The atmosphere is strong,

They were about to drip water, and the reason why they could tell it was awakening was because of Lorne’s current posture.

Sensen fruit.

With the level of development of that guy, the ability to launch it, there is no need to shoot at all.

Touch the ground with your feet.

diffuse greenery,

You can release the ability to do it, and even release spores in the air, making people unconsciously hit the trick.

That’s right

The five people sent people to investigate very carefully, after all, knowing oneself and knowing the other can not be defeated!

But now,

Lorne supported the ground with his hands, and had to make people make up for it, obviously it was not necessary, but he wanted to do this-

Then it is no surprise that it is going to be big!!

Let’s just say the previous trick,

Buddha on top!

Needless to say, the five old stars are still palpitating.

Even national treasures cannot compete with it.

And now,

Lorne’s second big move, no one knows what it will be.

One person in the middle of the five old stars, the elder bearded man took a deep breath: “You have to open the shield immediately, otherwise…. In case of another cross-distance raid. ”

Several people were silent.

After that, the elder just wanted to leave, straight!

“That was…. What the!? ”

The tone was tinged with a hint of surprise.


On the huge screen, that is, the Bay of Marin Fandonet, a huge shadow rises!

Rock yellow!

Emerald green!

Half-man, half-beast!

The upper body is like a night elf, with golden eyes and majestic antlers, even more domineering than a dragon!


The lower body is the appearance of a sacred deer.

Four hooves,

Long mossy hair that falls straight to your shoulders! The hair and eyebrows are made up of leaves and twigs!

Because it’s a phantom,

The height is very exaggerated!

Equal to the island-like Luffy and the thousand-meter Song Devil! There is even a surpass!

And his appearance,

All living plants cheer for it! Countless birds came around, and even the sea kings at close range jumped out of the water!

Around the horse “three two zero” Lin Fando spewed out a column of water!


The phantom stretches his limbs slightly!

The yellow-green color that exudes nature will shock Luffy and the two in front of him by the way! Washed away!



The five old stars cast snails here.

frequency and signal,

It is also intermittent and extremely unstable.

And the snail itself couldn’t help but let out a low groan, like …. There is a sense of worship.

The next second,

Before the five old stars could react, I saw that an outrageous thing happened between the phone bug and the screen.


Inexplicably affected by the power of the forest, the grass and trees began to rise wildly, and gradually condensed into a human form!

Resembles Lorne!

Five old stars: “…”

“Cut off! Cut it off! ”

“How could this happen…. Airspace invasion of fruit abilities?! ”

“Do you want to come directly to the Holy Land this time?”

“How presumptuous!”


Even if well-informed!

Even if you call yourself a descendant of God!

They still feel ridiculous to the extreme!


You are fighting fiercely in Marin Fandor! Launch the ability! That’s it!

How did you get here instantly?

Although they were very arrogant in words, they still cut off the signal sharply.

Dispose of the phone bug and behind the screen,

The invasion slowly disappeared, and then the five quickly looked out the window.

Find the wind calm.

There are still a large number of guards repairing the holy place, inexplicably relieved. Fortunately, the rest is fine.


The five people found out,

The forehead is unknowingly covered with sweat, they …. Scared by Lorne!!

“That guy.”

The white-robed old man sat back on the sofa and questioned: “Is that guy really a Sensen Fruit ability?” ”


But such a strange phantom appeared…. How can it not look like it!!

“Could it be—”

“Is it the same as the Nika Fruit, a phantom beast species whose name is hidden?”

“Is it really exposed when you awaken now?”


It’s really possible!

It’s just —

“Nika is buried by our world government, but this Sensen fruit…. And what fruit? ”

“That’s right.”

“We have so far.”

“It only erases Nika from history, but the Sensen Fruit has never-”

The five were silent. Don’t think about it.

Now the upper group of demons danced, the Song Demon King, Nika Joey Boi, Lorne who caused many visions.

In between,

And what will be the ending –

“If Lorne is not consumed, then it must be him who wins.”


“He really consumes so much, can he still enter the state of physical and mental skill integration and let the fruit awaken?”

“What if this is not an awakening? Just unleash the power he belongs to the phantom beast?! ”

If so, it’s even scarier.

I hope not-


“No matter which of them loses or wins, it is not good news for me and others!”

“We have to speed up the world recruitment process!”


Similar to the convening order issued directly by the world government for the powerful in the private sector.

