After sailing on the sea for a few more days, Baroque Studio also learned what happened at Whiskey Peak.

Crocodile, the boss of the studio, was very angry, not because his men were killed, but because someone dared to provoke him.

Immediately, a hunting order was issued to his members.

Immediately, those members went to the islands that Luffy and his men might pass by, ready to wait.

However, no matter what the movement outside was like, the Merry was still quiet.

"Oh, you can vaguely see the small garden from here."

Usopp sat on the pole of the boat, holding a telescope and looking at the sea.

"I see it, I can already see the scene of millions of people in the small garden coming out to welcome my great Captain Usopp."

"The little girl's sweet cheers, the kisses that keep flying, don't let me burn you, I don't care if you fall in love with me, I'm a bad man."

Usopp seemed to have seen heaven, and he couldn't help dancing.

At this time, Zoro passed by, picked up an apple and took a bite, looked at Usopp on it speechlessly, and complained.

"Are you a fool?"

"Baga, who are you calling a fool?"

Usopp glared at Zoro and kept slapping the boat pole.

"Oh, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the fool."

Zoro ignored Usopp's reaction and left directly.

Usopp slapped even more happily.

In the room, Nami was talking to Vivi, and then she heard the constant noise coming from outside.

"Baga, be quiet."

Sanji was making breakfast next to him, a little confused.

"By the way, where are Luffy and Lin Lai."

Sanji was a little uncomfortable not seeing the two people who usually liked to make noise.

"Oh, there's no water in the room. I asked Luffy to help get a water absorber to suck up some water for a bath. As for Lin Lai, he's fishing again."

"Uh, Lin Lai is really persistent."

Sanji was embarrassed. It seemed that he had never caught anything since the first time he saw Lin Lai fishing.

"Yes, I heard him say yesterday that he couldn't catch any fish because the bait was not good, so he was going to try a different bait."

Vivi was laughing beside him and suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, why didn't I see Karu?"

Generally speaking, Karu should come here to eat at this time, but he hasn't come yet. Could it be that...

Vivi had a bad feeling in her heart and suddenly remembered what she had just said. She seemed to remember something and ran out in a hurry.

Nami saw Vivi running out, thought about it, and stood up and followed her.

"Hey, you haven't finished your breakfast yet."

Sanji shouted from behind and followed her curiously.

Then, Sanji and Nami, who followed Vivi to the boat, saw Kalu tied to the fishing line and were about to cast the fishing rod.


Vivi was startled and hurried forward to stop Lin Lai and rescued her little friend Duck.

"Alas, what a pity, I had a feeling that there would be a harvest today."

Lin Lai looked at Kalu and muttered with some regret.

And Kalu, after hearing Lin Lai's words, was already trembling with fear and hid behind Vivi with tears in his eyes.

Nami looked at Lin Lai speechlessly and punched him in anger.

"You guy, no wonder you said yesterday that you found a new bait, it turned out to be Kalu."

"It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong."

Lin Lai immediately admitted his defeat, but there was a clear light of unwillingness in his eyes, ready to fight again in the future.

Nami wanted to say something, but suddenly, there was a loud bang in the water storage room next to him.

"What! What happened!"

Several people were immediately attracted by the noise and hurried over to check the situation.

Luffy opened the door with a black mark on his face.

"It's so scary, this thing suddenly exploded."

Usopp jumped down from it and ran inside quickly.

"What? The tracks are all burned."

"That's right, this is too weird."

Luffy nodded and agreed.


Nami punched Luffy on the head.

"You broke it all, how dare you say that."

She was a little helpless and tired. None of these guys were worry-free, and they did stupid things every day.

"It was obviously broken by itself."

Luffy shrank his neck, but his tone was timid, and he came to Lin Lai with his forehead covered.

The two looked at the big bumps on each other's heads, and an idea flashed through their minds tacitly.

"What a coincidence, it's you again."The morning of the Merry was as noisy as usual, but what was different from usual was that there was one more member now.

Weiwei looked at the scene in front of her and smiled unconsciously.

"Oh my, this is really a beautiful scene."

Suddenly, there was a figure on the bow.


Usopp was shocked.

Lin Lai waved his hand beside him.

"Calm down, it's just an enemy. We have noticed it a long time ago, right Luffy."

"Yeah, that's right, Usopp, calm down, it's just an enemy."

Luffy hugged his arms and imitated Lin Lai's tone, then suddenly reacted and opened his mouth.

"Enemy, enemy!"

Lin Lai was speechless. It seemed that he had never noticed it. However, Lin Lai raised his head and looked at the figure above, and couldn't help but admire it.

Royal sister figure, intellectual sister temperament, black shawl long hair, plus a slightly black healthy skin color.

She is indeed a very popular character in the original work, Nico Robin.

It's just a pity that she is not wearing a skirt. Lin Lai smacked his lips, feeling a little regretful, otherwise from his perspective, it would be heaven.

As if sensing Lin Lai's gaze, Robin looked at Lin Lai thoughtfully.

"Sir, you seem to be thinking about something bad."

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Lai was shocked, with such a sharp intuition, he quickly started to deny three times.

Everyone in Lin Lai looked relaxed, except Weiwei, who looked at Robin with a serious face.

"Why are you here, miss all Sunday."

"Huh, what a strange code name, whose partner is she."

Nami was a little confused when she heard the title.

"She is the boss of Baroque Studio and Crocodile's partner."

Nami was shocked that Crocodile's partner was actually a woman.

Luffy next to him suddenly realized.

"Oh, so it's an enemy."

Vivi looked at Robin and continued.

