‘Ding, congratulations, this life simulation is rated C, please choose one of the following options as your reward for this simulation. ’

‘One: The sixth sense of talent. ’

‘Two: Three years of training experience. ’

‘Three: Sixteen years of life experience. ’

‘Four: A sniper rifle. ’

Usopp came back to his senses from the darkness, gasping for breath.

“Is that the feeling of death? It’s too scary.”

Even though he knew he wouldn’t die, even though he knew it was a simulation, it was too real, so real that he almost thought it was reality.

After a few seconds, Usopp slowly moved his eyes to the rewards.

“These rewards.”

Usopp was silent for a while, compared the rewards, and finally chose the sixth sense talent as a reward.

After all, in the simulation, this talent brought him great help.

After choosing his talent, Usopp felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the blue sea again.

"Hahaha, my uncle Usopp is back again."

Usopp suddenly cheered, and the familiar scene made him excited for a moment.

"Hey, Usopp, how do you feel?"

Lin Lai looked at Usopp who was jumping around with a smile on his face.

Just now, from Usopp's critical hit reward, he got the foresight from the sixth sense critical hit.

As the name suggests, it is a short-term foresight of the future that can only be achieved by the top-level observation color.

This ability can give him a strong advantage in battle, which can be said to be a huge help.

Although the foresight also has its shortcomings, that is, the future that can be predicted must be related to oneself, and the time is still very short, but he is also very satisfied in his heart and in a very good mood.

Usopp looked at Lin Lai, listened to his questions, and then looked at Luffy and the other two next to him. He didn't want to say the fear of death just now.

He immediately gave a thumbs up and spoke to Lin Lai with a proud face.

"The experience is okay, but I just feel that the difficulty is a bit low. It's not suitable for a master like me. Overall, it's so-so."

"But I saw you being chased by the giant and almost cried."

Luffy on the side didn't show any support at all. Instead, he pinched his nose and directly ruined the show.

"Baga, Luffy, you bastard, shut up."

Usopp began to quibble.

"The Usopp in the simulation is not the Usopp in reality. Besides, can you call running away when it comes to pirates?"

Then he said a lot of words that others couldn't understand, such as a real man can bend and stretch, and taking a step back will open up a new world.

Several people laughed at Usopp's red face, and the boat was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Lin Lai looked at Usopp's strong appearance and smiled and spoke.

"I didn't expect that this level is still too low for you, Usopp. It seems that I have to change to a more difficult one next time."


Usopp's face was full of question marks. I am holding on, can't you see?

I can't handle it even now. If it gets harder, it will cost me my life.

"Hehehe... I feel that this is good now. Although it is a little worse, it is better than troubling you, Lin Lai."

Usopp said embarrassedly and decided to follow his heart for the time being.

After teasing Usopp and looking at his pale face, Lin Lai did not continue.

He came to Luffy and patted his shoulder.

"Luffy, are you ready? Your simulation is about to start."

Luffy rolled up his sleeves impatiently, looking forward to it.

"Oh, come on, I'm ready."

Then the next second, he had entered the simulation space and started his simulation this time.

Lin Lai just asked the system and learned one thing, that is, about simulation, the system will automatically generate a world that is more suitable for the current strength.

If you want to change the simulated world, you don’t necessarily need to clear the world. As long as you improve your strength, the system will automatically simulate another more suitable world again.

Luffy’s simulated world is a world similar to the pirate world.

In the simulation, Luffy was abandoned on an isolated island and raised by a monkey. He still ate the rubber fruit. It should be said that the human-human fruit is the Nika form of the mythical beast species.

Should I say that it is worthy of Luffy? After growing up, he began to fight with the beasts on the isolated island.

From being killed instantly at the beginning, escaping to the counter-killing later, using the beasts as food.

‘One year old: You came to this world, abandoned on an isolated island, and raised by a monkeyThe monkey picked it up and raised it. ’

‘Two years old: Among the food fed by the monkey, you ate a fruit that tasted worse than shit, and you were very familiar with that fruit. ’

‘Three years old: You were born with a strong vitality and started to make trouble on the island, and were often chased by wild beasts. ’


‘Fourteen years old: You started to challenge the powerful beasts in the center of the island, because the beasts on the periphery had been eaten by you, you failed and started to run away. ’

‘Fifteen years old: There were only some smaller animals and the beast king in the center of the island left, and you decided to challenge him. ’

‘You failed, you died, and the simulation ended. ’

“Luffy is really energetic.”

Lin Lai was a little embarrassed, he understood why this guy was picked up and raised by a monkey.

Because Luffy himself is a monkey, this may be the mutual attraction between the same kind.

Good guy, he started to die at the age of three, it is really a miracle that he can survive and grow up.

In the simulation space, Luffy scratched his head, looked at the prompt in front of him, and began to choose his own reward.

‘Ding, congratulations, this life simulation evaluation is B, please choose two from the following options as your rewards for this simulation. ’

‘One: Fifteen years of fruit development experience. ’

‘Two: A beast corpse containing rich energy. ’

‘Three: Thirteen years of actual combat experience. ’

‘Four: Physical enhancement. ’

Luffy looked at it and chose fruit development experience and beast corpse without any hesitation.

What else is more important than your own fruit and food?

Luffy returned to the Merry happily. After seeing the beast corpse beside him, he shouted impatiently without waiting for others to say anything.

“Everyone, let’s have a banquet.”

Seeing that there was food, Zoro and Usopp, who were originally preparing to ask Luffy about his strength improvement, also came to the beast corpse with shining eyes.

Such a big one, I guess it can be a full meal.

It didn't take long before the beast was processed and placed in front of everyone.

"I'm going to eat."

Luffy didn't hesitate at all, and directly tore off a thigh and swallowed it whole.

Seeing this, the others couldn't wait to start fighting, fighting for it, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

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