"These giants."

On the deck, Zoro frowned, looking at Usopp's simulation, and his heart was filled with uncontrollable anger.

Eating humans is unforgivable. If he appears in this simulation world now, he must kill them all.

Nami also frowned. Although it was just a simulated picture, it still made her feel sick.

In the picture, the simulation continued, and it did not stop because of Usopp's fear and anger.

Unless he died in the simulation, the simulation would end.

However, although it was only in the simulation, Usopp did not want to die so easily.

Usopp ran towards the wall in front of him. Finally, relying on his sixth sense, he narrowly avoided crisis after crisis and successfully arrived at the city gate.

At this time, the guards looked at the rapidly approaching giants and quickly lowered the gate.

Just as the gate was about to close, Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly, a giant rushed over quickly.

Boom! !

A violent crash sounded, and the giant smashed the falling gate.

The giant behind followed closely, passing through the broken gate and heading inside.

After the Shiganshina District, Wall Maria also fell.

‘Wall Maria, one of the three walls, was destroyed. Due to food problems, more than 250,000 refugees were forced to recover Maria, but in the end only a hundred people were left. ’

‘You were shocked by the tragic scene in front of you, and something seemed to be burning in your heart. For some reason, you chose to join the training corps for a three-year training. ’

‘Fourteen years old: You also met a few friends during the training, among whom Mikasa, Eren, and Armin were the three with whom you had a good relationship. ’

‘Fifteen years old: You have mastered the three-dimensional mobile device proficiently, but no one knows that your mastery of firearms is even more superb. ’

‘Sixteen years old: The training is over, you have ended your three-year training career in the training corps, and you joined the Survey Corps. ’

‘Just when you were walking on the street and preparing to relax after finishing training, your sixth sense was activated again, and the familiar feeling came to your mind again. ’

Usopp looked at Wall Rose in a daze and couldn't help swallowing.

“No way, coming again?”

Sure enough, in the next second, the familiar Colossal Titan appeared again, punched a big hole in the wall and disappeared.


Usopp was simply holding a big grass in his heart, you are the sixth.

However, despite the complaints, Usopp's movements were not slow, and he quickly used the three-dimensional mobile device to shuttle quickly, ready to find his teammates.

However, such a movement naturally alarmed the people of other corps. For a while, the roofs of the streets were filled with fast-running figures.

“No, why do you have to walk on the roofs?”

Usopp was a little speechless, but his body did not follow these people forward, but quickly ran towards his residence.

At this time, some people on the roof also noticed this and felt disdain in their hearts.

"This guy actually ran away from the battlefield."

"Don't worry about him, we just need to do our own things. Anyway, people like him will probably just run away."

After a brief conversation, although some people wanted to stop and teach Usopp a lesson, they gave up the idea because the current situation was more urgent.

They planned to teach this kid a lesson after they came back.

Usopp below naturally didn't know these things. He ran back not because he wanted to escape, but because he had prepared a big guy at home.

Back home, Usopp quickly searched and took out his treasured goodies.

It was a gun, a sniper rifle assembled by himself.

"Sure enough, this thing is still easy to hold."

Usopp muttered to himself, without stopping for too long, and went back in the direction he came from.

Although he still felt a little scared, every time he thought of the scene back then, he felt like something was holding him back, and he felt very uncomfortable and wanted to vent.

Usopp quickly came to the roof and began to observe the battle situation.

First of all, more than a dozen giants had appeared in the town. Although the soldiers in the corps had begun to stop them, the effect was minimal.

After a fierce battle, only two or three giants fell, and more than half of the soldiers in the corps had died.


Usopp gritted his teeth, cursed inwardly, and began to look for a commanding height with a sniper rifle to aim accuratelyPrepare for sniping.

Although most of the training in the Corps is to use three-dimensional mobile devices for close combat.

However, an archer who can't fight in close combat is not a good archer, and conversely, a warrior who can't fight at a distance is not a good warrior.


Suddenly, Usopp's eyes lit up, and he found the commanding heights.

He quickly activated the device and quickly moved towards the commanding heights.

On the way, relying on the sixth sense, he was not caught and eaten by the giant.

Without any danger, Usopp came to the commanding heights he was looking for.

It was a tower-shaped building. Although it was not the highest, the field of vision was extremely wide.

At least, at this position, the position of each giant could be clearly seen.

Usopp quickly raised the gun and aimed at a giant with his back to him.

In the sight, the red dot in the center has completely locked the giant's weakness.

"This shot will hit."

For some reason, such an idea appeared in Usopp's heart.

Then, bang! ! !

A fierce gunshot rang out. Usopp didn't try to figure out what the result of the giant was. He quickly aimed his gun at other giants again, because he believed in his feelings.

As expected, at the moment when Usopp put away his gun and turned around, the giant's body suddenly fell to the ground and lost its life.

'Stop, kill the giant, score increased. '

In front of the giant, several soldiers who had closed their eyes and waited for death suddenly opened their eyes after hearing the sound.

However, the scene in front of them still shocked them.

"Good, so powerful."

He heard the gunshot just now, after all, the sound was too loud.

"Is that, that coward?"

The soldier was surprised. He was one of the people who mocked Usopp before.

I didn't expect that I looked down on others in the front, and I was saved by others in the back. It was really embarrassing.

The other people were the ones who had just mocked Usopp, but after seeing Usopp snipe another giant, they were all ashamed.

If they had known, they would not have said such nonsense, but looking at the man with a gun in front of them, they suddenly had an idea in their hearts.

"My lord, times have changed."

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