"She is the only one in the entire Baroque Studio who knows the true identity of the boss. We followed her and found out the boss's identity."

Robin smiled.

"Don't show such a scary face. I deliberately let you follow me and revealed the boss's identity to you."

Luffy listened to the conversation and suddenly realized something.

"What? So he's a good guy."

Vivi was a little angry when she heard Robin's words.

"I know, so it was you who told him that his identity had been exposed and asked him to start the plan in advance, right?"

Robin still smiled.


Luffy suddenly realized something and clapped his hands.

"It seems to be a bad guy."

Zoro was speechless beside him. You are just standing there.

"Be quiet."

The serious atmosphere was gone now.

"What is your purpose!"

Weiwei was very angry. It was because of this woman that her country had suffered so much in advance.

Although it would have been like this without her, it would have been a little later.

"Purpose? I don't know."

Robin looked at Weiwei.

"I just wanted to help you because you were so serious. But it seems a bit absurd that you, as a princess of a country, are protected by a group of pirates."

He chuckled as he said that.

"Hey, hey, hey, although I don't know what's going on, you are on our ship now. Is it really okay to be so arrogant?"

Lin Lai suddenly appeared behind Robin. Looking at Weiwei who was about to cry, he sighed in his heart. This was simply a crushing defeat. There was no power to fight back.


Robin was shocked, but his face remained calm.

"Are you the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, the great pirate sword demon Lin Lai with a bounty of 200 million Baileys? You are indeed very powerful."

One of the purposes of her coming here was to meet Lin Lai.

Because the people in her hometown knew how to interpret the historical text, her hometown was destroyed.

As the last survivor, she has been wanted since she was a child.

From childhood to adulthood, she has been betrayed. Even if she joined the pirate group, the members of the pirate group would choose to hand her over to the world government because of her huge bounty.

If she hadn't been smart since childhood, she would have died in the sea.

Therefore, she wanted to find a strong man who could really protect her from being captured by the world government, and therefore, she found Crocodile.

One of them needed shelter and to find the historical text, and the other needed to interpret the historical text.In search of the legendary weapon Pluto, the two hit it off and reached a deal.

However, recently, the traces of the stone tablet in the historical text seem to have made new progress, and it seems that it will be found soon.

Once Crocodile achieves his goal, whether he can survive is still an unknown.

There is no way, she can only start looking for the next person who can protect her.

At this moment, she noticed the bounty list of the Straw Hat Pirates, especially Lin Lai's bounty.

To a certain extent, the bounty represents whether a person is strong or not, so Robin ventured here to see Lin Lai's strength.

Now it seems that the strength is indeed very strong, even far beyond expectations, but this also means that his situation is more dangerous.

Feeling the oppression coming from Lin Lai, Robin's heart couldn't help but tremble a little.

Lin Lai looked at Robin, well, it seems to be better looking when he got closer.

"What, are you going to say something?"

However, no matter what he thought, the current situation is that Robin is the enemy, and there is also a Vivi who is being bullied and is about to cry. As the vice-captain of the pirate group, he directly chose to punch hard.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to cause trouble, and I have no hostility towards you."

Robin raised his hand, took out a recording pointer from his unfathomable chest, and threw it to Lin Lai.

"You should know that your next stop is the small garden, so you should also know the situation there."

Robin said, without waiting for everyone to answer, and continued to speak on his own.

"There are two terrifying giants living there, and even Crocodile doesn't want to provoke them easily, so if possible, it's safer to bypass the small garden and choose another way."

"The pointer I gave you records such a route, and the people in Baroque Studio don't know it, so you won't have any trouble along the way."

Lin Lai played with the pointer in his hand with interest, but the next second, he did something that shocked everyone.

With a click, the pointer shattered, and Lin Lai looked at Robin calmly.

"We appreciate your kindness, but if we retreat just because we encounter some difficulties, how can we conquer this sea? I do this, you have no objection, Luffy."

"Oh, of course."

When it comes to conquering the sea, Luffy's expression also becomes serious. As the Pirate King, how could he retreat?

Lin Lai turned his head and looked at Robin.

"I appreciate your kindness, but if your purpose is just this, then you can leave. As a return gift for your pointer, I will not attack you this time."

Robin finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lin Lai deeply.

"Then, see you later, Mr. Lin Lai, I hope we will not be enemies next time we meet."

As she said that, she jumped towards the sea and landed steadily on a turtle.

"Let's go, Xiaopang."

The turtle that had been waiting for a long time heard the order, and immediately shouted and swam forward.

Lin Lai looked at Robin's back as she left and shook his head. It was a pity that it was not time for her to board the ship yet. It was just the first time they met. Otherwise, he would have invited her to board the ship. Why wait until later?

Ahem, come to think of it, it seems not bad to board the ship later. Lin Lai touched his chin, and smiled meaningfully.

Below, Luffy and Usopp were looking at the turtle under Robin in shock.

"Oh, what a big turtle."

"Awesome, it looks delicious."

Weiwei looked at Robin's leaving figure and finally collapsed to the ground.

"That guy, I don't understand what she is thinking at all."

Nami pointed at Usopp and Luffy.

"It's useless to think about it. Don't we have guys on our ship whose thoughts are hard to understand?"

Of course, it's different from Robin's inability to understand. That's wisdom, while Luffy and the others are "wise".

Well, looking at Lin Lai, Nami silently added another person in her heart.

This guy, sometimes it's hard to see his inner thoughts.

ps: This chapter has 4,000 words, two chapters in one, brothers, well, if you think it's good, just urge for more, if you think it's not good, please don't criticize me, I'm afraid of hurting you

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