
The health ship approached the shore, and a large number of navies disembarked, of which Naichin was the first to arrive.

See what’s going on.

It was also amazed at his movements and speed: “You…. One person is done, let’s do something. ”

“Oh, the hat gang will hand it over to you.”

Lorne pointed sideways, in a certain direction: “After catching him, I will hand him over personally.” ”


One can be two, not three. The straw hat is on his side, there is no first next time,


Naiqin stepped on the high heels and took a step backwards, seemingly not expecting this stubble: “The straw hats and the gang handed it over to me?” Wait, Straw Hat Luffy’s grandfather…”

“Isn’t it Karp?”

“You don’t give him some face?”

She didn’t know

Face was given as early as the Isle of Justice.

“Why, are you afraid?”

“What! Will the old lady be afraid?! Isn’t it just a bunch of cubs!! ”

Najin held his head high and wanted to move, but did not take two steps.

Stop again

Turned around with a bitter melon face: “I’m really willing to go…”

I already knew,

She shouldn’t have talked much—

“Hmm.” Lorne nodded.

“When the time comes, Kapuna bastard, set your sights on the old lady, you have to protect me.” Naichen.

“Don’t worry.”

Lorne said, making the surrounding subordinates tremble, and continued to walk forward: “He is a lieutenant general, and what is it.” ”

Haven’t shot for too long.

Thirty-six years ago,

He hadn’t put Karp in his eyes.

Naichen was speechless.


It’s not an ordinary lieutenant general!!

“This way.”

“As long as you are successfully caught and delivered, I will set you free.”

Sudden promises.

Let Naiqin be stunned, as if he knew that this old guy was serious, and his eyes flickered: “You really …”

“Talk about people again and run.”

Lorne said.

Spread out your palms,

Many seeds flew out of the palm and flew to the back of Naiqin and many subordinates, and quickly swelled and hooked.

Transform into a unique plant.

Start spinning rapidly,

No nonsense, like bamboo dragonflies, directly taking them off the ground.

After sending away.

Lorne looked at [Apu] on the side.

“I didn’t want to make such a big move, after all, there is so much filth in the world, and one person can’t deal with it.”

“But think about it.”

“Someone has to start and someone looks forward to it, so I’ll start it.”

He said.

The voice turned again, and he kicked the supernova in front of him: “Do you know why, don’t you directly execute you?” ”

Kicked Apu,

probably also knew that it was useless to pretend to be dead, his eyes opened, he got up, and directly grinned: “Ah blah, it’s always impossible, you want to pull me to solve it, right?” ”

“I don’t want to ruin your clothes.”

Lorne patted his pink coat.

This is,

Huaxia’s ancient costume, as well as his cloth shoes, are nostalgic.


“If you still have the strength. As the first one, you are on the side and have a good look. ”

Lorne slowly stretched out his hand!

Press down on the void!

One by one, the grasp is too slow and too slow

Do not kill,

There is also the risk of escape, then simply change the way.

“The movement can be a little big.”

Just when Apu didn’t understand what he was going to do, the ground where he was standing began to tumble, as if the dragon underground was recovering.

“The Flower Tree Realm has arrived!”

As the faint sound fell, a tremor sounded!



In an instant.

The earth tilted, hundreds of tons of dirt flew up, and Lorne’s line of sight kept rising

After a while,

It reaches 100 meters.

Not only can you easily overlook this area, but you can also see several numbered areas around.


“Grunt !!!”

Apu, who was also being held, suddenly shook an unsteadiness and almost fell down.

Fortunately, the arm is long

In a panic, he grabbed the branch and didn’t fall.

Wait for him to look down

Only to find out,

Not only in the 27th range, but also in a few numbers nearby, there are tree bags breaking the ground!

Without exception,

Large raised branches cut through the rocks and covered the entire ground.

Among them,

It is impossible to take a zone

And the population exchange is the most exaggerated, under the rapid growth of the trees sleeping in the land, hundreds of pirates have been directly set off!

Eliciting a burst of exclamations!



“That’s not right! What the hell is going on!! ”

“Look at the mangroves!”


At this moment,

Many shocked sounds sounded, it was the area 21st and 24, and the main trunk of the mangrove tree seemed to be being pulled by some kind!

Trembling madly!

Then the main trunk of hundreds of meters tore in bursts, bursting out tens of thousands of thorns, and rushed towards all corners!


Vast as the sea!

“Bulu Bru Bru! The port asks for reinforcements! For some reason… The soldiers have become old people and children! ”

“It’s Joe Ellie Bonnie with a reward of 140 million!”

“Hey, what about the sound?”


During the large number of people going to the shelter, because of supernovae, the garrison of the island continued to fall.

Under the hands of pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million,

No less than delivering food.

It’s like tree 24.

Bonnie, who was sitting on the roof with the crew, was nibbling on chicken legs and easily bloodied a wave of the Navy!


“What have you become?”

Before she could get proud, she continued.


It was swept away by the rattan arm walking through the street!

The wind is raging.

The navy below was stunned, quickly grabbed the gun body, and pressed the hat: “No, the crisis is lifted, it’s gone…. It’s okay. ”

“What, what happened?!”

The phone worm was slightly confused, and the voice was also stuck, and it seemed to see something incredible!

It’s more than that.

Capone Becky

X. Drake


and the worst times of Tree 21, Kidd, Kira, Trafalgaro and so on.

Under the tide of trees,

All of them have been attacked to varying degrees!

“Damn it!”

“How can you still track and turn!”

“Not good, Captain! We…. Yes!!! ”

“Cut him!”

“Nope! These thorns seem to have been strengthened! Far harder than steel!! ”

“It’s so flooded! How to play even one slash! There look like there are thousands of them over there?!! ”


Supernovae with a reward of more than 100 million.


Passively take away.

Even if it’s Luo,

After escaping by chance, he gasped wildly because he didn’t pay attention to the blooming flowers on the thorns.

The body suddenly became paralyzed

An unstable,

Falling from a height was also not spared.

The supernova is all the people, basically all crushed.


Xia Qi’s rip-off bar.

Renly, who had just sent away the Straw Hats, sensed the sound in the distance, and his expression was extremely solemn.

“Huge domineering fluctuations.”

“Or a large-scale entanglement, exactly, what kind of existence.”

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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