After a while.

Moore sits on a boulder and thinks about life with his chin in his hands, while King lies on the ground not far away.

Suddenly, King jumped straight up with a carp.

You can see that his face is blue and swollen, and he is covering his face at this time.

Feeling the hot pain on his face, he knew that he had broken his face.

What to return my floating fist, it is simply the devil fist method.

He looked at Moore very dissatisfied, and said aggrievedly.

“Boss! You are not mistaken! Don’t punch in the face! ”

Seeing King’s aggrieved look.

Murr smiled gently.

“Sorry! King, I didn’t hold back when the interest came just now, and I must not hit my face next time! Probably! ”

Looking at Moore as if apologizing “nine five zero”, King was completely unappreciative.

“Hmph! There will be no next time! I will definitely not fight you in the future! Even if you suppress your power, I can’t take advantage of it at all! There is no sense of accomplishment at all! ”

“Young people still need to grind more!”

Looking at Mer’s bright smile, King only felt uncomfortable.

“Hey, hey, hey! From the outside, you are a young man! And of course you’re happy that you’re not getting beaten! When else will I be able to go to sea! Didn’t want to see you anymore! ”

Hearing King’s inquiry, Moore immediately made a decision.

“In that case, let’s leave in the afternoon!”

Mer’s answer immediately made King feel comfortable.

“Finally able to leave? Staying here feels dangerous every day! I’m going to eat something good when I go out…”

Just as King began to dream of a better future.




I saw a turtle with a turtle shell four meters long rushing over with heavy steps.

And Moore walked up to it and introduced it to King.

“Come on! This is your mount! It will take you to a new life! ”

Looking at the huge gray turtle in front of him, King couldn’t help but feel disgusted.

“Hey! Turtle! Even if it’s this big, it’s still a turtle! Can you change one, it’s ugly! I want to be able to fly. ”

“Don’t say that, otherwise Xiao Wu will be sad, look at its eyes!”

Hearing Mer’s words, King looked into the turtle’s eyes.

I saw that it was looking at him pitifully, and its cyan eyes looked a little wavey, as if it was about to cry.

“Eh! All right! ”

Seeing it like this, King only felt a little unbearable, and finally reluctantly agreed.

“Then that’s it! Head out to sea in the afternoon! Don’t wait for me! Take the pointer and go on an adventure! King! ”

Seeing that Moore was leaving, King stopped him immediately.

“Wait! Just gone? ”

“Or else!”

Moore asked rhetorically.

Looking at Mer’s reaction, King took a deep breath.

“I didn’t have anything, just took a permanent pointer, not even food, are you okay?”

“And didn’t you say that there is a windless zone around here? I just rode a turtle and passed, isn’t this a dish for the sea king? ”

Looking at King, the more he spoke, the more sad and indignant his face became.

Moore said leisurely.

“King! Learn to be self-reliant! ”

“As for the safety of don’t worry, Xiao Wu is not an ordinary turtle, it has the bloodline of the sea king, the sea king class will not be too difficult for it, and its strength is not bad, it can help you send some weak people!”

“The most important thing is that you are a lucky man and will not be easily led!”

Mer said the last thing, then patted King on the shoulder and left without looking back.

Only the indescribable King remained.

He looked at the large turtle next to him and looked at it.

The other side.

Mer pondered as he walked.

Doppelganger: King

Power: C

Constitution: A

Agile: c

Spirit: A+

Abilities: Imperial Engine (Grade A) Purgatory Explosion Matchless Wave Cannon (Grade A) Lucky (Grade B) Intuition (Grade C)

Skills: Overlord Color Domineering (B Level) Armed Color Domineering (C Level) Physical Skills (D Level)

Reputation: 0 (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Note: D Attributes of ordinary people in the current world

King’s initial attributes are not bad, its spirit has reached A+, which is mainly brought by the Imperial Engine….

The physique is also as high as A.

This is the lower limit brought by the Purgatory Explosion Unparalleled Fluctuation Cannon.

It’s not so much physical fitness as physical fitness.

Physique includes several indicators such as physical strength, defense, and resilience.

Different people may have the same physical fitness level, but the proportion of each index is different.

However, physical fitness is really important in general, and it requires a huge amount of physical energy to launch abilities or fight.

Moreover, there is also a connection between several indicators, and the general situation cannot be too different.

Now King’s physical fitness is very good, and he has not done it in the past few days.

It was only today that King broke out under Moore’s shot test.

It only takes a few days to accumulate.

His basic attributes directly soared to A+ under the Imperial Engine and came to a relatively high position in the A+ range, and the Overlord color and armed color also followed to the level of A.

With intuition and luck, this strength is already strong enough.

This is not yet combined with the Purgatory Explosion Unparalleled Wave Cannon.

Purgatory Explosion Unparalleled Wave Cannon can be said to be the ability to kill with one hit. 5.5 Great consumption, high power, one-hit achievement, mighty momentum.

With King reaching A+ physical strength after being blessed at that time, if he really used it, this island is afraid that a huge passage will appear.

So Moore didn’t let King use it here at all.


With King’s current physique, it takes 2 days to accumulate the A+ attribute, 10 days for the S attribute, and 20 days for the S+ attribute.

I hope his journey goes well!

Moore thought leisurely, walking leisurely towards the daughter island.

Ripples are rising, storms are surging.

PS: The new book sets sail, I kindly ask you to collect a wave and add some free tickets and flowers to support it.

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