The year is 1500.

About four years ago, the Roger Pirates came to Sky Island on the way.

Roger even left a line in the history text of Sky Island: "Roger came here for a visit"

"What is the Roger Pirates?"

"Can I eat it?"

Conis, who is only three years old, is laughing.

When the Roger Pirates came to Sky Island, Conis was not yet born.

Paigeya knelt down and touched his head with a smile, and then seemed to remember the past again:

"The man leading the group was called Roger, and everyone else called him the Captain."

"I remember he mentioned it many times that he wanted to go to the final island of the Grand Line."

“Although I don’t know where the final island is, I deeply feel his majestic pride.

There was a pause.

Paigeya reacted immediately, then scratched his head and looked at Luo En again.

"Brother Luo En."

"You are our guest at Sky Island."

"So next, let Conis and I take you around this Sky Island?"

"How about it?"

It will take several more hours for the recording hand to be able to store the magnetic force.

"That's fine~".

Luo En had nothing to do, so he agreed.


The father and daughter sent Ge Ya and Conis to take Luo En to the direction of Lovely Street.

“Brother Luo En!”

"The Sky Island we are on is called Angel Island, and it is part of the Kingdom of God."

"As for the other Sky Island, it's called Apayado. Our Sky Island god Ganfor lives in Apayado."

Along the way.

Paige Ya did not forget to introduce it to Luo En.

Yes nothing wrong.

Sky Island in 1500.

The ruler of Sky Island is not the god Enel, but the god Ganfor.

In the minds of the entire Sky Island people.

Ganfuer is a god who loves his people like a son and is a very kind ruler.

He has been guarding the safety of Sky Island all these years, and all Sky Islanders respect and love him very much.

"Lord Ganfor, the God, he protects Sky Island with his absolute strength."

"He will attack all enemies who invade Sky Island and drive them out of our country."

“If he were a guest coming to Sky Island, he would welcome each other as warmly as we do.

When Paigea mentioned Gan Fore, even his eyes showed admiration and admiration for Gan Fore.

"Yes, yes~"

"Grandpa Gan Fore is very kind to us!"

"I also like Grandpa Gan Fore very much!"

Conis couldn't stop nodding.

Even children like Ganfuer so much. Obviously Ganfuer must be a good ruler.

Half an hour later.

Under the leadership of Paigea and Conis, Luo En has arrived at the Lovely Street of Angel Island.

For a while.

Pedestrians on both sides of the street all turned their attention to Luo En.

".々Wow! Look at his clothes, is he a guest from Blue Ocean?"

"It was also announced on the radio just now that this young man is a guest from Lan Hai!"

"Hey, young man from Lan Hai, my sister wants to treat you to Sky Island pastries!"

"Guests of Blue Ocean! Welcome to Sky Island, I can treat you to the special barbecue in my store for free!"

Just paying the ticket fee of 100,000 beli, Luo En is like becoming a noble of Sky Island.

Moreover, the people on Kong (Hao Wang Zhao) Island are very hospitable, and many stores invite Luo En to eat for free.

The shops on Sky Island are different from those in Blue Ocean.

Local residents regard "clouds" and "shells" as the materials of their basic lives.

Therefore, many objects in local shops are made of "cloud" or "shell".

Luo En knew that there was a kind of shock quilt that could release a very powerful shock wave.

But with his current strength, there is no need to borrow those things to improve his combat effectiveness.

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