the table.

The whole table was directly cracked.

After half a ring.

He forced himself to calm down, then took out a few phone bugs and dialed.

After a short while.

His face became even more gloomy.

Some of these phone bugs are those that push other prison staff in the city.

Some are telephone bugs of the navy guarding the propulsion city.

It was naturally impossible for him to believe his side of his words after listening to them.

And now.

After dialing these phone worms.

He had to admit it.

The propulsion city has indeed fallen.

The response tone of these phone worms after dialing is mostly the same.

It was that Siso’s tone.

It’s just that the face of the phone worm simulation is the appearance of the original holder.

That is, does that Siso guy have the ability to control people? And such large-scale control!

This was different from the illusion of his original intelligence.

Sora only thought for a moment.

The alarm for an urgent meeting was raised.

The situation is urgent.

He had to be careful.

Since the beginning of the era of pirates, the number of pirates has surged.

Now a few years later, plus the criminals who came before.

The number of criminals in Advance City has exceeded 100,000.

Those are the guys whose lowest bounty hovers around 10 million, which is an incomparably huge force.

There are about twenty warships stationed around the city of Advance.

If these warships were controlled by Siso.

Then these criminals will probably escape most of them.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Especially the monsters of Infinite Hell!

With a heavy heart, Sora quickly rushed to the conference room.

Meeting room of the headquarters of the Navy.

Sitting in the air of the first seat, I watched the admirals who were rushing around.

Get straight to the point.

“Everyone, the city has fallen!”

Hearing the empty words, everyone’s pupils couldn’t help shrinking, and their expressions were horrified!

“Marshal Air, are you trying to tell us a joke today?”

“What are you kidding? How could Advance City fall, I haven’t heard of such a situation since the construction of Advance City! ”

“Air Marshal! Please make it clear! ”

“The other day was fine, how can it be said that if it falls, it will fall!”

“Aren’t there Norbergas guarding them? They all eat dry food? ”

With the empty first sentence.

The whole conference room is like a pot exploded.

There was a lot of talk. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Looking at the shocked looks of the generals in the conference room.

Sora waited for them to ease their emotions a little, then reached out to signal quiet.

Everyone stared at the void.

Wait for him to tell the specifics.

Sora took a deep breath and began to tell the end of the matter.

As the empty words were finished, the entire conference room fell silent.

Even the most grinning Karp had a solemn look at this time.

The green pheasant next to him was even more in a trance.

Because Siso was sent to the city by his own hands.

Thinking about Siso’s weird smiling face before.

So, was he arrested on purpose?

The purpose is to advance the city?

As the green pheasant shook his gods, Sora spoke again.

“Guys, the situation is urgent! Advancing City is currently likely to fall! We want to look at it in the worst possible situation! ”

He looked at the surrounding admirals.

“In order to avoid the spread of events! I will now send most of the combat forces of the Navy headquarters to support urgently! ”

“Be sure to snipe all these villains in the city, and never allow them to escape!”

Sora stood up and spoke in an agitated tone!

“It will be a war! Our navy against more than 100,000 prisoners in Advance City! So please take it seriously! ”

After half a ring.

The people in the conference room began to hurry out of the room.

They began to return to their respective areas to urgently mobilize naval fleets.

The green pheasant walked a little dazedly.

Suddenly, he was tapped on the shoulder.

“Hahaha! Kuzan boy, what are you guys thinking! How do you look lost in soul! ”

Seeing Karp walking out of the conference room still without heart and lungs, the green pheasant couldn’t help but envy.

It’s Mr. Karp, even if he encounters this situation, he is still so optimistic!

It’s just that in the face of Karp’s inquiry, he couldn’t help but smile bitterly and be silent.

Karp looked at the pheasant’s appearance, and his face began to straighten.

“There is no need to blame yourself, no one could have expected the situation to this extent!”

“If you really want to make amends, then go all out!”

Hearing Karp’s comfort, the pheasant perked up in silence.

“Mr. Karp, you’re right! This time, I have to stop that Siso guy! ”

Watching (Zhao Zhao) the green pheasant cheer up again.

Karp also laughed, and then walked forward with arrogant steps.

And the pheasant followed closely.

Karp, who had his back to the pheasant, still had a smile on his face.

But the heart is very solemn.

What the hell is going on with that Siso?

Go to the city to release all prisoners, and instead of running away, declare war on the headquarters of the navy!

This kind of behavior is simply crazy!

What the hell is his purpose!

Is it a criminal who wants to subdue the city of advance?

Or do you want to hit the power of the Navy hard?

What the real situation was, he did not know.

It’s just that it’s going to be now.

No matter what that guy thinks! He must crush his conspiracy with his iron fist!

PS: The new book sets sail, I kindly ask you to collect a wave and add some free tickets and flowers to support it.

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