

There was a roar in the sky!

A red dot quickly enlarged and swooped down with a blaster! Fast to…. Just in the blink of an eye!

The poop place is a hundred times bigger!

How fast are meteorites?


Mach three?

Mach five?


Even if it is weakened by friction, the meteorite that breaks through the atmosphere above has definitely reached a terrifying speed of more than tens of Mach!

That is, dozens of times the speed of sound!!

This is beyond ordinary people’s imagination! Unless there is a special fruit ability, everyone present cannot avoid it!

“Shooting stars? Meteorite? ”

“Yes, he did it!”

On the square,

Daddy Spendham,

Spandyne, a high-ranking official in the CP organization, looked at the scene above, felt the high pressure, and his legs could not stop trembling.

By his side,

Fuji Hu was also very surprised in his heart.

Just now,

He originally wanted to hook up an outer space meteorite, use gravity waves to change the trajectory, and fall to several warships under the Red Earth Continent!

But what I didn’t expect was.

Seeing that Wen Se had just captured the meteorite and wanted to pull it down with gravity waves, it was squeezed away by another strange and domineering energy!

It’s like a child facing an adult.

To be honest,

This is the first time this outrageous thing has happened.

Alien intervention is ruled out first.


If it is artificial,

Fuji Tiger can’t understand that there is only one gravity fruit in the world, why anyone can still do it.

“Mr. Smile.”

Stussy pulled back his thoughts, and even used the honorific name, quickly: “You have a way to deal with it-”

“Well, this is the old man’s area of expertise.”

Fujitora said,

It exudes an air that makes everyone feel pressured!


He took the knife with a ledge,

Turning around,

Several gravitational waves were sent out in reverse towards the sky!


Dozens of meters of air waves spread around!

One after another, the gravity purple circles broke away from the vine tiger and rushed towards the fire fall above!


The two sides collided in an instant!

The constant gladiatorial friction burst out a sound coil, sweeping the entire Holy Land!

There was a stalemate for a few seconds,

A green tendon burst out on Fuji Hu’s forehead!

This is just a dramatic sound,

The fire fell to a certain critical point, was detonated by gravity waves, and turned into blocks of fire scattered in mid-air!

“Did you block it?”

“It is worthy of being a civil powerhouse recognized by the five old stars.”

“What a monster-like existence.”

A few people around,

Looking at the dashing movements of the vine tiger, they all sighed secretly, but before he could think more, he was covered by an overwhelming red light!



“What a joke!!”

Their faces changed again!

The impact heat pressure this time is not only stronger than the 470 last time, but even stronger, so that they can’t raise their heads!


The vine tiger who had just collected the knife was also stunned,

Want to pull out the knife,

But I found that I was suppressed by the upper coercion, but I couldn’t pull it out.

“One more?!”


If you say that the meteorite you broke is five hundred meters after atmospheric friction!

So this one,

That’s more than a kilometer!

Once it fell smoothly.

I’m afraid the entire Holy Land won’t be able to hold up the impact of that!

“The second—”

The difficulty of dragging down one and dragging down two is completely different, even if the vine tiger has cultivated the gravity fruit to this point,

It can’t be done either!

How did Lorne do it with a Sensen fruit?!

“Gravity knife!!”

Fuji Tiger burst out potential and pulled out his staff knife again! But the ability rushed up, but the pupils were constricted.

Without it,

The ability is invalid!

He let out what he saw,


Gritting his teeth, he said something incredible: “This meteorite.” ”

“Entangled with domineering!!”

“And it’s not an armed color, it’s an overlord color!!!”

As soon as this remark came out,

The hearts of several people around them tugged! What’s the situation? Domineering?

Or overlord color!

Never heard of,


Domineering is able to wind, such as bows and arrows wrapped around domineering, releasing the power of blessings at the same time.

It can also shoot those who are capable.


Bows and arrows and meteorites are very different!

The size and impact of meteorites, how much equivalent domineering is needed…. Talent and domineering work together perfectly?!


The fire-colored shadow shrouded in fire, but without waiting for them to think slowly, it only took 0.001 seconds to smash on the Holy Land.


A loud bang sounded! There were plenty of ripples over the Holy Land!

With the clear lines of lava,

It’s constantly impacting!!

Seeing this, Stussy below breathed a sigh of relief, and opened his mouth to explain to the others: “After the last accident, the protective shield of the Holy Land has been repaired and reinforced, and it is okay…”

The words did not fall,

She wanted to slap herself hard!



The clear cracking sound was endless, and the shield only lasted for a second, and the overlord-colored giant meteor was easily blasted through!


This is why Stussy wanted to slap it,

Fortunately, it dragged on time,

It also gives the people below the opportunity to buffer and recharge.

