
An electromagnetic sound,

A random cardiac pacing sounds.

Not long after, a thunder light streaked from the air, and the thunder elements gathered madly.

The figure of Anilu appears.

It’s just that now he is very embarrassed, the corners of his mouth and forehead overflow, and his injuries are very serious.


“How could God die so easily?”

He covered his chest.

The ribs are crushed, the internal organs are torn, the blood vessels are bursting, if it is not for the super special drug, combined with electrotherapy stimulation.

Quickly healed back,

There is no possibility of getting up at all, and it has even entered the ghost gate.

“It hurts, it hurts.”

Weibull’s embarrassed body appeared in the distance, stumbling at first, but quickly stabilized: “It has never hurt like this!!” ”


“I can’t beat him, let’s go together!”

He also took drugs.

It was a special medicine provided by Wang Zhi, and the side effects were very large, and he couldn’t get up for a month after the war.

Strength will fall.

But now who can manage this, they are just about to die!


The navy saw that they could still get up, and together with Wang Zhi outflanked Lorne, the hope that had just been ignited suddenly became smaller.

There is also a golden lion looking at it.

“Since it’s an old era collision.”

“Wang Zhi!”

“Do you still want to join forces with the imps?” Zefa suddenly spoke, annoyed by his weakness.

“It’s a collision of old times, but I didn’t say it…. Don’t let them join. ”

Wang Zhi grinned.

He’s not stupid.

Singled out Lorne is not ordinarily dangerous.


In the other two directions, Weibull held the knife in both hands and began to charge wildly.

And Anilu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, released all his power, and opened it directly!

“Three hundred million volts of Thor !!!”

He began to take off.

The figure collided rapidly, wrapping a trace of thunderclouds, like a true god.

Surrounded by three sides.

Shiji also flew over everyone, and his eyes flickered non-stop from the moment Lorne struck.

The battle that follows.

I’ll enjoy it!!

“Hahahaha! Is it bad to achieve great things together? Now for you one last chance! ”


He lifted the void.

The entire ground was lifted up, forming several giant lion heads, enveloping everything in the target.

“Jin, is the golden lion trying to bury us?”

“What to do! What to do! ”

“General Lorne! Save us, help us untie the shackles!! ”

“Idiot! Untie and where can you run. ”


Berumeber and Kebi cried out without fighting until an admiral reprimanded them.


How to run at this juncture now?

Now Zefa is the calmest, he has experienced hundreds of battles and begins to think quickly about the present.

The four combined.

Even Lorne in his heyday would not feel better.

More ants can also bite dead elephants, not to mention that a few of them are not ants, but beasts.

What should Lorne do?

Faced with the choice of the golden lion, how to ….. Zefa was a little dejected.

“Shi Ji, Wang Zhi.”

“Have you all forgotten how I became an admiral in such a short period of time?”

Lorne looked at the gray sky, waved his hand casually, and three [tree bows] condensed around him.

Suspended in the air.

Like planets, they slowly rotated around Lorne, and one of them was dragged to his feet.

Carry the owner into the air.

Shi Jiwang frowned, as if he was remembering something, and his body subconsciously tensed.

“It seems that you have forgotten, so help you remember the memories well.”

Lorne casually ticked.

The second tree floated and levitated in the palm of its hand.

This was an ability that he had spent a lot of energy trying to conceive and realize, and now he has been promoted to the phantom beast species, and it has also been strengthened a lot.

“The field unfolds, the sea of light!”

The thick voice fell, and the tree bow was instilled with ability, and it only took a moment to shine!



Just a few seconds.

The brightness climbs to the extreme, beyond the sun! It was so dazzling that everyone in the audience couldn’t open their eyes!

Lorne dragged upwards.

The light mass floated over the island, and then the energy radiated out, as if pulling down the curtain, and shrouded it in a semicircle.

If Mingo is a birdcage.

That’s like an inverted lotus flower, pleasing to the eye, subconsciously wanting to relax

Only a few people perceive the aura of danger.


During this period, countless points of light filled the air, and when they landed, the grass and trees were affected and began to glow and began to go crazy.

The range is the entire island.

Shiji sensed something and quickly commanded the others to attack, but it was already a step late….

This is the moment.

All over the island.

Dozens of captains and countless cadres of the Flying Air Alliance have been recruited.

“What’s going on!”

“Stamina! Physical strength is draining, no, more and more weak! ”

“My hair! My pores! Is this looking for fire?! ”

“Damn it! What the hell is going on here?! ”


The ground bloomed with exotic flowers and grass, like an ocean, and the person who stepped on it did not wait three seconds before he was sucked into a skeleton man.

And after that.

The pirates’ bodies began to spontaneously combust, moving in screams. It turned into a spot of light and burned out.

Finally, the realm of integration is reduced to nothingness.



There is no qualification for survival here, and if ordinary people come in the moment, they will evaporate on the spot!

Suffocating and desperate.

Among them, the stronger cadres supported for a while, but the good times did not last long.

Rare animals are influenced by flowers and plants.

There is no spontaneous combustion.

I set my sights on them….



In front of the palace in the center of the island, the navy played with the golden sky, full of shock.

Wait for your senses

The handcuffs and leg shackles on their bodies were all melted, and unlike the pirates, they did not have the slightest damage.

“This…. It’s General Lorne!! ”

“Didn’t you bastard just say that General Lorne won’t care about our lives?!”


“In the future, the heart of a villain will be a gentleman’s belly! Let’s go! ”

“How far you can run! Golden lions, they have already launched an attack!! ”

“Prepare for a vicious battle! We also have to face the pirates on the periphery! ”


The navies fled for their lives in a panic, and some people, taking into account the peripheral pirates, have already begun to prepare for their desperation!

“Don’t care, retreat directly, there are not many pirates left.” The pale Zefa shook his head.

“Zefa-sensei, you, what do you mean….”


Some lieutenant generals also noticed it, and their hearts were full of horror!

See the range of smells.

That breath that belonged to the pirates was like a cow’s hair, and it all evaporated in just a few moments!

“Fruit ability, can it be developed to this extent.”

The peach rabbit tea dolphin all shivered, no matter who he provoked in this department in the future, he couldn’t provoke Lorne.

It’s just the ability to expand.

It seems that the offensive has not yet been launched, and the people on the Golden Lion side are basically gone, how to play next?

“Run directly? Then it’s up to me! ”

In the retreat team.

Zefa disciple [Bintz], a person with the ability to flourish fruits, quickly took up the big task!

“Moisang Moissan-”

I saw him dancing strangely, and under the accelerated growth of plants, several meters thick vines sprang up.

Carry the navy through the air.


“More of that!!”

“Hmm….. Not for now! I can only go so far!! “Bintz’s forehead sweat stains gradually increased, and he was crazy about exporting ability.


It is enough to escape a certain range, but unfortunately there are too many people, and they can only help take part of it…

And all the wounded –


The ground suddenly shook, and just when everyone thought it was a golden lion doing ghosts, a green dragon broke through the ground.

As far as the eye can see,

Tens of meters thick! Hundreds of meters long! The vine made by Binz is underneath it, just a small earthworm….. This is still Lorne’s casual hand.


“Worthy of being a general.”

Binz lay on the giant vine, his eyes full of shock and adoration.


A thousand navies were successfully carried! Swim off the island!

The other side,

The situation of the battle here in Shiji was unexpected.

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