Some navies tried to make small moves, but as soon as they moved, they were targeted at the head by several cadres!

“Gram, kebi…”

“We’re going to die. Even the candidate for the general was arrested.

The blond man with sunglasses cried with a sad face: “That one named Zefa is really useless.” Also said let’s hold on. Soon someone came to the rescue! ”

Believe his nonsense!

“I knew it and ran away!”

This time the mission is said to be risk-free, or follow the general candidate. Saving people can mix military merit!

I don’t want to….

I always know that I won’t pick it up!

“Berumeber, don’t say that.”

Kebi bit his lip and shouted, he also regretted not running away: “It will be fine!” ”


The two heard a whisper on the side.


“You mean….. As long as we delay as much as possible, there is still a chance? ”

“General Lorne? He is nearby, can he come in half a day? ”


Chagu and the others lowered their voices, and their eyes gradually lit up.


Sitting cross-legged not far away, holding his head with one hand, the man’s gaze swept towards him with a big earlobe biting an apple.


“What did you just have a secret chat about?”

Everyone was silent.

He threw a few thunderbolts, and several people fell to the ground immediately!

“Damn it!!”

“We were just discussing who would come to our rescue, you…”


The lying one was immediately electrified, turned into coke and lost consciousness.


Anilu laughed.

As if deliberately toying with them, soon it was Kebi and Berumeber’s turn, but the two of them shouted out spinelessly.

“I said!”

“We just heard it! Say anything! ”

They trembled nervously, snot and tears flowed.


Zefa endured the pain, broke his arm with muscle skills to stop the bleeding, briefly cleaned up, and temporarily saved his life.

But seeing these two disciples of Karp are so bloodless.

The rift almost fell apart!

What else does this save? After Shiji knew it, he must take precautions in advance!

Lorne is even stronger!

It’s hard to catch yourself off guard!!

What Zefa didn’t know was that the golden lion had been waiting for Lorne. Everything is for him!


The two of them gave everything they heard and understood. Anilu is boring.

He actually knows it.

Just when he wanted to solve the two of them casually, a maniacal smile sounded, and then a golden shadow flew in.

Threw off several bloodstained lieutenant generals.


“You’re not a little weaker than you used to be.” Zefa. ”

Shi Jida strode over, mocked without hesitation, and swept through the crowd: “General candidate? A woman, a womanizer? Your navy is really living more and more back! ”

The crowd dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.


He learned from the Ani intersection that [Lorne] was on his way, and the lion’s eyes lit up and laughed!

“What a coincidence!”

“Will you come over soon? It saved Lao Tzu a lot of things! ”

He didn’t know the exact time, but it didn’t matter, it certainly wouldn’t take long.


“When Lao Tzu holds him in the palm of his hand, he will soon give you the navy and the world government a super gift!”

Speaking of this,

He was in high spirits, chewing on his cigar, and his fists clenched between swings!

It’s like investing half a lifetime!

The fluttering islands came to a standstill, and the Flying Alliance began to wait.


When Shiki learned that the two of them had loose mouths, he called to his side and asked about Lorne from time to time.

Kill time.

After hearing Lorne stop swinging and salted fish for a while, he couldn’t help but sneer.

During this period, Wang Zhi also came.

This is a muscular man dressed in black, and he laughs even louder!

“What’s rotten? What kind of health regimen? ”

“It’s your navy who is stupid! I don’t know what’s important to him! Good top-level combat power, but chilled…”

“He’s just pretending!!”

A real strongman,

How can you do something boring? What are the rules of work and rest, and the rules for commuting time?


Shit regimen!

It’s all angry.

It was deliberately spread to this group of old things in the Warring States to see!

‘Huh, what a waste of years. ’

Later, after learning about Lorne’s performance in the Holy Land and the Chambord Land, it confirmed their conjecture!


But wait, wait.

Sunset was dusk, and it was nearly dark, close to eight o’clock.

