
The sound of the air earthquake penetrates the inner bay

The shock wave separated the void, as if it wanted to tear the red dog’s flesh and bones apart!


The cloak of justice behind the red dog burst out a terrifying shockwave, ~ swept towards the execution table!

During the inner bay ice along the way.


As well as the shadow stone tiles of the square, the navy was affected! Severely injured and suffocated!

Finally, hundreds of meters away!

Asaka at a very fast speed – to the execution table!!


The shock wave of the transparent red dog exploded, and the sound of collapse was accompanied by billowing smoke!

“Everywhere… The execution table is okay!! ”

The square navy was stunned.

Until the smoke clears –

After seeing the two generals under the execution table, he realized that they had blocked it with high-level domineering.

“Sakaski didn’t come back.”

Just between them,

When you set your sights on the side of the red dog….. Suddenly, beyond the high wall, there were densely packed large crows, and there were thousands of them at a rough glance!

There are pirates on it!

“Air strike!”

“It’s a damn powerhouse! Enveloping the wall, enclosing the wall is useless! ”

“This amount-”

“Quick! Shelling down them! ”

The general of the square quickly ordered.

The plan was interrupted –


The white group and the revolutionary army invaded and soon fell into the square, as if trying to drag them down.

Let Daddy:

Take the opportunity to abolish a general!

Supernovae are also excited!

After landing, start slaughtering the navy! All of them have a strong sense of revenge!

After the last time,

And after advancing the trip to the city, they got a little growth, and a few of them also comprehended domineering!

Confidence has increased

And this time the battlefield …. It’s also a better experience for them!

“Magnetic reflex!!”

“Scratch Blast!”

“The Punisher’s Scythe!”


“Full-size Big Boss!!”


The tricky fruit ability of Kid’ap and others greatly affected the battlefield and caused a lot of trouble in the scene.

Weapons of the navy,

For a while, many lost their effectiveness, and at the same time, in terms of firepower, they were pressed by Cappenbeki a small wave!!

“Not good!”

“It’s Pirate Supernova!”

“Stop them!”


There was chaos on the side of the navy, and many vice admirals were stopped by Captain Fan, and when the green pheasant and yellow ape saw this, they wanted to make a move.

“Want to go to the health farm with the miscellaneous soldiers?”

Hearing this,

They were also generals, but they did not dare not listen, and immediately shifted their targets and locked onto the red dogs outside the field.


A faint voice also fell with the figure.

“Tree bound for eternal burial.”

grass and tree germination,

The soles of the feet of a few high-profile supernovas, or the vines have been broken! Or break the giant hand! Pulled into the ground and devoured!

Becky’s eighty meter boss, more than twice the size of Oates!

A shaking,

But there is still no escape.

“Why are you eyeing us again!”

“This one again!”

“Bastard !!!”

“There’s domineering on it! Can’t break free! ”

Other supernovae used their abilities but were useless.

It didn’t take long,

Supernovae are almost completely extinguished! That’s right, a real strangle!

No mercy.

Not only them, but also many weaker captains, who lost most of them under this blow!!

The revolutionary army was almost destroyed by more than half!


Not because it will involve the naval side, but I am afraid that it will be expanded wider!

As the pirate’s voice disappeared, there was a thorny popping sound from the ground, and a large amount of life essence rushed to the figure on the ground in the center.


His imposing aura is even deliberately suppressed! It’s all cathartic!

“It’s General Lorne!”

“Is he going to strike personally!!”

The navy in the rear made an excited sound, looking at the cloaked man walking behind him, and subconsciously separated into two.

This existence,

Now it is equivalent to their fixed sea god needle! Even more important than the marshal !!

“Don’t show mercy, kill them all.”

Lorne felt the life energy of the supernova, and between the openings, pieces of green light emerged.

Almost everyone is here.

He crossed the crowd and looked at the high wall, his gaze seemed to penetrate and hit the ice.


Whitebeard with red dog.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, but the red dog lost his first hand at the beginning, plus the punch just now,


At this moment, a lot of blood has spilled.


Another knife,

A red red color burst out of Chi Inu’s chest, and I don’t know if it was magma or blood, and he slid back on the ice.

The face is very ugly.

“General Akainu!!”

The battle between the two also touched the hearts of many people.

The red dog this man,

How to say, is the MVP who kills pirates, he never cares who you are or what identity you have.

As long as it is a pirate, kill!

As a military man,

He adheres to his own rules, even if he kills Captain Fan and attracts Whitebeard’s hatred, he still doesn’t care.

“Your sons, bury them all in it, Whitebeard….”