“Pacifist, do it all!”

“Blazing Angel!”


As soon as the call of the call was raised, hundreds of lasers penetrated out, and the little eagle eye also swung his knife violently!

The rest of the Blazing Angels also use their abilities.

Seeing this, several people from the Golden Emperor also cooperated to dissolve the meteorite above!!


But under strong pressure,

The ground under their feet is constantly shattering and spreading!

Among them, the most exaggerated of the vine tiger, the ability is opened to the limit, the feet suddenly sink, and the cracks directly spread out of the square!

Sweating profusely,

Until one of his roars!

Do everything you can,

Only then did everyone cooperate with everyone to offset the angle of this overlord-colored giant meteor and fly out in a rapid speed!


The meteorite hit the no-man’s land of the Red Earth Continent!

And this also caused the ground to tremble,

With an eleventh degree storm,

ultra-high heat wave,

Several aftermaths came to Mary Joa, causing a huge turmoil! Still did not avoid losses!!

When the aftermath subsides completely,

Everyone in the place is palpitating.

Just coming,

This meteorite almost made them return to the western sky, or is it all together, how to play if they face Lorne?

San Underground Port,

I don’t know if I was frightened by the meteorite, and when the health ship landed, the holy land navy with knives and guns and guns here.

I haven’t reacted yet.

When he saw Lorne who had finished sipping tea, he consciously put on a fighting stance.

The Holy Land navies looked at each other, nervous and hesitant at the same time.

Lorne ignored them.

Keep going.

These seven days have absorbed many sea thieves, bringing him great gains!

Fruit capacity.

The physique extends the golden body.

Domineering spin-offs.

The improvement is not small.

Just like the Celestial Barrier Shock Star just now, it is a derivative technique of the overlord color, which is different from the earth-burst star that trapped the Song Demon King.

The ball boulder was made by myself.

And the sky hinders the stars,

It is in the form of a summon.

It’s about the same as Fujitora.

They were all pulled down from outer space, and the only difference was that he was wrapped in overlord color through the air!

Elevated power,

It is incomparable to Fujitora!

That’s right

With Lorne’s current achievements, gravity control has reached a strange point.

In addition to meteorites,

You can even do something even more exaggerated!


“Remind the red dogs to keep their distance…. Even if necessary, you should retreat farther. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lorne said as he walked.

“Do you want to go alone again.” Nakoto in the rear shrugged.


This man, who used to be in the island of justice, has come to such an extent.

Obviously they are all this age.

Is it fruit?

Or did your own health care work? She didn’t know.

But there are also clear ones,

If it goes well, after this trip back, Lorne will definitely slack off for a long time, and he will be busy again.

“But be careful, Lorne.”


The red dog with several warships also surrounded the surrounding area in the shape of a meniscus, but compared to the huge holy land, this number seemed too small,

As if the war had not come at all.


“Is it just General Lorne alone?”

“What to do, if we don’t do it, if we don’t make an expression, the world government can’t spare us.”

“Offended, General Lorne!”


The spit swallowed by the navy.

They don’t want to do it,

But sometimes I can’t help myself, just as I rushed out, several CP0s in white suits relieved them!

“There must be a limit to ignorance.”

“He’s not someone you can stop. Step back. ”

The cold tone fell,

When the garrison navy saw this tall man, he was relieved and immediately took it away.

And in their place,

It is the former CP9 full staff, led by Luqi (aieb) Kaku and others!

Unlike in the past,

Their aura has become even stronger now!!

“Stop him.”

“A second is a second!” A special CP0 member accompanying him, Maha with a mask in his hand, urged in a low voice.


Lu Qi and the others, who were in their pockets with one hand, didn’t pay attention to him at all.

“Sasi ignored the nak.”

Lu Qi took off his mask and looked at Lorne: “Remember, Justice Island…. Thank you for your favor at that time. ”

To be precise,

It’s thanks to Lorne for letting them go, otherwise they will be framed by Spandam, and if they are finally caught, they will have to enter the city.


“Are you guys?”

Lorne recalled, there was that incident: “It’s not two years, it’s CP0?” ”

Luki didn’t understand.

But Maha next to him was surprised, and leaned over to Luqi: “Luqi…. You actually know him, don’t you—”

His tone became dangerous.

I just haven’t said much.

He was grabbed in the face by Lucy who reached out! Under the domineering hardening, the head burst into a clicking sound!

Maha just screamed.

He was casually abandoned by Lu Qi.

Luffy looked at Lorne again.

Burning eyes.

Kalifa and the others did not flinch.

