"What is this?"

Waporu was trembling in his heart. This sense of oppression was even stronger than the one brought to him by Blackbeard.

"Are you scared now?"

Lin Lai asked back.

"But those people who were once oppressed by you are even more scared than you are now."

Lin Lai threw Wapoor on the snow and spoke lightly.

"Use your strongest move, otherwise, you will never have a chance to attack."


Although he was very scared, the humiliation in Wapooru's heart suddenly exceeded this fear. He looked at Lin Lai tremblingly.

"You dare to treat me like this, I will never let you have an easy time. I want to show you the true power of the Swallow Swallow Fruit."

As he said this, his whole body began to swell violently. In just a moment, his body had turned into a huge house.


Chopper was shocked. What was going on? How could so many monsters appear in one day?

Wapo didn't care about Chopper's thoughts, but looked at Lin Lai with pride.

"Hahahaha, you guy, I will definitely make you regret it. Now let me show you my true power. This is the form of the things I swallowed."

As he said, he pointed his right hand, which had turned into a cannon barrel, at the flag on the castle.

"But I'd better get rid of this annoying flag first. As for you, I will keep you until the end before killing you."

As he said, the fire in the cannon barrel lit up, and a cannonball flew towards the skull flag hanging on the castle.

Oops! ! Chopper looked at this scene in horror. If this cannonball hit, wouldn't the flag left by the doctor be blown up?

However, facing Wapo's attack, Lin Lai didn't react at all, but just shouted behind him.



Luffy answered, and before he finished speaking, he appeared in front of the flag, blocking the attack of the shells.

"Idiot, you actually used your body to resist, how can human flesh and blood compare to shells."

Wapor looked at the smoke-filled castle with disdain. Just when he was about to turn the muzzle and aim the weapon at Lin Lai, the next second, the smoke dissipated, and Luffy's intact figure appeared above the castle.

"Although I don't know what this flag is for Chopper, you definitely can't break this flag."


Wapor was very surprised, but then he was furious. It was fine to be looked down upon by one person, but now he was despised by another guy. Do these people really think they are made of mud?

"Blackbeard, the guy in front, and you, Straw Hat Luffy, you guys blocked me again and again, one after another, how could I lose to you? Since you want to use your body to receive it, I will let you receive it as much as you want."

Wapor said, and fired several shells at Luffy in succession.

However, facing these consecutive shells, Luffy did not seem to dodge at all

"Hahahaha, I hit you, you fool."

Wapor laughed at the top of the castle with thick smoke, and Chopper looked at Luffy with concern.

However, the next moment, Luffy's figure appeared again, but it was different from what everyone thought. At this moment, he was full of strange black patterns and was unharmed.

"I told you that you can't break this flag. Although I don't know whose flag it is, someone has bet their life on it. You guys are not joking." Luffy said, and suddenly yelled at Wapolu who was still confused. "You guys who don't respect life can't break this flag." Chopper stared at Luffy standing on the top, his heart full of shock. Is this a pirate? So powerful, this kind of momentum and strength are completely incomparable to those guys he met before. Lin Lai stood below and nodded with satisfaction. Very good, the pretense is over, and it's time to end this farce. Thinking of this, his figure has appeared beside Wapolu, and he stretched out his hand and shot. Boom! The next moment, his huge body was like a cannonball, and was bounced back. After knocking down several rocks in a row, he finally stopped with scars all over his body, and his body returned to its original size. "Lord Waporu!"

His followers were horrified when they saw this scene and wanted to rush over.

However, the next second, they all fell to the ground like Wapolu, unable to move.

"Chopper, these guys are left to you to deal with."

Lin Lai slowly withdrew his momentum, came to Chopper and patted his shoulder.

"Do you want to kill them for revenge, or do whatever you want."

Chopper was stunned for a moment, then reacted, looked at Lin Lai with a complicated face, and then he looked at all the people lying on the snow with hatred.

Looking at the people who had killed the doctor, he wanted to kill these people to avenge the doctor, but suddenly, he thought of what the doctor had said to him.

"But Chopper, you can't hate humans just like that, because this country is sick, and its king is also sick, so I want to heal this country as a doctor."

Hiruluk's words reappeared in his ears, Chopper gritted his teeth tightly, and his heart was in great pain.

"Go away, I won't kill you."

Finally, he loosened his clenched hands and spoke to the people on the snow, then without waiting for a reply, he returned to the castle with a complicated expression.

"Hey? Is it over?"

Luffy had already put the flag back in place and let it fall.

"Well, who knows, let's go back too."

Lin Lai shrugged and walked back.

The others looked at each other, and walked in without paying attention to the people outside the castle.

Outside the castle, Wapo's men looked at each other in confusion, then came to Wapo with complicated expressions, picked him up, and left.

The space instantly became quiet again, and the only thing that remained unchanged was the skull flag that was still flying on the top.

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