The red dog wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: “I will block you here.” ”

Although the encirclement walls are all raised, they are of little use and can only be adapted.

As for his consumption,


Being besieged by many people is not small, but it doesn’t matter –

“Goo la la, then you will guard it well.”

Bai Hu laughed lowly, but his heart was filled with anger-


The strongest shield,

And his many sons…


Red and white crossing.

The two touched several more hits! The movement of the explosion made the eyes of the Sengoku of the execution platform sink slightly….

He didn’t think,

The scales of victory are on their side. Because —

As if to prove the inner unease, the Warring States suddenly looked somewhere on the battlefield, and his face changed drastically.

I saw directly ahead.

Behind the inner bay,


The black shadow of the pterosaur followed in the sky, keeping a certain distance from her at any time.

It’s not just the two of them,

There was also a witch-like woman who came to the high wall at some point, opened a vortex with both hands, and released many people.

There are Charlotte’s family generals.

And also

Siblings headed by the eldest son …


“All of them are here, what is the purpose, do they really want to subvert this world?!” Sengoku’s face was livid.

It really doesn’t make sense!

But the only good news is that the Four Emperors don’t seem to have arrived yet…. war


“This juncture.”

“We can’t continue to sit on the sidelines!!”

This war,

It has already involved the whole world, even the era of sea pirates!!!

As a marshal,

Not taking a step back no matter what happened, he took a deep breath and rolled up his sleeves.

And beside you,

The old man who sat down after Lorne left, but his mood has been very low. Even if the Aunt Group is coming….


Sengoku just wanted to say something, but was attracted by a coquettish sound!

“Thunder gossip!”


On the unblocked inner bay, the woman with red horns on her head came to the battle place of Whitebeard.

Grab the neutral,

Swing the stick at the red dog!!


The mace surrounds the overlord color domineering!

And the red dog,

Because he had just been repelled by Whitebeard, he had almost no reaction time, and his abdomen was hit hard by his mace!


He flew upside down like an off-string arrow! In mid-air, the embers who had been following Yamato did not leave a hand!

The katana was drawn,

Wrap the flames around and make up for the next blow! Completely blast the red dog into the square!


It was Yamato’s soprano: “Ace! I’m here to save you!!! ”

This voice,

Just like Luffy before, it resounded throughout the battlefield, and Karp was slightly stunned.

Sengoku has a bruised forehead.

To be honest,

If there were no Lorne.

The war was fought to such a point, sooner or later his mentality could not hold back.


Ace raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw the figure in front of him, his figure trembling slightly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Great…. Yamato !!! ”


Did she actually come too? No, will Kaido let it go?

Ace thought,

and swept down to fight all the way, Luffy Saab and the two of them who were in deep danger, and they kept blaming themselves in their hearts.


Grab the land with your head.

Thinking of everyone,

And daddy they desperately saved themselves, he was in pain, and now Yamato is running all the way ….

A few seconds later,

As if he had figured out something, Ace straightened his waist and realized something.

He wants to grasp everything and reach out to himself!


Outside the enclosing wall,

Whitebeard noticed the uninvited guest door behind him.


“And Kaido’s bastard…..”

If they themselves arrive on the battlefield again, it will really be the Rocks Pirates gathering!


Don’t even think about it.

These two are absolutely uneasy and kind.

Of course, no matter how you say it,

Definitely good news for the pirate side, and Whitebeard will take every opportunity!

His eyes became extremely sharp.

“Thunder gossip?”

“That’s Kaido’s move—”

As soon as the red dog fell into the square, his face changed slightly, and he sensed that it was his daughter who soothed his brows.

I got up and slowed down for a while.

Seeing the people of the Charlotte family surrounding him, he suddenly sneered.

What people,

Dare to target him??


“Haven’t tried to kill the general? He’s in a bad state…”

“Mom is still on the way, don’t waste time, remember what we are here for!”


The Charlotte family has impure purposes.

And their arrival not only attracted the attention of the audience, but also the green pheasant and yellow ape did not look good, and they ran to the red dog!

But halfway through,

A man with short amaranth hair and strong muscles, a trident pierces a pheasant with one hand!

The rest of the children also entangled the yellow ape!

“What’s going on!”

“So, that’s the dessert general star?! The second son of the Aunt Pirates, Katakuri! ”

“Kriji! Smooge! ”

“The whole pirate group is here, hey! Isn’t it enough for a revolutionary army to come? ”

“The rumors that the Four Emperors are coming are all true!”

“The end of the world, the end of the world-”

“No, I haven’t seen the Four Emperors yet!”


On Chambord Island, where the phone worm is broadcast, panic and panic rise one after another!

