Draco’s national treasure?

Or a legendary ancient weapon? No one knows, but the power in it is by no means something that human beings can have!

Absolutely devastating!

I have to describe –

That’s the power of God!


All you can imagine is ancient weapons!

And ancient weapons,

It is what all careerists desire, even if it is as strong as the Four Emperors, the former Kaido and Aunt, in order to seize the Great Secret Treasure!

Capture the world!

Desperate to try to have that power, which is enough to describe its value and horror!

And now,

A blow that was completely comparable to ancient weapons exploded!

High temperature and intense inflammation! Photothermal radiation!

Gas blaster!

Under many influences, it seems that the sky has collapsed, and the sixteen beams in the ball of light are blessed to the extreme!

With a huge amount of damage!

If you say,

One can destroy small islands, then sixteen, can destroy sixteen plates!!

All this,

It is also many generals and royal-level combat power, silk!

Not to mention,

They are now bleeding,

Even escaping became a problem, and the only hope was the tyrant bear, the support force that bounced off everything.

It was even blocked by Lorne.


Seeing Lorne’s Buddha body rekindled, he pulled out his height several times, instantly crushed the island, and unfolded all the wooden hands behind him!

They all hold their breath,



Before they could react, Lorne unleashed all his power, and for a while, a dense array of Buddha hands pierced the clouds.

Burning with black-purple light!

Burn everything and go straight to the top!

These thousand hands!

This thousand-time sanction!

Each one has the power to tear the surface of the earth!

Each fist can destroy mountains and meteorites, and its power is powerful enough to change the landscape!

And the landform here refers to the continent …. It refers to the level of the Red Earth Continent!


The bergamot submerged upwards at extreme speed! In just the blink of an eye, he collided with the sixteen holy pillars!

The explosion shook the sky!!!

After that,

The world seems to have lost its voice –

The confrontation between manpower and gods?

Confrontation of manpower and weapons?

Nobody knows.

But they understand that there is no one before and no one after!

If the steel bone is empty here, you will understand that as a super weapon that the world government has stood for 800 years.

Throughout history, there has been no defeat!

How amazing and incredible it is to be blocked now——


“Could it be that the power of each of these wooden hands is…” The Warring States were crushed to the ground by the powerful shock wave above.

Now his face has changed drastically.

He couldn’t open his eyes, he could only carefully observe with domineering, and saw the moment when the color was released.

Like Ka Er.

The scorching heat is unbearable and begins to burn!

But he –

It still penetrated Lorne’s power, as if endless! Now after releasing it, though those thousand hands.

Not as strong as the strongest blow of his main hand!

But already comparable!

At least one punch!

Killing those two army and air force generals just now is absolutely relaxed! Maybe…. One-on-one, the steel bone can also be killed!

That is to say,

Every hit has a kill general! Even the power of the four emperors!

And so,

There are thousands of them! Crazy!!


“So much in a row.”

Plan ahead –

Or have you met the distant future?

Reading this,

Even if it is the Warring States, which is known as a wise general, they can’t help but tremble, are they all planned?!

Other than that

I already knew that Lorne was so strong with all his strength, what else did they fight?

It’s good now

This blow is won or lost…. Your side will surely die!

The pillar of light wins to the death.

Lorne won,

It’s incredible, but if he wins, he and Karp and his grandson, none of them can run.

One counts one.

All have to be liquidated…

The Warring States regretted it,

I regret it so much, everything I have paid, everything is subject to the world government.

Who would have predicted,

Will be treated so coldly? The world government, it doesn’t care if the Navy lives or dies! Don’t care about paying!

Ah Tsuru –

Pheasant –

Steel Bone Void——

This battle,

The pirate side has been hit hard as never before, but the high-level combat power of the naval side has reached a trough!

Isn’t the world government afraid of causing great turmoil?!

When the Warring States were lonely, he suddenly remembered the red dog.


Fortunately, he was outside and should have been able to escape.


Could it be that this was also something that Lorne had thought of in advance?

Sengoku’s eyes moved slightly, not thinking about it.

The pedantic side,

The side of the silly hat,

From the beginning to the present, it was himself, looking at the sky where the light shone.

This marshal had a mist under his eyes,

Stop Lorne,

Attack Lorne,

Probably the most wrong thing I did in my life. Suddenly, the anger of the Warring States rose from the heart!



“It’s all good deeds you did!!!

“Our navy is gone, great prospects, everything is gone!!”

