The enrollment of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts ended soon, and Zoro and his party were also led to the Jingling Court.

"Something is wrong, very wrong."

Lin Lai felt that some scenes seemed to be a little strange, but he couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

"What's wrong?"

Nami was a little confused. What's wrong with this? It's very right.

Usopp looked at Zoro, and then suddenly realized and clapped his hands.

"Yes, why didn't Zoro get lost this time."

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Lin Lai finally realized what he felt was wrong. It turned out that Zoro, who had walked such a long way alone, didn't get lost.

"This wave is enough for Zoro to brag for a year."

Lin Lai was very distressed. Is Zoro who won't get lost still called Zoro?

Several people were arranging Zoro on the sea.


Zoro rubbed his nose and muttered a little.

"Is it Lin Lai's group that is talking about me?"

Good guy, should I say that the intuition of a swordsman is accurate?

"We're here."

Just as Zoro was muttering, the person leading the way had stopped.

Zoro looked up and saw a huge building in front of him.

"Is this the Maou Spiritual Academy? It seems to be quite good."

Thinking back to the gym he remembered when he was a child, this place is much more impressive.

"I will arrange the classes today, and then take you to the dormitory."

After all, it was just the first day of registration, and it was impossible to start studying right away.

Soon, the classes were divided, and as expected, Zoro, who was extremely talented, was arranged in Class 1.

Then, after the classes were arranged, they were taken to familiarize themselves with the dormitory.

Time passed quickly, and at night, Zoro lay on the bed in the dormitory.

He put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling, with some anticipation.

"Tomorrow, I should be able to learn the moves of the God of Death."

He had heard that the history of the Seireitei was thousands of years old.

The main fighting skills of the God of Death were divided into slashing, fisting, walking, and ghosting.

Slashing was swordsmanship, fisting was white fighting, walking was instant step, and ghosting was ghost way.

Zoro was not very interested in other things, but he was extremely obsessed with kendo.

Thousands of years of history, and what was taught here was the experience summed up over the years.

Even if this was just a school and he couldn't completely learn the essence of swordsmanship over the years, it would definitely be a great inspiration for him.

With this thought in mind, Zoro fell asleep.

Soon, the next day arrived. Zoro got up early, hung three Zanpakuto on his waist, and began to move towards yesterday's classroom.

However, after a long time, Zoro looked at the mark under his feet expressionlessly.

Hasn't he just walked past here? What's going on? Is someone deliberately targeting him?

Zoro's eyes condensed, and he was ready to shout who was playing tricks.

As for whether there would be other accidents besides someone playing tricks, Zoro just said lightly, impossible, absolutely impossible.

He is not a fool. Besides someone playing tricks, could it be that he got lost?

"Hey, Zoro classmate, why are you here?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Zoro turned his head and found that it was an acquaintance, the red-haired person who signed up before him yesterday, Abarai Renji.

"Oh, nothing, just visiting the school."


Abarai Renji looked at the green-haired person in front of him with some strangeness, and muttered in his heart.

"Sure enough, geniuses all have some quirks?"

He could see clearly that Zoro had been around here for several times, but he had not disturbed him.

Seeing that the class time was about to come, he decided to step forward to remind Zoro.

"Zoro, I'll leave first. Class is almost over. You should leave too."

Abarai Renji said as he walked away. He came to remind her because he was carefree.

As for staying to attend class together, it was impossible because everyone was not familiar with each other.

Zoro nodded and looked at Renji's back as he left. His eyes suddenly lit up.

If I remember correctly, this person seemed to be in the same class as him.

Thinking of this, he followed Renji and walked towards his classroom.

Nothing unexpected happened this time. Soon, he arrived at his own classroom.

"If I remember correctly, that classroom is a few blocks away from the dormitory.The house doesn't seem to be very far away. "

On the Merry, Nami's mouth twitched, a little unbelievable, how bad is this person's direction?

As for Zoro's nonsense about visiting the school, they didn't believe it at all.

Others don't know, how can they not know, Zoro is obviously lost.

Lin Lai, Usopp and Sanji all nodded in agreement. Sanji and Usopp thought that they could use this matter to ridicule Zoro when he came back.

As for Lin Lai, he was satisfied. Sure enough, if he is not a directionally challenged person, what is the point of being a great swordsman. (A certain Kenpachi said it was great.)

Zoro's simulation is still going on, After he walked into the classroom, the teacher muttered something for a while, and then someone handed out a book.

It contained all kinds of common sense knowledge about Soul Society and Seireitei. After all, in this day and age, you need a diploma to get out there. How can you get ahead without some knowledge?

Zoro was not interested, so he spent the first class in a daze.

Soon it was the second class, the kendo class, and Zoro instantly became energetic and full of expectations.

"I am your kendo teacher, Ito Makoto. From today on, I will teach you how to use swordsmanship correctly. Now pick up the wooden swords on the shelf and start learning from me..."

Zoro frowned as he listened to the teacher's words. If it was just a wooden sword, it seemed to be similar to his childhood training.

Thinking of this, he raised his right hand.

"Report, can I learn kendo at a higher level? "

Ito Makoto frowned, a little unhappy.

Just now he noticed this guy with three swords hanging on his waist, but he was very disdainful in his heart.

Three swords? This is not the way to attract attention.

Could it be that you are still a three-sword swordsman? Looking at the gorgeous patterns on the surface of the three swords, he has already concluded that Zoro is a playboy.

"Okay, but first you have to fight with me in swordsmanship. If you can beat me, you can skip my teaching and let a more advanced teacher teach you swordsmanship."

Ito Makoto was ready to teach Zoro a little color, and deliberately said this to make him unable to get off the tiger and embarrass him.

However, what no one expected was that Zoro nodded and agreed.

"Then teacher, are we going to have a competition here, and can we only use one weapon? "

As his voice fell, the whole audience was in an uproar. This guy named Zoro must be crazy.

In the crowd, there were whispers and watching eyes from time to time. Of course, they were ready to see Zoro get beaten up. They didn't think highly of Zoro.

You have to know that this is the teacher of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts, a real god of death.

"Very good."

Ito Makoto gritted his teeth, his face gloomy.

"Then let's do it here. Also, there will be no limit on the number of weapons. You can use as many as you can, even real swords or wooden swords, even the three ornaments on your waist."

Zoro was not angered by Ito Makoto's words, but just spoke lightly.

"Then there is no need. I'm afraid of hurting you, teacher. "

As he said this, he picked up three wooden swords and walked to the center.

The students present all moved aside to leave enough space for the two men.

PS: Well, it's a bit late, please forgive me, I just got off work and I started writing, the first chapter, there is still one chapter.

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