Just when the battle here was in full swing and had ended, on the other side, Vivi and her group also found the leader of the rebels and persuaded him.

Although Xiao Feng did not imitate the king of Alabasta and deliberately caused chaos, the leader of the rebels did not believe Vivi so easily, even though they were good friends since childhood.

However, he still wanted to hear the king's personal explanation of what happened in the country during this time.

"I'm sorry, Vivi, I can't just listen to your one-sided words about the affairs of this country, so I have to ask that guy in person what he means."

Kosa lowered his eyes. He didn't know whether Crocodile had done those things, but he would investigate it himself. If that was the case, he would definitely go to Crocodile in person to settle the account.

But that was all later. The current matter was not that, but to go to Albana, to the king's palace, to ask the king whether all this was really done by him.

Vivi was stunned, but she did not use force to threaten Kosa, but chose to uncover the truth together.

She believed that her father would not do such a thing as abandoning the people.

Without the interference of Baroque Studio and Crocodile, things went smoothly, and a group of people successfully met the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Nefertari Cobra, that is the name of the king

The Nefertari family was one of the twenty royal families that founded the World Government eight hundred years ago, but they did not follow to live in the Holy Land, but ruled the Kingdom of Alabasta and guarded the ancient weapon "Pluto".

Cobra is the 12th king of the Kingdom of Alabasta and Vivi's father.

Although they are also one of the twenty royal families, the people of this family do not have any arrogant and domineering character. At the same time, they are also dissatisfied with the actions of the Celestial Dragons, so they withdrew from the World Membership.

This is why Crocodile dared to take action against such a big country, because the World Government would not really care about the life and death of this country.

They even wished that Alabasta would perish, but they could not take direct action due to their status.

However, when a group of people came to the palace, they did not see Vivi's father, the king of this country, Cobra.

"What's going on? Where's my father?"

Vivi grabbed a guard and hurriedly asked about her father's whereabouts.

"Princess Vivi, I don't know either. I only know that His Majesty just left with a woman."


Vivi was stunned, and then a figure suddenly flashed in her mind, and she quickly described it to the guard.

"Yes, Princess, His Majesty left with her."

When talking about leaving together, the guard was still a little envious.

The king is worthy of being the king. He is old but not old at heart. He is still so charming and can spend a good night with a beautiful woman.

However, unlike the guard's thoughts, Vivi's heart sank. The person she just described looked exactly like Robin.

And who is Robin? She is Crocodile's partner and a woman with a mysterious origin.

But such a person took her father away, so no one knows what she wants to do to her father.

"What's wrong? Vivi."

Kosa looked at Vivi's sudden change of expression and couldn't help asking.

"The woman that my father took away just now was Crocodile's partner, Miss. Sunday."

Usopp was shocked.

"Is it the guy who appeared on our ship?"

He had naturally seen Robin. At that time, he didn't have much strength, and Robin naturally left a deep impression in his heart.

"Ah, it's her."

Vivi nodded.

"Father definitely didn't take her away voluntarily, but was coerced. Damn, what is her purpose?"

Vivi couldn't help hammering the table next to her, feeling angry.

Seeing that all these things were about to end, and the chaos ended smoothly, but now, why did this happen again?

"Don't worry, Vivi, let's go find your father now. They should have been out for a short time and can't go far."


Vivi heard Nami's words and knew that now was not the time to be depressed, so she cheered up.

"Kosa, I'm sorry, but please believe me, when my father comes back, the truth will be revealed."

Weiwei looked at her old friend apologetically, said something, and then took Nami and the others out to look for her father.

WhenHowever, before leaving, he also instructed the people in the palace to go and search together.

While the search army here was vigorously searching for Cobra, Robin had already followed him to a place on the other side.

"Where is the real historical text?"

Robin looked at Cobra, his eyes were calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Cobra glanced at Robin, then came to a place and turned around a statue.

Robin was a little surprised to see Cobra open an underground secret room.

"It turned out to be hidden in this place, no wonder I have never found it."

Cobra walked in front and led Robin down. He looked at this space and sighed.

"The historical text is in this underground. Ordinary people can't know the existence of the historical text. Even I only know that there is a stone tablet with the historical text here, and I don't know what is recorded on it."

Robin walked on the stairs with a calm tone.

"It's natural. The world behind the scenes has always been very mysterious. Even the kings of the world's member countries can't know the true history."

"Of course, it's not your fault, because those who can understand the records are all dead."

Robin thought about everything O'Hara had experienced, and a hint of complexity finally flashed in his eyes.

Even himself had been hiding for so many years and barely survived until now.

And in this process, there was only endless betrayal.

Either being betrayed by the organization he joined, or on the way to being betrayed.

In short, her growth experience can only be said to be a bumpy one.

"From what you said, you should be someone who can understand the text of history."

Cobra is not a stupid person. After hearing the other party's words, he probably guessed the meaning.

"Yes, that's why Crocodile cooperated with me, and that's why he never killed me."

