But after the little beast ate the devil fruit, there has been no movement for a long time.

It has remained the same, without any changes.

Seeing this situation, everyone in the Caesar Pirates thought that the devil fruit eaten by this little beast was a fake.

"Well... tell me, will this little thing have to be stimulated to use its fruit ability!"

When everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Brook suddenly reminded everyone.

"That's right! It must be, this little thing is eating for the first time, and I don't know how to use its ability! Let's stimulate it to see!"

Brad said suddenly, and while grabbing a stick, he slapped the little beast lightly.

But the little beast didn't respond at all, just squatting quietly on the spot like a normal beast.

Even after Brad beat the little beast hard, there was still no reaction at all.

Brad, who had been beaten with a stick for a long time, saw that the little beast remained silent, and could only give up, and couldn't help complaining.

"The thing that this little thing can't eat is the beaten fruit, it's always been touched by me without moving it!"

And everyone else was talking about the situation of this little beast.

Caesar, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, squinted his eyes, as if thinking of something, he used his thoughts to form a sharp invisible blade, and lightly slashed at the little beast.

But when the invisible blade formed by Caesar's thought power passed over the little beast, the little beast was fine, and the body of the little beast was not elementalized like the natural system!

This can't help but make everyone amazed, and everyone is even more curious about the ability of the devil fruit eaten by this little beast.

Caesar picked up a few small stones from the ground with his thoughts, and threw them directly at the little beast's body.

Normal throwing objects will rebound more or less when they touch the object, but the stone that Caesar just threw towards the little beast did not rebound at all, but fell directly to the ground!

After throwing several stones in succession, the last small stone was bounced away suddenly and flew out directly!

Seeing such a situation, Caesar couldn't help but his eyes brightened.

First, after the attack landed on the little beast, it seemed to lose its kinetic energy, but then the small stone was bounced so far and so fast, as if it had been endowed with more kinetic energy.

The fruit ability that this little beast ate should be able to absorb the kinetic energy of the attack and then release the kinetic energy.

Just like the mutant Black Emperor Sebastian of the Marvel X-Men, Gambit has similar abilities.

After several tests, Caesar became more certain of the idea in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

It's just that Caesar doesn't know what name to give this devil fruit now, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Although it is temporarily unclear what this kinetic energy ability cannot absorb when attacking, but it is already very strong according to the results of the current test.

If this ability is used properly, it will definitely be a powerful devil fruit!


Put this little beast aside and prevent it from escaping, and wait to see who will eat it.

Discovering such a powerful ability, Caesar couldn't help but start to cheer up, and continued to explore the next few fruits.

Caesar kept thinking silently in his heart, only hoping that a few more powerful fruit abilities would appear!

After feeding the third chubby devil fruit to the next little animal in the same way as before.

Under everyone's gaze, the little beast turned into a little beast-like sphere, constantly bouncing around.

The third devil fruit is a superhuman ball fruit, which allows the eater to freely turn into a ball anytime, anywhere.

Seeing that the fruit's ability was confirmed, Brad couldn't help but patted Hades, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hades, you just said that there is no fruit ability that is worse than a toad, right? Look, it's coming now! Hahahaha!"

Hearing Brad's words, everyone couldn't help being amused by him.

As Brad said, this ball fruit is a complete garbage fruit.

I can only turn myself into a ball. Apart from being used for a ball game and being kicked around, I'm afraid it really has no use.


You can't suddenly turn into a ball during the battle and try to laugh the enemy to death.

After directly passing this fruit, Caesar started testing the next devil fruit.

After the captured little beast ate the fourth devil fruit.

Under everyone's gaze, this little beast did not change significantly, just when everyone thought that the fruit eaten by this little beast would be the same as the second devil fruit, a powerful mysterious ability.

Everyone was surprised to find that this little beast had already changed a long time ago, but everyone didn't notice it!

This little beast has turned itself into something like a piece of cloth!

There is no change in appearance, but when you touch and knead it with your hands, you can clearly feel that the body of this little beast has turned into a piece of soft cloth!

The devil fruit it ate was the superhuman **** fruit.

This ability can also turn one's body into a piece of cloth, a piece of different shapes, flat or three-dimensional 3D cloth.

This fruit ability is also a tasteless existence for Caesar and his party.

Finally it was the turn of the fifth devil fruit, and Caesar fed the fragment of this devil fruit to the next little beast.

It didn't take long for everyone to see the changes in this little beast!

The body of this little beast became slender, and at the same time, many slender insect feet grew on both sides of its body!

Countless insect feet grew on this little beast. The current appearance of the little beast seemed a bit weird to everyone, and Lily and Wei Na couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the appearance of the little beast. With a sound, he covered his eyes and dared not look closely.

Caesar also confirmed the ability of the fifth devil fruit from the external performance, the animal is the gnat form of the insect fruit!

As for creatures like gnats, they have much longer legs, are slightly poisonous, and don't run very fast, so they don't have any advantages. After all, they are not in centipede form.

