"No, my barbecue."

Luffy looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help but wailing. There were so many things he hadn't eaten yet.

"Lin Lai, let me go back quickly. I want to eat one more bite, one hundred million bites."

Luffy yelled, but unfortunately the system was very ruthless and ignored his meaning.

'Please select 3 talents from the following talents for this simulation. '

'Free Walker (purple): You yearn for freedom. Nothing can stop you from finding your dream of freedom, including women. Your willpower has been greatly improved (ha, women will only slow down my sword drawing speed.)'

'The man who lives in hiding (green): 98% success rate. According to the worst case, I will lower it a little, 10% success rate. Forget it, I'll just hide. '

'The reckless man (green): Well, the success rate is only one level, and the higher one is five levels, which is ten levels when rounded up. OK, this wave is stable. ’

‘Lucky Lady Smiles (Purple): People who love to smile will have good luck, especially when you are watched by the goddess of luck. ’

‘Power User (Purple): At the beginning, you can choose a devil fruit power you want to have, of course, it must be one you have seen. ’

‘Escape from Jie (White): So, you are very brave (Brother Jie, don’t do that.)’

‘Atmosphere Terminator (White): Any topic will end with your interference. ’

‘Strong as an Ox (Blue): Strong and healthy, of course, also strong in some aspects. ’

‘Lonely for Life (Green): Although you don’t have money, don’t panic, because you not only don’t have money, you don’t have a wife. ’

‘Foreign Language Master (White): Believe me, choose it, and from now on your foreign language will say goodbye to monotonous words such as Yamete, Kumoji, Fake, and Shet. ’

“Huh, why did it change.”

Luffy scratched his head, but he didn’t care. He kept the original selection method and chose the highest quality.

‘Ding, gifted free traveler, the goddess of luck is smiling, the ability user has been loaded, and the simulation begins. ’

In the room, Lin Lai has already set up a small stool.

“Oh, it’s started, it’s started, peanuts and melon seeds popcorn are sold in the front row, one million per piece, of course, if you buy it, just ignore what I said.”

“Who cares about you.”

Beside him, only Zoro was left speechlessly complaining. Just after Luffy entered the simulation, the others also started the simulation one after another.

Except for Zoro and Lin Lai who had simulated once before, standing in the same place, the only one left was Vivi.

As for Ikalem, he was standing outside at the moment acting as a guard.

Beside Lin Lai, Vivi looked at the picture that suddenly appeared in the sky and Luffy and his companions who suddenly disappeared in shock.

“Mr. Lin Lai, what is this?”

“Just call me Lin Lai.”

Lin Lai said, pointing to the pictures.

"It's very simple. You can just think of them as living their lives again in these scenes."

Weiwei complained in her heart: No, I don't think this is simple at all.

After all, it's such a fantasy to let people live their lives again.

Lin Lai, who was standing by, didn't notice her changes, but watched Luffy's simulation.

Well, among the simulations of several people, he chose Luffy to watch.

'One year old: You were born on the sea, you were abandoned, and drifted to a small island with a small wooden board. '

'The gifted ability user activated, you chose the ability of the rubber fruit, and the ability has been successfully installed. '

'Two years old: You are very lucky, because there are always various accidents every day, causing you to be mistaken for your own child by the wild animals on the island and feed you. '

'Three years old: You can walk, so you use your ability to catch a rabbit. Under the pitiful gaze of the rabbit, you slaughtered it and ate the first bite of barbecue in the other world. ’


‘At the age of sixteen: your strength quickly grows, and you become the overlord of the island, the king of the isolated island. Unfortunately, there are only beasts on the island, but no beast-eared girls. ’

‘At the age of seventeen: you yearn for freedom and decide to go out to sea to see the outside world, so you decide to hold an unforgettable farewell ceremony for the animals on the island. ’

Above the endless sea, the sea breeze is blowing slowly, and on the shore, Luffy is salivating at the barbecue next to the campfire.

Just now, in order to make sure that the animals will not forget him who left, he directly packed them up and roasted them.

Well, I believe they will find it difficult to forget this scene, the kind that they will never forget even if they die.

“Burp~ It smells so good.”

An hour later, Luffy patted his round belly and burped with satisfaction.

“Well, I’m full, tooIt's time to set off. "

Thinking like this, he stepped onto the small raft next to him and looked at the sea with high spirits.

"Let's go, Lin Lai..."

He waved his hand and was about to say something, but then he realized that he was still in the simulated world.

"These guys actually let me, the great captain, row the boat myself. Let's see how I will teach you a lesson when I go back."

Luffy muttered, then took the paddle, shook his arms out of phantom, and directly came to a big windmill.

In an instant, Luffy only felt that the surrounding scene was changing rapidly, and the sea breeze was blowing on his face.

Then, after a morning.

"Hu~Hu~I'm so tired, I can't do it anymore, let's take a rest."

Luffy panted, stopped his hand movements, and raised his eyes to see where he was.

"Well, this place has been here before. "

Looking at the extinguished bonfire on the shore and the skeleton next to it, Luffy fell into deep thought.

After thinking for two seconds, he suddenly clapped his hands.

"Oh, I know, it must be Zoro who passed his directionality to me, no wonder I have been going in circles."

He seemed to have found the answer, and happily threw the blame.

However, Luffy looked at the sea and continued to think.

"Then what should I do now?"

On the other side, in the house, Zoro listened to Luffy's words, and veins popped on his forehead.

"This bastard, he dared to slander me, I will cut him into pieces when he comes back."

He was very unconvinced, what directionality, is he a directionality? Just kidding, no one knows how to recognize the road better than himself.

"Lin Lai, am I a directionality?"

Lin Lai looked at Zoro with strange eyes, good guy, why are you asking me, don't you have any idea in your mind?

"You are not. "

Looking at Zoro, Lin Lai still said this against his conscience.

Well, this kid is already pitiful enough, and he has started to deceive himself. It is better not to expose him.

Not to mention the few people outside, in the simulation, Luffy's troubles did not last long and were solved.

ps: I was lying on the bed typing yesterday, and I suddenly fell asleep while typing. Forgive me, it was really a bit late when I got back from get off work.

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