Although Karp couldn’t hear the roar of the Warring States, his heart was equally sour, and he looked up at the sky.

As soon as I began to pay attention to my grandson again,

Ran away?

The fruit of Lorne is so convenient…. Luffy should have been tied up with wood earlier, right? Maybe he died early –

It’s just that

Dragged down the Warring States and Xiaohe, ah, and-


Why hasn’t it fallen yet?

Karp seemed to have discovered something, looked up, and there was dust in front of him.

But in perception –

Lorne seems to have blocked it?!


And that’s true.

As the collision unfolded above, the sixteen holy pillars did not stalemate with Lorne’s thousand hands as everyone thought.


They only consume a small number of wooden hands, then they run out of energy, and they are crushed by a thousand hands and run through!


The Thousand Hands Fall carries a faint purple light,

Break through the firmament,

Tearing higher in the sky, like bolides, parabola to lock a certain position.


Row by row!


The sky turned into purple light.

hurricane surge, gas expansion,

Even an electromagnetic pulse.

Millions of volts of thunder light spread out, like the realm of doom, even Chambordi Island can see it.

That disordered celestial phenomenon.

Countless giant hands streaked by, emitting the sound of Buddha Hao, attracting electromagnetic thunder explosions, strings of fire burning clouds!

Many warships near the headquarters were swept away by the waves of qi scattered by the mushroom cloud!

Rough waves.

Water jets and tsunamis burst out!

Even though the warship retreated far away, it was still affected a lot, and the people who stayed in the headquarters were still affected. Not to mention the pressure.

“It’s terrifying!”

“This already, this has surpassed Whitebeard’s blow!!”

“This sea area, no, all the surrounding sea areas will be affected!!”

“Quick! Get out of here! ”

“This is not a human war for a long time, it’s a divine war!!”

“Hey! What is that!? Meteor or meteorite!! ”


Tens of thousands of navies are overwhelmed by fear, they don’t know what is falling from the sky, but they know what is up to it.

That wooden purple Buddha!

It’s Lorne,

The strength of General Lorne!

Already far beyond the boundaries of their imagination!

Especially next,

They swept through the heavenly things, and their mood was even more indescribable, with such great power!

This sea,

Does General Lorne still have an opponent?

“The Age of the Sea Pirates. It will definitely end in the hands of the teacher….,” on the center ship, Akainu sighed at the same time.

The eyes are unusually bright.

He sensed a shooting star in the sky above. In fact, the red dog also has a meteor volcano, which can raze a large area to the ground! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Smashed in town.

Smashed on the island.

That’s all devastating!!

But compared to the Buddha Fist roaring through the clouds, it is not a grade at all, not even a dimension!


“Their direction…”

The sound stopped abruptly.


Mary Joya.

Located between the powers of Pangu City, in front of a special floor-to-ceiling window, the five old stars silently looked beyond the Red Earth Continent.

“That, it’s been a long time since it was used.”

“Well, I remember dealing with Joey Boi last time.”

“It’s a pity-”

“No pity. It was worth it, and with the help of Lorne’s hand, he completely destroyed the four emperors…. Even if the price is the top of the entire Navy, it is acceptable. ”

“The top is gone, you can be re-promoted.”

“It’s a pity that the Warring States and the steel bone are empty, and the next amount of work will be large.”

“Huh? What’s with that fire?! ”


The five old stars are either sitting or standing, thinking about the aftermath of the war, as well as the handling arrangements.

It happens to be the end of the year,

At this juncture,

The world will quickly set off a large turbulence, and it seems that some are busy.

They said,

Suddenly swept into a purple flame cloud! And a gradually louder screech!

The five old stars’ hearts tightened,

There was a bad premonition, and then they all got up and approached the window.


I saw that the purple light shrouded the entire holy land, the residence of all the Draco!

And the Draco people,

In the beginning,

Looking at this scene, I thought it was beautiful.

“There is a meteor shower!”

“Here, as the dwellings of the descendants of God, we can see some every year, what’s strange?”

“No, no, take a closer look!!”

“That was…”

“Oh, or fist-shaped?”

“Idiot! These directions are on our side! ”


In addition to Draco,

Even the guards or CP0 were stunned.

It’s clear.

They don’t realize the seriousness of the matter,

I don’t know,

This is a grand feast that Lorne sent to the Draco and the five old stars after almost exhausting all his strength!


The spark of the New Year!



“It’s ours!”