In fact

On the surface, it is folk,

But as long as you listen to the world government, it doesn’t matter what you did before, whether it’s robbers, robbers, pirates, commoner noble kings.

As long as it is powerful!


All can be turned positive!

Similar to Nanabukai –


The world government even intends to gather the power of the pirates, and the purpose of collecting these strong people naturally goes without saying.


Outside the door between rights, several CP0s are silently waiting on standby, including the newly hired Luchikaku.

There is also Stussy who ostensibly identifies as the Queen of Happy Street.


They were all surprised in their hearts——

“Is something big going to happen?”

“The call for CP0 – all members within CP9 has already begun, and this is preparation in advance”


“It’s all come to this point, and it’s clear that there’s an unimaginable war about to break out.”


They vaguely guessed something.

Now because of the top war, several four emperors have fallen, and the seven Wuhai have also been beaten.

The largest twin forces at sea fell.

And the source,

From a man with the title of general. The commanders of the three armed forces sent there was no trace.

You don’t have to think about it.

On the side of the naval headquarters, it was out of control.

And the world government has never encountered such a thing in 800 years!!

“Zefa, the former general of the New World.”

“And many remaining lieutenant generals.”

“Now that they are all under control, our task is to collect them as soon as possible.”

“Avoid defecting completely.”

“It is also necessary to contact the Morguns side, only by standing on the commanding height of justice can we better carry out the action.”

They each distributed the following tasks.

After getting tidied up,

It is not only a challenge for the world government, but also a crisis for the entire sea!

With the unfolding of Uta live broadcast, fans around the world have also seen incredible things!

“Navy hero Karp was killed?!”

“General Lorne….. Is it good or bad? ”

“Bastard! Didn’t you see it? Uta, who wanted to save Kapu, has now turned into a demon! That Karp is certainly not a good thing either! ”

“You guys are talking nonsense!!”

“Lieutenant General Karp’s character, Luffy’s innocence and liveliness, how could they do bad things!”


In the Kingdom of East China Sea Goya, the discussion in Windmill Town was intense, and saw the live broadcast of Marcino and the mountain thief Dadan.

Seeing the three Ace brothers die one after another.



Until now, Luffy burns life, Uta mad demon, summons world-destroying monsters!

Legs are soft,

It’s all a little unbearable!

“How come—”

The bar lady Marcino held her skirt with one hand and covered her mouth with the other, full of incredulity.

Three brothers died, two people –

She couldn’t accept it!!

Contrary to Marcino, it makes the windmill village chief feel deafening, and the roar of the mountain thief Dadan!


“Karp!!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She grabbed her head with both hands, knelt down, buried her face in the ground, and large tears wet the ground.

My hands are pounding!

I don’t know,

I thought that the naval hero was in his hometown and raised a thief as a lover.

“Why didn’t you strike in the first place!”



As soon as he learned the news of his resurrection, he was naturally happy in his heart, but he didn’t have to be happy for long.

He was killed by Ace’s tumultuous operation——


A series of things that happened after that, including Karp’s death, made him no longer able to suppress his emotions!

Go to pieces!


“They are so good, this so-called admiral! But don’t talk about it at all! ”


It’s just a bit of a criminal!!!


Some people couldn’t help but speak: “If the Navy is sentimental, then what else should the system and the law do?”


Da Dan directly grabbed him!

But the next second,

Then a group of branch navies rushed over.

More than just a sub-windmill town!

Various other towns!

Various branches!


Four seas and great shipping lanes! It all caused an uproar! Quite a few branch navies received orders from the world government!

With action,

It is expressly forbidden to watch the live broadcast!!

Violators are punished!

But there are still most, received from the headquarters of the Navy: there is no need to obey the world government!


Stick to all your positions!

The contradiction unfolds at once, and the subordinates confront the superiors, this has never happened before!!

But everyone,

After thinking back to Lorne’s explosive performance, he quickly took sides and chose to obey the headquarters!


To say what is above the navy, naturally it is the world government, but Lorne can be used as their background and backer!

After all, the Navy,

If you can govern independently, who is willing to be manipulated as a puppet! Run it yourself –

Not necessarily worse than before!!

And the news received by these branches was naturally issued by Marshal Ren with the red dog, of course …. Also authorized by Lorne!

In an instant,

Individual warships,

Branch elites and base leaders from all over the world quickly contacted the branch!

