In an instant, all the fishmen, including Aaron, felt as if there was a mountain on their bodies, and they were pressed so hard that they couldn't breathe.

"Dominant Haki!"

Aaron looked panicked. After all, they had traveled with Tiger in the New World, so they naturally knew about Dominant Haki.

But the next second, he reacted. No, this was not Dominant Haki, but it was just a little similar to Dominant Haki.

If it was really Dominant Haki, then everyone present would not only be out of breath.

I'm afraid that at the moment when the other party released their momentum, they would have fainted and there would be no room for resistance.


Aaron let out an angry roar and looked at Nami gloomily.

"I underestimated you, Nami, but are you sure you really want to go against me? Aren't you curious about where your villagers went?"

Although he could do the power that Nami had shown since her appearance, he still directly brought out the killer he had prepared for the other party just in case.

He knew Nami's character very well, otherwise he would not have let Nami wander around outside for so many years, but locked her up.


As soon as he finished speaking, a golden lightning passed through his ear and landed on the wall behind him.


In just a moment, the building behind him was blown up and fell to the ground.

Aaron was a little confused. He stretched out his hand and touched the place where he had just been rubbed. There was some moisture there.


Aaron stared at the extra scarlet in his hand in a daze. He couldn't believe it at first, and then he was furious.

"Nami, you bastard, you dare to attack the noble fishman."

In a rage, Aaron decided not to threaten Nami with any residents. He would take action first and teach this ungrateful woman a lesson.

Then he would torture the villagers in front of Nami to let her know how stupid it was to dare to resist him.

In a rage, Aaron had already attacked directly, and his body rushed towards Nami at a very fast speed.

Because of the high speed, there was even a whistling sound in the air.

Facing Aaron's attack, Nami's whole body was instantly wrapped in golden magic power. The next moment, the golden magic power turned into thunder and crackled.

Zila la la...

Nami did not dodge Aaron's attack, but simply stretched out her palm in front of her.

"Thunder roar."

Several thunders instantly struck Aaron who was shooting at him.


Seeing this scene, the ferocity on Aaron's face disappeared instantly, replaced by a touch of shock.

Seeing that the thunder was so close and he could no longer dodge it, he quickly stretched out his hands and placed them across his chest, ready to withstand the attack.

Even the fishmen with extremely strong physical fitness did not dare to look directly at the edge of the thunder when facing it, and Aaron was the same.

With a snap, Aaron fell to the ground. The arms on his chest were all burnt and bloody.

In the darkness, the scarlet flesh hidden underneath could still be vaguely seen.

"A devil fruit user? No wonder you have the courage to resist. It turns out that you have obtained such a treasure."

He was familiar with devil fruits. Although he had not seen them with his own eyes, he had come into contact with many users.

But even among the many strange users, the devil fruit that controls lightning is the top one among them.

What kind of shit luck did Nami have to get such a powerful ability?

He naturally didn't know that there were cheating devices like simulators in this world.

Nami didn't answer Aaron's meaning. She just looked at Aaron's figure with some sighs.

This guy used to be an invincible demon in her eyes and had always been her nightmare.

But now, with just one attack, he has severely damaged the other party. Such a transformation is really.

Nami was very grateful to Lin Lai for giving her the power. Revenge with the help of others is also revenge, but in fact, if one really has the ability, who would not want to take revenge personally?

Nami looked at the group of fishmen in front of her and decided not to waste time. Although Lin Lai was powerful, whether he could find the villagers was still a question.

It would be better to deal with these people first, so that they would not do anything desperate.

Thinking of this, the layer of magic power on the surface of her body suddenly surged, and the golden thunder rioted with the surge of magic power.

In the blink of an eye, the top of the entire Along Paradise was covered with golden thunder, turning into a golden world.

Under it, Along and hisThe subordinates were all shrouded in it and trembled.

It was not that they wanted to do this, but the pressure that Nami burst out at this moment was too strong.

It was just like an ant facing a dragon. The huge gap could not be made up by courage.

At the same time, not far from Along Paradise, a group of villagers were holding hoes and sickles in their hands, rushing towards this side aggressively.

They were the residents of Kokosia Village rescued by Lin Lai.

As for whether it would be too difficult to find the villagers, Lin Lai only wanted to say one thing, sprinkle some water.

He only needed to cover the entire island with a huge amount of magic power, and he would have a clear understanding of the situation on the island, which was somewhat similar to the observation color.

"Benefactor, did Nami really go to trouble Arlong and the others alone?"

"Yes, Nami, that silly girl, how could she be so irrational? How could she be a match for Arlong and the others alone?"


A group of people chattered. After learning from Lin Lai that Nami went to trouble the Arlong Pirates alone, they, who had just been rescued, grabbed their weapons and rushed towards Arlong Paradise without thinking.

As for what Lin Lai said to them, that Nami was very strong now and could handle it, they didn't believe it at all, thinking that it was just comforting them.

How strong is Nami, how strong is Arlong and the others, can they not know?

No one knows the gap better than them.

However, when they were still some distance away from Arlong Paradise, they saw the sky in the distance turned golden.

The next second, a violent sound came, as if the end of the world was coming, shaking the earth and scaring the birds and beasts in the mountains and forests to flee everywhere.

The residents looked at that place in disbelief. Wasn't that A'long Paradise? What happened there?

They were shocked, but at the same time they were more worried about Nami. They moved faster and faster, but Nami was still there.

"Nami, please don't be in trouble."

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, praying that Nami would be fine.

However, when they arrived at A'long Paradise, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

The originally luxurious A'long Paradise has now turned into a ruin.

Those hateful fish people all fell to the ground, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

And on the ruins, there was a figure standing. That was...

Everyone wiped their eyes in disbelief. That was Nami? At this moment, everyone's heart was like an earthquake, shaking.

Nami also discovered the arrival of the villagers, and she turned back happily, smiling like a flower.


At this moment, a golden sunlight passed through the clouds and fell on Nami's face.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have seen the most beautiful thing in the world and could not help but be intoxicated by it.

Behind the crowd, Lin Lai gave Nami a thumbs up and said a silent blessing.

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