The golden lion walked to the side of the island from time to time to look out, but did not find half a boat shadow.

“Why haven’t you come yet?!” Shiji glared at them sharply.


“It should be soon!” Kebi and the two snorted: “General Lorne must be in a hurry!” ”

They throw themselves into the enemy?

No, this is self-preservation! Kebi saw the cruelty of the pirates on the battlefield! If you don’t do it, you will die!

He is the man who is going to be an admiral! Can’t fall on this.

The grievances of the present are all for the future!

In this way,

I feel a lot better in my heart.


It’s past nine o’clock.

Shi Ji really couldn’t wait any longer, and picked up Kebi with one hand: “Are you two playing Lao Tzu?” ”

How many hours has it been?

“Nope! I, I remembered! ”

Berumeber played a careful thought, and indeed did not report the exact time: “It’s half a day!” That Zefa himself said it! ”

“Half a day?!”

Shi Ji threw the two on the boulder, and suddenly remembered something: “Lao Tzu is really confused, can’t you contact directly?” ”

He waved his hand.

He instructed his subordinates to bring several phone worms.

These are all managed to find during the day, and the telephone worms directly connected with Lorne originally had little effect.

Soon to come.

Who knows….

“Bru Bru Bru—”

“Hello? I am Tsuru. ”


Shiji off! Change the next one!

“Zefa? What’s the matter with looking for an old husband? The muffled sound of the commander of the three armed forces came out.

The corner of Shiki’s mouth twitched.

A few more fake ones were received, and among them was an old and majestic voice, extremely special.

“How come there are still five old stars?!”

It’s all hit the core of the enemy’s headquarters!!

He hung up angrily, and Wang Zhi was speechless until the last one.

Bug noise.

Shi Ji waited a little impatiently before he was connected, and there was the sound of water over there.


“I just finished soaking my feet.”

A magnetic voice awakened Shi Ji’s dusty memory: “Didn’t you say that it lasted at least half a day?” ”

Shiji was slightly excited.

That’s right!

Wang Zhi’s eyelids beside him trembled slightly, what did he just hear? Soak your feet? When is it!

Are you sure you came to the rescue??


Shi Ji didn’t care too much and cut straight to the point: “Lorne? I haven’t seen you for a long time! ”


There was a pause for a second, and he quickly guessed the reason: “Zefa can really talk big.” ”

At least half a day….

How long has it been?

This group of old colleagues are all pit goods.


Before Shi Ji could speak, Lorne directly explained: “Is it because of the ability of the Sensen Fruit?” Then wait. ”

It’s useless to rush, the distance is there.

Change to someone else? Not a day!

“You guessed it?!”

Interested? Very good!

Shiji felt like talking to smart people, really with little effort, “and other stupid navies…”


“Bang bang!!”

The sound of flesh slapping came from the phone worm, and Shiki’s successive words were interrupted.

It didn’t stop for a while

He took a deep breath and couldn’t help but ask, “Your side…”


How does it look unsatisfactory.

“Oh, Nakoto, a little lighter.”

Lorne’s voice fell, and the noise gradually decreased, and then he continued the conversation: “I’m doing foot therapy.” What do you want to say? ”

This point soaks the feet, with the blessing of tea bags, the total strength of the muscles and bones these days is +50%.

Full force added 100%!

The effect is remarkable.

After that, with foot therapy, there are unexpected results.

So it’s not that you don’t pay attention, but for strength, for security! Very attentive!

‘Pediology? ’

Shi Ji and Wang looked at each other head-to-face. That’s right, this time Shiji also noticed that something was wrong.

Where did the mood come from?

Could it be that there is no hope for the future of the Navy, and it is purely passive? That’s just right!

He Golden Lion!

Have the confidence to return his ambition!

Shiji didn’t think much about it anymore.

Standing directly on the edge of the mountain, in the howling wind, the golden striped big gun hunted: “You should wake up-”

“Where are you now? I’ll go straight to you!! ”

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