Originally, the number of naval parties was to greatly suppress the pirates, and now the scales have been reversed!

It is completely impossible to predict the direction of the battlefield!

“Mirror Mirror Fruit? What a convenient ability—”

Reilly at a height, his sharp eyes flashed slightly.


“Even you can’t stop it now.”

Lorne kills the dragon,

It took him a while to slow down.

But there must be a price.

When the remaining two Four Emperors arrived, they joined forces, and Lorne thought like the Valley of the Gods again.

Destroy them all,

Make up for regrets, it is unlikely to be achieved ah——

In the Bay of Marin Fandone, the atmosphere on the naval side is very dull.

In fact, most navies were prepared, but they did not expect that one of the four emperors would go out with a group.

Single Four Emperors,

It’s not a pressure to be with the whole group of the four emperors.


Steady footsteps came from a distance.

“Afraid of something.”

“It’s good to end it together.”

Lorne’s pale,

Attracting the attention of the Charlotte family, they did not brainlessly approach rashly.

I don’t know,

Do you want to wait for their BIGMOM! However, the next ones made them more dignified.

“Lieutenant General!”

“Retreat to three hundred meters away!”

“Those below the lieutenant general, how far back and how far!”

As Lorne moved forward, some vice admirals roared, and many navies sensed something.

In my heart, I must have left quickly.

But a sudden roar interrupted them again: “What happened?!” ”


I saw that hundreds of meters away and far away, Whitebeard crossed the encirclement wall and fell on the square.

It’s just one person,

There is a husband who is in charge, and there is no courage to open it!

“Whitebeard is coming in!”

“General Akainu…. Didn’t stop it? ”

“It’s all those bastard pirates! Wait a minute! Behind General Akainu—”


Everyone watched.

Whitebeard is a red dog before landing.

At this very moment,

The red dog killed another captain of the white group.

To hide

Guys pretending to be women.

The cause was that he shot a naval lieutenant, so that the red dog, who had wanted to leave, turned around and slammed him through his hand expressionlessly.

Just handy.

With Mr. Lorne here,

He didn’t have to worry so much about his actions, and even once set his eyes on Luffy, the son of a criminal.

But they were all interrupted,

He only found an opportunity to kill a captain and weaken his strength, but this scene just fell on Whitebeard’s gaze.


It was the crew who was once brought up by Ota…

Now —


The atmosphere is frozen to the extreme!


The sword flashed.

The sound of the beak knife hitting the ground sounded.

When the red dog came back to his senses, his figure was already shrouded in the shadow of six meters and six, and this strong qi was murderous!

It makes his body feel stiff for a short time.


It also zooms in to the extreme in an instant!

The power that can make the general level stiff is very strange, but now it is happening.



The white-bearded man holding a beak knife was bloodshot with his eyeballs, and there was no hesitation.

Sink your legs sharply,

The left hand pulled back to the limit, and instantly burst out of white light, slamming down on the red dog in front of him!

Mighty is strong.

Let the pesters that are entangled in the distance feel palpitations! But he has a very bad relationship with Akainu, although he is a colleague.

Can save,

But isn’t it impossible to pull out now?


“Hmm….. Sakaski? ”

The yellow ape easily dodged Smooge’s slash, swept the red dog, and swept to Luffy, who was running towards the execution table.

With a slight hesitation,


The red dog should be able to block it….. Now that he is being dragged by the Charlotte family, it is indeed not easy to leave.

Execution table, Karp Warring States needless to say, God pretended to hang up.

Sengoku does not mention,

Karp saw the red dog grabbing Luffy before, and his teeth were clenched tightly, now save people? Unrealistic.

“Not good!”

“Red dog!”

“General Akainu!!”


The red dog had consumed a lot of physical strength before, and was injured by Whitebeard, and he resisted Yamato and Ember’s full strength one after another.

Fight the Charlotte family for a few seconds,

It’s not so back.

Now eat the blow of Whitebeard, I’m afraid, I’m afraid it’s fierce …

At this moment, the hearts of all the navies were hanging!!


Void Warp!

The white-bearded big gun flew rapidly, and he hadn’t touched the red dog yet! The ground was the first to collapse tens of meters away!!

With the fist inch down!

Directly attached to the red dog,

Bang it on the ground, and it’s about to erupt!


The white-bearded mountain-like giant fist froze, and between the violent explosions of the shock wave, the gravel flew over, and the mighty and fierce hand——

But I couldn’t get down.

A soft voice sounded ahead of him.

“Hey, hey.”

“I’m all old, and I’m still in such a hurry….. Do you want me to end you early? “。

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