“Damn it!! What the hell is going on! Is it another enemy attack? ”


The nobles of the world began to panic and, with the assistance of CP0, fled towards the refuge!


Leading the largest,

The Buddha fist like a giant meteor smashed in!

“Boom !!!”

The moment it fell above the Holy Land, it seemed to be blocked by an invisible object, and a large ripple exploded.

After a while, it returned to stability.

But this is just one, followed by hundreds!

The Holy Land Shield fluctuated violently, blocking one bolide after another, and the Buddha Fist split in four splashes!

Many fell into the Red Earth Continent!

Widespread destruction was caused, and the earth was burned horrificly.

“‘This is a holy place, who has the guts—”

“Wait, does it have anything to do with the previous one…. Could it be that Lorne!? ”

“How is it possible! Lord Im has already given him sanctions! Absolutely incapable of surviving! ”

“Even if you block it, will you still have the strength to take revenge? What a laugh off the big teeth! ”

“So what do you say this is? Coincidental? Or is it a natural disaster? ”


At the beginning,

Their hearts were clenched, they were shocked, after all, the five of them were also the first time to see this!

Sosin blocked it.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the five old men argued violently.

Eight hundred years,

Invincible for eight hundred years! They have the foundation and confidence! And invincible prestige!

But never thought ….

Someone dares to attack Mary Joa!


Even if he has that ability, who gives him confidence? Aren’t you afraid of retaliation from the world government!!

With this in mind,

The hearts of the five people just loosened and came back!!


The shield was covered with purple flames, and the entire holy land turned into a purple intent, and the temperature soared through the inside of the shield!



When smashing into hundreds!


The outside can’t hold up and explode!

The first one,

Officially burst in a garden! A large number of purple flames escaped! Hundreds of kilometers affected!

Countless Draco who didn’t run away screamed! Curse!

It’s like purgatory on earth!


One by one,

Immediately after the fall, it seems to destroy Pangu City!!

“Damn it! How can it be! ”

“Has the Hallows lost its effect? Or is it over the limits of endurance?! ”

“Revenge? That guy, he really has such power!? ”

“No way! Let’s go! ”

“Delay as much as possible, give the Hallows time to repair the kick!”


If it was really Lorne who did it, it would have to be reassessed, and the strength was really deep.

And that guts,

Don’t say it,

Dare to fight back? I’m afraid I have ambitions for a long time, right?

They are good.

But I have to mention,

The terrifying degree of that impact really made the scalp of the five old stars numb, and if left unchecked, it may really have the power to destroy the world government! !


“This little thing? To us, little Doyle! ”

The five no longer hesitated and jumped out.

Just a few seconds later, they smashed it back again, all embarrassed, completely without the arrogance to start.

“Come again!”

“Show your true skills!”

Just as they were about to carry out the second wave, a slender figure came up and passed the five people. He looked at the purgatory-like holy place of the sea of fire.

Seeing this, the five old stars immediately bowed down.

A large stain of sweat ran down his forehead, not only for the tension of the crisis, but also for the detriment of this event.

I was ashamed to this point: “Lord Im! ”



Im’s rippled eyes were very calm, and he gave an evaluation: “Within a stone’s reach, people are all enemies.” ”

Must not stay.

It didn’t take long,

The movement of the Thousand Hand Meteor gradually subsided. But the losses caused by this may not be able to slow down the world government for a long time.

Marin Fando,

The aftermath subsided.

The evaporated inner bay was refilled with seawater, and a large amount of thick dust floated in the air!


Underwater vines emerge one by one!


In the end, a small continent was regenerated.

As for the headquarters building?

In the high pressure and high temperature, it has long been destroyed.


“We, we’re not dead yet.”


“Lorne’s breath is gone! Could it be that they all perished? ”

“Did the old man escape a catastrophe? Ahaha, it’s the best news. Luffy, Luffy, are you still there!! ”


Several figures rose from the vine and recovered from the environment that gradually returned to oxygen.

Among them, the red-haired Hawkeye is still there.

And Karp,

It’s also hard not to die,

Releasing the sight and smell did not sense Lorne, thinking that he had exhausted his strength and died.

The corners of the mouth habitually grinned,

After that, I immediately remembered my only biological grandson! Start searching for its breath!

In addition to the heartaches of the Warring States, he found a silkworm chrysalis with a crane wrapped in it.

The sound is still there.

Not dead!

As soon as the Warring States got excited, he saw a figure walking in the thick fog.

“You guys.”

“Do you think I don’t exist.”

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