0.., which was closed by the world government……..

Very little.

“Report to General Akainu!”

“We got it out and salvage, the director of the World Economic News Agency!”

On deck,

There are admirals who come quickly to salute!


The bow red dog said, and was attracted by the inner bay ahead.


Look around!

More exaggerated than the sea lotus that transforms Buddha on top! This time everywhere you see.

It’s all shooting!

sea level


It’s all green!

It’s as if the sea water has been assimilated into plants!


There are also countless insects and fish jumping up and circling the direction of the inner bay… It seems to be a king who greets them.

Up and down summary,

It’s a spectacle!

And the imperial shadow of Neiwan is getting bigger and bigger2!

“That was-”

“General Lorne?”

“Hey! Opposite him, is Straw Hat Luffy!? This distance…. It’s the size of an island, right? ”

“No less than Kaido before!!”

“Damn it! It’s not over yet, Lieutenant General Karp …. How many people were involved to deal with General Lorne!! ”

“Exactly! There is no end! ”


The navy is indignant!

You say you!

If you don’t contribute to the war on top, when you face your grandson, you can just act.

How to reverse,

What about adding a lot of obstacles to the fighting General Lorne? Let the grandchildren go and deal with their own people!

Now grandson,

It’s even more pulling and pulling out a bunch of trouble!!


A loud roar resounded in the sky, interrupting their discussion!

“Fruit Momono! Rubber Ape Gun! ”

“Super fifth gear!!”

I saw a pole several kilometers in size!

Super giant rubber bone fist wrapped in armed color, overlord color! After unlimited rubber stretching!

Through the firmament!

Absorbing the power of laughter from all over the world, similar to the power of qigong bombs, the breath has climbed a big level again!


That’s it

The ape spear rebounded with a contraction,

Unleashed the super power that can defeat the Four Emperors Kaido!!


The Demon King of the Song below.

That was sealed, contained hundreds of years, accumulated hundreds of years of super note light wave! Burst out too!

Where it passes,

All assimilated into special notes! Terrifying to the extreme!!

The two are superimposed,

One up and down,

The light shone on the entire sea, even Chambordi Island, the Windless Zone, and the Holy Red Earth Continent.

All have been affected a lot!

Lorne looked at them quietly.

Too lazy to consume.

He originally wanted to use fairy beans to restore to his peak, but then he suddenly remembered the tree spirit and tried to absorb it temporarily.


There are surprises,

Tree spirits survive a lot! Then he doesn’t hesitate either!

“God of nature! The power of the phantom beast above Sensen? ”


“Let me try…”

With Lorne’s movements, the phantom appeared golden and shot towards the void!


The air is raging!


Like 1.1 is against the white flame that ignites on the sun god Nikka!


One move,

Space is burned!


The Uta space that invaded reality was also destroyed in an instant and was fully absorbed by Lorne.

“Buzz !!!”

Morijo Fujibayashi,

Heavenly host

It was like they all turned into life force, burned into essence, absorbed by Lorne, and finally turned into two yi plates of Tai Chi!

Between yin and yang rotation,

There is a forest!

There is fire!

There are hurricanes!

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning and more!

They grow faces and life, and finally converge in the ritual plate of the god of nature!

Lorne used the peak technique to push out falsely——

Not close yet,

The white sun fire of the ape divine gun above was devoured by the golden fire of the forest!


Luffy was still smiling when he saw this, but his faith was extremely strong!

“Won’t lose!!”

“I must be the one who knocked you down!!!”

Yu Luo,

He cooperated with all the ape god generals he had infused with the note laser of the Song Demon King and collided with the two Yi plates!

Also at this time,

mutation suddenly,

Heaven and earth began to spin upside down!

The fifth gear extreme Luffy and the Song Demon King, as if in their world, began to rotate and turned into a part of Yin and Yang.

Squeezed infinitely!

Between the flowers of Pangu City, the five old stars did not dare to watch the live broadcast, but Yim seemed to ignore everything.

Still watching,

The surrounding swollen grass and trees in front of him also dissipated into powder.

“This fruit—”

See Lorne’s phantom beast form.


After this move, even if it was him, the master of the Void Throne!

The king of the world at the top!

In the pupils of the bland waveless waves, there was a violent contraction! Heart palpitations felt!

You know,

Even if he had previously attained Buddhahood, he was far from showing such emotions!

“Beyond nature, do you want to become a god…”.

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