A day later.

A newspaper began to spread around the world with news birds.

It is printed with horrific headlines.

[The top war that changed the world pattern, the world’s largest prison Imper all criminals vs the navy headquarters! ] 】

[One person’s delusion, the most evil sea thief in history was born! ] Its life Siso! 】

With the spread of newspaper circulation.

People around the world are also puzzled by this top-level war without warning.

At the same time, the person of Siso also began to be engraved in the hearts of all human beings.

Because of his last words.

As the most critical figure in the entire event, he single-handedly planned the largest riot in the history of the fallen Advance City, released almost all the criminals in the Advance City, and then fought against most of the naval headquarters.

The cause of this madness turned out to be just fun.

This distorted feeling almost subverts people’s three views.

As a result of this war, the navy headquarters was greatly damaged, and all the top monsters in the city escaped.

At the same time, other criminals who successfully escaped from prison could not be counted due to the chaos of the final scene.

As a result of various facts, the whole world is changing.

And people are beginning to frighten about the possible changes that follow.30

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

A spacious and bright hall.

The five people who were the most powerful in the world in the eyes of the world began to gather, and they were the five old stars who were the highest power in the world government.

“The world is starting to get out of balance! The most evil sea thief in history, Siso! Hum! ”

One of the figure-eight bearded five old stars snorted coldly.

“As the news spreads, the pirates of the entire world are probably already about to move! The era of pirates created by One Piece Roger will be further out of control! ”

A five-old star with a flat hat and curly hair said with some solemnity.

“That’s right, now with the power of the Navy headquarters fading and the sea pirates led by Siso who escaped from the prison of Advance City, there are more and more fools around the world who want to become pirates! The strength of the Navy today is clearly not enough to cope with this situation! ”

A long-bearded five-old star also picked up the conversation.

Although the navy’s top combat power did not lose much, the sea was too big, and there were only many people at the top combat power.

Often guarding all over the sea is a middle-level combat force.

And now the mid-level combat power and elite under the navy are obviously seriously lacking after this war.

And for those who escaped from prison, the sea pirates also need to take precautions, so the navy’s current strength is very tight.

A blonde five-old star also spoke.

“The whole world is starting to get chaotic! The weakening of naval power and the loss of the Advance City, coupled with the loss of this war, it can be said that the authority of the current world government has also weakened! And…”

He paused and then continued.

“And that extremely evil person Siso, if he is allowed to continue to wander outside, I don’t know what else he will do!”

Hearing the words of the blond five-old star, a bald five-old star holding a katana also nodded.

“Apple hunter Siso, I heard that his thoughts are dangerous, and the Sengoku report has ideas that he wants to make that are comparable to or even surpass the deeds of One Piece Roger!”

“Such a lawless person, and as the culprit of this incident, he needs to be arrested as soon as possible, and then publicly executed to save the majesty of the world government!” Curb those who are ready to move! ”

The bald five old stars also made others agree, and the blonde five old stars also proposed to add.

“Well, this needs to be considered in the long run, now Siso and those escaped monsters don’t know if they will fall apart, and when the right time is confirmed, we must let the navy arrest him in one fell swoop!”

As Siso was finalized, the next five old stars discussed the remedial measures that needed to be taken in the world pattern.

Finally, the eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing said.

“Admiral Kong has now come to the Holy Land, and he wants to discuss with us how to increase the naval power!”

“Then pass him in! It just so happened that he needed to be beaten for his dereliction of duty, the Draco was robbed, the heavenly gold was robbed, the advance city was lost, the war was lost, and so many big problems appeared in a short period of time! What a dereliction of duty! ”

The eight-character Hu Wu Lao Xing said, and the other five old stars also nodded.

For them, whether these events are dominated by empty space or not, as long as they occur during his tenure, it is his fault.

This is not just an excuse to knock on the Navy, but also what they think.

If the deterrent power of the Navy was enough, then no one would have committed so many acts of great disobedience.

The other side.

The reception room in the empty Holy Land waited quietly.

He is here now for the Navy’s current problems.

Yesterday’s war was too fierce, and 30,000 elite troops were sent out to the naval headquarters.

Less than 10,000 people will be able to come back alive.

There are many more disabled ones.

You must know that many of these are the mainstays of the future, all are outstanding talents selected from various branches of the world to the Navy headquarters, and those who directly graduated from the naval military academy, these are the foundation of the first half of the great voyage ruled by the naval headquarters.

As long as they continue to grow, many of them will be transported to the four seas and various branch bases of the Great Route to serve as middle and high-level officials.

Now this situation is left unchecked, and the Navy may have some fault lines.

Moreover, there is not one in ten where the navy is stationed on the side of the city.

The jailers of the large prisons also suffered many casualties in the unrest of the criminals’ escapes.

All of this needs to be supplemented.

But where is it so easy to replenish.

If it had been so easy, then the personnel of the military headquarters would not have been so scarce. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In addition to the resources, it is the result of 137 accumulation of time.

Even if there are resources and time, there are still people.

What people? Those who yearn for justice and those who are willing to join the Navy.

The Navy is going to fight pirates for a long time, and not everyone has this determination.

In addition, if you want to enter the headquarters of the Navy, you need certain qualifications.

Talents who grow faster than everyone else in the same period of time will have meritorious achievements, and even involve hidden conditions such as backstage connections.

The treatment of the Navy is also not very high, at least at the bottom.

Under the constraints of various conditions.

Not so many can really come to the headquarters of the Navy.

Now, the air force needs to find a way to restore the vitality of the navy.

And according to the traditional way, it is obviously impossible to do it, then it can only be done in unconventional ways.

Only by recovering as quickly as possible can we maintain the coming era of increasing chaos and restore the prestige of the navy.

Otherwise, a vicious circle will be formed if this failure continues, and people’s desire to join the navy will become lower and lower.

“Air Marshal! Five old stars, adults, please! ”

A receptionist pushed open the door to the reception room and walked in.


Sora nodded and took a deep breath, hoping that the next step would go well!

PS: The new book sets sail, I kindly ask you to collect a wave and add some free tickets and flowers to support it.

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