‘Is this part upfront?’ ’

Lorne was slightly surprised, and then did not think much and directly received the reward.

[Distributing it…].

[Health Point] +60000

[Sendou seeds]*1 (optimized version).

This is part of the reward, and the other part will not be distributed until the escort is successful.

After receiving these two things.

Lorne was not in a hurry, but first detained the four people in front of him, and then said goodbye to Zefa and the others who were temporarily on [Punk Hassad].


Just as the health ship was far away, on the cliff, Zefa, who was wrapped in bandages, raised his voice: “Are you disappointed in the current navy?” ”

In the past, my own way of not killing was very stupid.

It was also since I woke up.

Only to find out that the navy is becoming more and more incompetent, indecisive, restrained, and compromised with the pirates many times.

and even a certain degree of cooperation.

This is still the upper level.

Not to mention the lower level, there are countless people who collude with pirates within the four seas…

This kind of thing.

It’s just him ¥%#@#¥# – (Cybertan).

But Lorne,

The treatment of pirates remains the same.

Zefa used to feel extremely cruel, but now he only feels angry! If the Navy were all people like him ……..

The future is promising!

“Work with pirates.”

“This is not what you used to when you chose to cooperate with the Roger Pirates before I arrived. A precedent. ”

Lorne in the bow of the ship said something that left Zefa speechless.

This guy,

I actually have the ability to eavesdrop on my heart….


Lorne turned away: “It’s scary not to be disappointed, because that means that you didn’t expect it at all.” ”

Zefa was silent.

It didn’t take long,

Several warships were late, and on them was the general Yellow Ape, which obviously represented the fastest speed of the navy, but he was always late.

Zefa at this moment, inexplicably empathized with Lorne.

‘Power. ’

If only there were the power to decide everything.” ’


The other side,

After Lorne returned to the cabin, he opened the properties panel.

[Host] Lorne

【Age】89 years old



[Domineering] LV.11 (cooling [5 days]).

【Physical skills】LV.12 (max).



Reward 60,000 points.

With a slight sweep, Lorne purchased [Body Pill] and [Awakening Pill], spending 55,000 and finally leaving more than 8,000.

‘Let’s see how much we can improve next.’ ”

Lorne obeyed

The system property bar changes immediately.

【Fruit】LV.11 (cooling [10 days]).

【Physique】LV.11 (cooling [10 days]).


This improvement is not as exaggerated as the ninth level crossing the tenth level, but the fruit ability and physical strength are still increasing by a lot.

There are two floors.

You know, as his overall strength improves.

These two layers,

It’s already rare.

And Lorne’s current strength, a fourth emperor in front of him can no longer turn over the waves, multiple talents cause pressure.

‘What are my limits now?’ ’

‘Two? ’

‘Or three? ’

Didn’t try it, and he didn’t know.


Personal strength is limited, but Lorne, you can develop this limited to the extreme!

Take a look

How far can it go….

Lorne set his sights on the fairy bean.

This is an optimized version.

Not only can it help people regenerate with severed limbs, but also restore all their energy and physical strength in an instant!

Poisoning and disease….

It’s all recoverable!

Maybe it’s more appropriate to say [reconstituted beans]?

After a little tinkering.

He found that the cultivation of fairy beans was not complicated, only a large amount of life essence was needed, but this amount was huge——

“It’s so good to suck.”

Lorne found that using his own fruit power to spawn was not effective.

Preferably Life Essence! The stronger the better!

Of course,

But Lorne won’t use his own, and after this thing is worn, it recovers very slowly…

“Advance City.”

“There just happened to be a wave of sea thieves. With their unknown can make a few. ”

Although it is difficult for Sendou to be made in a short time.

But one more.

It’s equivalent to a life! Very good value!

‘And clock-in. ’

This time it was not triggered because the golden lion is located on a movable island, and the system can only detect the fixed one.

But that’s okay.

The advance city can be signed, and when the time comes, you can also complete the task by the way, and this trip to Imper is simply a multiplicity.

Finish talking about yourself.

Lorne thought of the people around him.

“Najin’s side.”

“It’s time to improve your strength.”


At the same time,

Soon after the fame of the Flying Air League, the news that it was defeated by a strong force was soon scattered all over the sea by [World Economic World News]!

The golden lion as one of the overlords of the old times!

There is still gimmick sex.

So once sent,

The Great Route immediately set off a heated discussion….

On the side of the headquarters of the Navy.

Originally, because Zefa suffered defeat, the Peach Rabbit Tea Dolphin Rescue Team lost contact, and the top officials of the Navy fell into a trough for a while.


The good news brought by Lorne ignited them again! Morale also led to a climax at one point!

Conference room.

At the same time, the high-level is discussing the follow-up impact of this incident.

“General Lorne is very good this time, but there are more than 10,000 people in the Air Alliance.”

“All dead.”

“Isn’t it just a little too much?”

This is a gentle lieutenant general.

His words.

It was also recognized by Tsuru and Qinghe: “Yes, although he has the right to execute, he often does not leave prisoners like this…”

“In the future, the pirates will encounter the navy and know that there is no way to live.”

“I’m afraid I won’t surrender, but all choose to fight hard.” This is bad for our fighters. ”


The red dog, who wore a navy hat on the edge and had his hands around his chest, looked up and replied coldly: “Mr. Lorne did nothing wrong.” ”

“Kill them all!”

“On the contrary, it can deter pirates!”

“In the long run, maybe when you see a warship, you will run, which is more beneficial to naval combat.”

Someone wants to refute.

But seeing that it was the red dog who spoke, he pursed his mouth or obediently closed it, not daring to say more.

This general,

But there are very few supporters of [Xuanlong] in this department.

“Yes, too.”

“Don’t let the heroes chill.”

Lieutenant General Kong Ming, dressed in an ancient costume and holding a feather fan, immediately pointed out the real point: “Then again, do you know, is General Lorne sure to participate in the war this time?” ”

Especially after showing strength this time!

It’s not just him

Everyone was concerned about this question, but there was no answer, even Marshal Sengoku did not know ……

“What is certain.”

“Now I am personally escorting the golden lion on the way to advance the city-”


Days passed.

The intensive movement of naval personnel around the world has gradually calmed down, seemingly calm, but in fact there is a dark tide.

Whitebeard Pirates.

At this moment, all the pirate groups under his command have all been twisted into a rope, and several coated whale main ships have been assembled!

“Little ones, it’s time to go!! Rescue Ace!!! ”

With Whitebeard cheering up! The Moby Dick is officially diving!



It was the day of Ace’s execution! And when this storm came, several events broke out!


“How many times you say something you don’t understand, say it until you understand! Yamato! ”

“Then I’m the same, no matter how many times I have to say it!”

A coquettish sound.

New World, Ghost Island.

On the snow-covered cliff, Qianying, dressed in a white kimono, jumped into the air and swung his stick towards the giant shadow: “I am Ota!” You smelly old man!! ”



After a fat beating.

Yamato lay on the ground dying.

The rough burly man with horns on his head picked up the blood-stained stick again: “Bring her back…”

It’s time to do something big yourself!!


“Boss Kaido!!”

High in the sky, suddenly a bat man flew in, hurriedly: “The advance ship was stopped by the red-haired pirate group!” Now there is a fierce battle with Quinn and Lord Jack!! ”

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