“You don’t have to. After all, if I can’t hold back for a few seconds, you guys won’t make sense. ”

Lu Qi motioned for the partners to go down, and it was a personal soberness: “Mr. Lorne, although you have helped me through us, it is my duty to stop you.” ”

By the way, he wanted to see himself …. Now and Lorne who killed the Straw Hat Kid.

How big the gap will be!


Luckey penance for months,

Not only did the strength return to its full heyday, but he even went one step further, wanting to verify the results.

“Come on!”

“Dark justice this time!”

“There will be a surprise!!”

A strange light flashed under Lu Qi’s eyes, and a dark black flame cloud surrounded his shoulders, turning into the awakening state that was most conducive to fighting.

Fangs and sharp teeth!

Slimmer body! Strength soared instantly!


Without saying a word, he turned into a black shadow and flashed above Lorne.

movement speed,

What’s faster than Justice Island? It is not an exaggeration to say that it has skyrocketed five or six times!

“Supersonic pistol!”

Yu Luo,

Breaking several times the speed of sound,

Sharp leopard claws slam down fiercely!



If you attack with this blow, you can kill the Battle Peach Pill level in seconds!!

However, when he was one meter closer to Lorne, the pitch-black five claws suddenly froze, as if hitting an invisible wall.


Wrist folded!

This crisp sound.

Kalifa and the others in the back all felt a burst of pain, and Lu Qi was also grinning in pain.

Straight offender convulsions!

“Not everyone is Frieza, and a few months of cultivation can make a world of difference.”

The twisted weight around Lorne is automatically released!

Luqi’s beast leaned over.

Falling from mid-air and directly crushing the stomach, the internal organs squeezed and shattered each other, and the cat’s eyes trembled and turned white.

No consciousness.


Without even moving his hand, Lorne easily solved it. This made Kalifa and the others cold and rushed to the heavenly spirit cover!

After the fact,

Lorne continued to walk forward.

Kaku looked at this scene, dumbfounded….. It didn’t seem to react, until Kalifa pulled it aside,

That’s when I came back to my senses.

When the top world is live. They were on a mission and did not watch. But I also heard that Lorne killed the awakened Straw Hat Kid.

Now it seems that

It seems that the second kill Luqi is nothing….

This guy,

It’s even scarier than when it was on Justice Island.

Several people get out of the way,

And behind them,

It is the escalator that ascends to Mary Joa.

“It’s quite advanced.”

“But no steps? After a week off, it’s time to exercise a little. ”

Lorne smiled at them.

Remember a time in a past life …. In order to exercise, there are stairs and generally do not make elevators.

Gradually, I got used to it.


Kaku and others were dumb for a moment for this strange request, Lord Strong, don’t joke, okay….

Bounce a little,

Can you jump on it? What more ladder is needed??

“Mr. Lowen.”

Kalifa explained with some embarrassment: “You…”


“Just kidding. I’ve arrived. Lorne patted her shoulder: “Don’t work for the world government in the future.” This figure, is it bad to be a health care practitioner? ”

The sexy white-clothed Kalifa was stunned.

What do you mean?

She felt like she wasn’t on the same channel as him. However, hearing the hygienist, Kalifa still shivered.


White clouds.

In front of the huge square, a holy place like a fairy mirror on earth, the strong man led by Fuji Hu was waiting solemnly.

“Mr. Zefa.”

Stussy looked at the latter: “If possible – ”

“It will.”

Zefa took a deep breath: “I will do my best to let Lorne…”


A breeze blew by.

A bunch of dandelions floated, and between them, they were caught in the hands of one person.

It’s Lorne.

That’s right

He appeared out of thin air in the dandelion group. At the same time, no one noticed, with his appearance.

Dandelions scrape over the Red Earth Continent.

Start netting,

Silently, into a certain state, his fruit ….. Awakening is underway!!!

“All on alert!!”

A loud roar!

Everyone instantly became nervous!

The CP organization is all outflanked by nearly a hundred pacifists! The four blazing angels also made attack stances!

“Is this the existence that stirs the world?!”

Djerma 66 with his children.

Even though there are combat uniforms, they are still not very reassuring.


“The four emperors are not enemies of the same union. Nothing special seems to be. ”

Although the vine tiger and the golden emperor said this, they did not talk nonsense, and the breath rose step by step, adjusting to the best state!!

Now the people who underestimate Lorne,

Then it’s not arrogance, but stupid fools !!

“Are you ready to be surrounded? Rowan. ”

It’s not just them,

The five old stars also appeared from Pangu City, and with each step, their momentum became very powerful!

Apparently not crooked!

Intend to go all out against Lorne!

Just stepped out of Pangu City, one of the most perceptive old men, his figure was slightly stunned.

looked upwards.

“That was…”

He had a bad premonition, and he wanted to take back what he had just said,

Because those who are surrounded, it may be them!!。

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