In the desolate desert, a group of people kept moving forward. Looking at the barren desert and the broken buildings around, Usopp asked with some doubts.

"Vivi, isn't this the Green City? Why does it look so dilapidated?"

Looking around, there was no green at all, and even the buildings were not intact.

There were ruins everywhere. It was hard to imagine that this place would be called the Green City.

"It was fine here not long ago."

Vivi looked lonely, but still explained.

"It has been dry for several years in a row. Not a drop of rain has fallen, so the residents here have left."

It is a rare situation anywhere to have a continuous drought for several years. Generally speaking, even a few months of continuous drought is very serious, not to mention several years.

"Then isn't there a river where we just stopped the boat? Can't we divert it from there?"

Zoro raised his eyebrows, expressing his confusion.

Vivi didn't say anything, but led the group to a dry channel.

"There was a canal here, but it was secretly destroyed."

Vivi looked down at the riverbed that had already reached the bottom, and fell silent.

Everyone knew that he felt a little uncomfortable, but they didn't know what to say to comfort him.

After all, they were all old straight men, so where did they get the experience? Only Nami, who was also a girl, walked up and patted Vivi on the shoulder.

"It's okay, we will definitely help you defeat Crocodile."


Vivi nodded, then stood up and walked forward with a group of people.

As they walked, suddenly, a sound rang from all directions and reached their ears.

"This is!"

Luffy looked around with a vigilant face, ready to attack at any time.

"Don't worry, it's okay, this is a special situation caused by the remaining buildings changing the wind direction when the wind blows through the city."

Of course, this is from a scientific point of view. As for Vivi, she stood there in a daze.

"This is, there is no mistake, this is the city crying."

At the same time, a gust of wind rushed out from the ruins and blew towards everyone.

Facing this gust of wind, no one was afraid, and they all stood there without moving.

But when the gust of wind blew over his body, Luffy seemed to hear something.

Looking at the gust of wind going away, he felt a little depressed for some reason.

"What is that?"

Lin Lai looked at this scene and had some guesses in his heart. Perhaps, this was Luffy's talent for listening to the sounds of all things.

But there was a person who was more depressed than Luffy at the scene, that was Chopper.

As he inherited some of the origin of life in the simulation, he could clearly perceive the sound of the city crying.

Unconsciously, his tears had already flowed down.

"Chopper, what's wrong with you."

Seeing his own mascot become like this, Luffy directly picked him up.

"Wuwuwu, Luffy, it's so uncomfortable. Let's go and beat that Crocodile away, okay?"

Chopper's words were a little incoherent, but Luffy still clearly understood what he wanted to express.

"Of course, Chopper."

Luffy punched the stone pillar next to him, and it collapsed directly.

He looked at Vivi with a serious face.

"Let's go, Vivi, I can't hold back the anger in my heart."

Luffy said, and walked forward on his own.

Lin Lai stood behind Vivi and patted his shoulder.

"Let's go to Yuba, isn't that the base of the rebels? To solve the unrest in this country, we should first solve the rebels."


Vivi nodded.

"But I don't want to use force to coerce them. I want to convince them. After all, they are also citizens of this country."

As the princess of this country, Weiwei really doesn't want to bring a second disaster to these people who have already suffered once.

"Of course, but the premise is to ensure your safety."

Lin Lai smiled and pulled Weiwei up.

"Let's go."

At this time, no one was making fun of it, because no one was in the mood to make fun of it in such an occasion.

A day passed quickly on the road, and night fell.

A group of people found a suitable place to sit down, ready to rest and continue on the road tomorrow.


Lin Lai snapped his fingers, and a flame appeared directlyIn his hand, he lit the branches in front of him. A group of people gathered around the campfire and ate the dry food that had been prepared long ago.

Luffy always felt a little uncomfortable eating dry meat.

Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly found a scorpion at his feet.

Of course, he didn't know it was a scorpion. He just grabbed the scorpion with his eyes shining.

"Oh, there are shrimps to eat."

Usopp didn't believe it.

"How is it possible? There are no shrimps in the desert."

This is not on the beach, how could there be such a thing.

"Really, look."

Luffy picked up the scorpion in his hand and showed it to Usopp. Usopp was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the scorpion with a surprised face.

"There are really shrimps in the desert. What is this, desert shrimps?"

Then he attracted Chopper over. The three of them looked at the scorpion and muttered for a while, which made Lin Lai speechless.

"It's just a scorpion, it's poisonous, you can't eat it."

Of course, it can be eaten after processing, but that's too troublesome, mainly because there's only one, and there's no seasoning, and he's too lazy to do it.

Otherwise, how could he, who was a big foodie in his previous life, be indifferent.

"Oh, it's poisonous."

Luffy suddenly felt bored, and handed it to Usopp.

"Then it's for you, Usopp, do you want it?"

"Bakayar, I don't want it."

Usopp retreated instantly, wondering if Luffy was going to take the opportunity to kill him, and then get rid of a strong candidate for the captain.

Luffy felt bored and threw the scorpion behind him.

Scorpion: "Then I'll leave?"

Lin Lai felt that staying here for too long might affect his IQ, so he went straight to his tent.

"See you tomorrow, Luffy."

What, you said I'm so strong that I don't need to sleep, isn't that pure nonsense?

Then, Lin Lai, who was sitting in the tent, was speechless. Outside, Luffy and a few other idiots were roasting scorpions around the campfire.

Eating scorpions is a wonderful thing. Eat and sleep. Eat them all. Damn it, you don’t want to eat them, right? Then don’t eat them at all.

Lin Lai had no choice but to take out his only grenade, pull the fuse, and prepare to die with them.

If you break my wings, I will destroy your paradise. This time, the funeral of love returns.

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