"Damn pirates!"

The navy looked at Lin Lai, who was still trying to untie Zoro without any reaction, and was about to shoot.

"Hey, hey, hey, do you want to die?"

Zoro's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and he looked at the man in front of him in shock.

"Don't worry, you won't die."

Lin Lai shouted without turning his head.

"Luffy, it's time to eat."

"Where's the food? I want to eat barbecue."

As Lin Lai's voice fell, a figure fell from the sky and blocked the navy and Lin Lai.

Shocked by this sudden change, a group of navy had already opened fire, but Luffy, who had the rubber fruit, easily blocked it.

Seeing their bullets being blocked by someone's body, a group of people immediately said that they and their friends were stunned.

Monka also happened to see this scene, but he was more of a colonel, and his knowledge was good. He could tell at a glance that Luffy was a devil fruit ability user.

He immediately said that a real man should be brave enough to fight with bayonets, and immediately asked his men to draw their weapons for close combat.

At the same time, Zoro also took his three swords from Luffy and easily blocked the attacking navy.

He raised his head, looked at Luffy with a serious face, and made his marriage, oh no, it was a ship-boarding oath.

"My goal is to become the world's number one swordsman. I can join you, and it doesn't matter if I am spurned by the world, but you must not hinder me. If my dream fails because of boarding your ship, then you should commit seppuku to apologize."

After listening to this, Luffy's expression became even happier, and he looked at Zoro and laughed.

"That's more like it, the great swordsman and the Pirate King, it sounds like a good match, don't you, Lin Lai."

"Ah, that's true."

Lin Lai knocked out the navy who rushed up from behind, and looked at the two with a smile on his face.

Well, not bad, it has that flavor, but it would be even better if this scene appeared in the church.

Then the three of them joined forces, stepped on the East Sea Axe King, punched the Navy Division, and left easily after a big fuss.

It is worth mentioning that after seeing their chief being knocked out, the navy not only did not continue to chase Lin Lai and his men, but cheered happily.

It turned out that they had been oppressed by Monka for too long, and had been doing things they didn't want to do against their conscience, and they were finally freed today.

But no one noticed that a yellow-haired girl appeared in the Navy building and took away a blueprint.

After Lin Lai and his men had solved the problem, they were having a big meal in the little girl's restaurant and celebrating.

But the next second, the navy appeared and said that although they were very grateful to them, it was still not okay for pirates to appear here.

Luffy understood this, and after a grandiose performance with Coby, he successfully let him stay and realized his dream of joining the Navy.

In this way, after Luffy successfully pursued Zoro, he set foot on the sea again and began sailing.

As a result, not long after setting off, Zoro found that he had been pitted.

The two guys in front of him didn't even know the art of navigation.

"Bakayarro, Luffy, you said you wanted to be the Pirate King, but how come you don't even have a navigator, and there are only three of us, including me."

Zoro was speechless. With this configuration, going out to sea would probably be a matter of luck.

"Well, don't worry about it. We have a navigator, right, Lin Lai."

Lin Lai nodded.

"Yes, we still have a navigator."

Zoro felt a little hope.

"I knew that you, the vice-captain, Lin Lai, were quite reliable. Where is the navigator? Did he hide and prepare to give me a surprise?"

"Oh, he ran away."

Lin Lai shrugged and lay directly on the boat.

"What? Ran...ran away?"

Zoro was even more speechless. Good guy, even the navigator ran away. How unreliable must this pirate group be.

Luffy patted the other's shoulder.

"It's okay. Don't you have me? How can a famous pirate hunter not know the art of navigation?"

Hearing this, Zoro was immediately embarrassed.

"That's a name someone else gave me. It's not my own name."

"I went out to sea to find a man. For some reason, I haven't returned to the village. Then I accidentally met a group of pirates, and I just caught them to make some money."

Luffy said.

"It sounds so impressive."

Lin Lai silently made up for it from behind.

"Actually, I just got lost."

Zoro was immediately angry and responded loudly.

"Who would get lost? I'm the best at recognizing the way in our village, bastard."

ThenWhat swordsman's road is not called lost, can't go back to the village just to eliminate evil and other incomprehensible words.

Luffy and Lin Lai burst into laughter upon hearing this, and the boat was suddenly filled with a happy atmosphere.


Lin Lai saw that Zoro was a little angry, so he stood up to ease the atmosphere.

"By the way, let me tell you something, I am also a devil fruit ability user."

Sure enough, the two people's attention was immediately attracted after the voice fell.

"(⊙o⊙) Wow~ So amazing, Lin Lai, what kind of devil fruit ability user are you?"

Zoro also nodded in agreement.

"I haven't seen you use any ability to fight the enemy."

Lin Lai thought for a while, found an excuse, and then slowly spoke.

"My ability is actually useless for fighting the enemy, but it can make our strength quickly stronger."

Hearing the word "stronger", the two people's interest, which had disappeared when they heard that it was useless for fighting the enemy, was raised again.

"I am the user of the Dream Fruit, and I have the ability to create dreams."

Systems are too complicated to explain, so I'll just call them devil fruits.

Anyway, the abilities of devil fruits are ever-changing, and even the strangest abilities are easy to accept.

"Dream Fruit?"

Zoro was a little confused. Hearing the name, could it be that it can make people dream?

But it's still daytime now, and daydreaming is not good.

Lin Lai looked at the two people's curious looks, and didn't keep them waiting, so he started to explain.

"My fruit ability is to create dreams, so that you can live your life again in dreams."

"In dreams, you can exercise your swordsmanship and learn combat experience, and after the dream ends, you can bring out the ability."

Lin Lai said, pointing at Zoro.

"For example, Zoro, I can let you experience the life of a swordsman in dreams, and the swordsmanship that surpasses the extreme of mortals."

Then he pointed at Luffy.

"For example, Luffy, I can let you experience the experience of the Pirate King from going to sea to becoming the Pirate King, and let you experience the life of sailing across the sea."

After Lin Lai's explanation, in an instant, both of them had a light in their eyes and stared at Lin Lai.

"Si Guoyi!"

Luffy was fine, he was a big-headed person, but Zoro was shocked.

If this ability is really like what Lin Lai said, it is simply a cheating existence.

So he is now in a state of half-belief and half-doubt.

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