Robin said, with a sigh in his tone. He had a relatively peaceful time in his growth journey in recent years, but it was all because everyone was using each other.

He used Crocodile's strength to protect himself, and Crocodile used him to interpret the historical text and obtain the location of Pluto, one of the three legendary ancient weapons.

Da Da Da...

Only the footsteps of the two people echoed between the long stairs, and there was no other movement.

"I heard that Alabasta has been guarding the existence of the legendary weapon, Pluto, since its establishment. Do you think there will be information about Pluto in this historical text?"

Robin's tone was playful and tentative.

"I don't know."

Cobra was very straightforward and outspoken.

"We in Alabasta have the obligation to protect Pluto from generation to generation. However, for us, it is enough to just know that we need to do this, rather than understand why we need to do it."

"Protect? That's ridiculous."

Robin's tone was subtle, and he didn't say much, but continued to walk down.

In this way, after a while, the two of them had walked to the bottom and came to a big door.

"The thing is behind the door."

Cobra's tone was complicated, and Robin had already pushed open the door and walked in.

"This is it!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Robin's eyes were filled with joy and his tone was shocked.

"No mistake, it's genuine, this is what I've been looking for."

Coming to this huge stone tablet, Robin reached out and touched the inscription on it, and then read it carefully.

After a while, Robin had read everything on it, and then looked at Cobra behind him.

"Is that all?"

Robin's tone seemed a little dissatisfied. Although the records here did have some effect on her, they had nothing to do with the information she imagined.

"No more."

Cobra looked at Robin's dissatisfied expression and said calmly.

"Do you want to go back on your word? I have kept my promise and brought you here to see the main text of history."

Robin paused and didn't say anything. She didn't think about going back on her word. She just felt a little sorry that the records here only recorded the history of the establishment of this country.

At this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps came suddenly, and a embarrassed figure ran in here.

Looking at the figure running in, Robin and Cobra were both shocked.


Cobra called out the name of the person who came, but the appearance of the person in front of him was really too different from what he remembered.Crocodile was covered in blood and staggering. He was no longer as high-spirited as before.

"What are you doing..."

Robin looked at Crocodile in confusion. If he was not mistaken, shouldn't he be fighting Luffy now?

Now that he was here, did he succeed in defeating him?

Crocodile didn't care about the doubts of the two. God knows how badly he was beaten at that time. If it weren't for the fact that this place was full of sand and was the home of his fruit ability, he might not have escaped.

He spent a lot of effort and was hit several times in a row before he escaped.

"Cough cough cough..."

Crocodile coughed dully while covering his chest. The pain in his body made him frown.

But he didn't care about these. There was a reason why he didn't run away immediately after escaping the battlefield, but continued to come here.

"Tell me where the Hades is as recorded in the historical text."

This is Crocodile's goal. As long as he finds the legendary weapon, he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Those guys, no matter how powerful they are, can never be the opponent of Hades.

That is a weapon that can sink an island with one shot. He doesn't believe that anyone can survive his attack.

Robin was silent for a while, then looked at Crocodile and shook his head under his gaze.

"I'm sorry, all the records here are about the history of the establishment of this country. There is no record of the weapon Pluto."

Robin did not lie, because that was what she saw.

"Is that so."

Crocodile was shocked and unwilling at first, and then calmed down.

"Since there is no one, there is nothing we can do. However, in this case, our agreement ends here. Nico Robin, although you are a good partner, I still have to kill you today."

After working so hard for so long, he really got nothing. Crocodile's anger can be imagined.

And because of this reason, he became what he is now.


Crocodile attacked directly at Robin, but Robin seemed to have expected it and avoided the attack by moving to the side.

"It's a pity, although it's a bit unexpected, but I also expected it."

How could she, who has been growing up in betrayal, trust a big pirate with confidence, not to mention that the reputation of this big pirate is not so good.

Thinking of this, she had already taken out a tube of water from her arms and stared at Crocodile.

"As long as there is water, your desertification will be useless, right?"

As she said this, she crushed the water can and threw it at Crocodile, and the water splashed all over the sky fell directly on the other party.

"Go to hell."

Robin took out a dagger and stabbed Crocodile directly.

However, the next moment, she was lifted up by Crocodile and held in the air.

"Although I am afraid of water, the absolute gap between you and me is too huge. You don't know this."

As he said this, a splash of blood appeared, and Crocodile's weapon had pierced Robin's body.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't trust anyone from the beginning. Even without you, I can get the whereabouts of Hades from that old guy Cobra."

Throwing Robin to the ground, Crocodile turned around and walked towards Cobra step by step.


However, at this moment, the basement was shaking, and Crocodile looked at Cobra with some unsteady steps.

"What have you done, old man?"

"Hehe... The structure of this palace is very unique. If you take away just one piece, it will all collapse. As the 12th king of Alabasta, I will never let this country fall into your hands."

His tone was very firm, and he had already held the reason to die together.

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