Therefore, this fruit ability is also a useless waste fruit for the Caesar Pirates.

What's more, everyone has seen the creepy appearance of this little beast after eating this scorpion fruit, so it is even less likely that anyone will want to eat it.

In the shape of a scorpion, when I think of a shape that is several meters long, not counting the width of a centipede, it is really three-dimensional enough for a soundproof person.

【170】Top fruit? A devil fruit with three abilities?

Regarding the ability of this scorpion fruit, everyone unanimously showed disgust.

The lively Lily, the elegant Vina, the aloof Regina, and the curious catwoman Kyle all have goosebumps and creepy looks.

Throwing aside the little beast that ate the gnat fruit, Caesar and the others set their sights on the last devil fruit with unknown abilities.

The abilities of the previous five devil fruits have been investigated clearly, and only one good ability has appeared.

Now there is only the last one left, and everyone is full of expectations for it.

This last devil fruit is also the most beautiful among the six unknown fruits.

The perfect round shape, the color of the whole fruit is a kind of mysterious starry sky blue, and the pattern on it is like the rippling water pattern that appears when dripping into the water, which makes people feel very comfortable to look at.

Caesar put the last devil fruit in front of him, looking at this blue fruit like a starry sky, he couldn't help but began to pray silently.

"I hope that the ability of this last fruit will be the same as his appearance and won't let me down..."

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, Caesar cut out pieces of the last unknown fruit, and fed them to the last captured little animal.

Everyone watched nervously as the little beast ate the devil fruit, and then quietly waited for the change of the little beast.

But after waiting for a while, the little beast didn't show any obvious changes.

It's the same as discovering the second kinetic energy fruit ability, and this situation can't help but make Caesar a little excited.

Seeing that the little beast hadn't changed in any way, Caesar used his thoughts to form an invisible blade, and slashed across the little beast precisely and quickly!

In an instant, a knife wound appeared on the back of the little beast, blood was flowing, and the little beast was also stimulated by the knife.

He kept screaming and panicked.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Caesar can also rule out the possibility that this ability is a natural one.

However, the little beast that ate the devil fruit was just stimulated by the slap of armor just now.

At this moment, there were constant screams of anger and panic, and at the same time, an abnormal phenomenon appeared beside the little beast.

The hair on the little beast's body suddenly stood up, and the sand and rocks around its body began to shake violently and float up!

At this time, everyone who was watching couldn't help but feel a sense of weightlessness and attraction centered on the little beast coming from their bodies.

And as long as they are the closest to this little beast, the feeling of weightlessness will be stronger. Everyone can't help but be surprised by this situation.

The movement of this ability is not small, the one who activates the ability is, after all, a small beast smaller than a fist.

Moreover, this weightless area is still slowly expanding, and this miraculous situation has appeared within two meters of Caesar and his party.

No matter sand grains or stones, they were all floating in the air, and even the branches of those trees began to swing to this side continuously.

"This is how the same thing?"

Seeing the surrounding scene, Brad, who had fallen into a weightless state and was floating in the air, couldn't help asking in doubt.

"It seems that this ability should be good." Gnaly, who was also floating in the air, looked at the little beast calmly and said lightly.

Because Caesar's slap just now made the little beast feel the danger, and thus instinctively released the devil fruit ability.

Seeing all this happening in front of Caesar, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Judging from the current impact of this little beast, the ability of this devil fruit is very similar to that of the gravity fruit.

Of course, it's just like, but it's actually not the same as the gravity fruit.

On the devil fruit illustrated book, there is an illustrated book of gravity fruit, which is different from this fruit.

Caesar did not suspect that it was a gravitational fruit. Although it was very similar, there was also an illustration of a gravitational fruit in the devil fruit illustration.

Just when everyone was floating in mid-air and lost weight, a heavy pressure suddenly appeared on everyone.

The surrounding sand and stones that had been floating due to the lack of gravity fell back to the ground in an instant, and the branches of the trees that had been flying around seemed to be pressed down by something, and they hung down heavily.

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise, but fortunately, none of them were rookies who had just set out to sea, so they quickly reacted and stood firmly on the ground.

It's also fortunate that the two non-combatants, Amichael and Olga, are still on the ship and not here, otherwise the two of them would definitely fall into the mud here.

After everyone stood back on the ground, they all felt a heavy pressure on themselves at the same time.

It's just that this gravity didn't affect everyone much, because the gravity probably didn't even double.

But this does not mean that the ability of this fruit is not strong enough, it can only be said that making everyone feel that this little gravity may be the limit of what this little beast can do.

If this ability can be eaten by a strong person, maybe the gravity that everyone can feel is not just this little bit.

Feeling this obvious change in gravity, Caesar couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and his heart was even more joyful.

And this kind of performance also made Caesar more sure of the extraordinaryness of this devil fruit!

What was shown just now, if nothing unexpected happens, may be the two powerful abilities of gravity and gravity.

But at this time, the body of the little beast changed again.

All around the little beast's body, tiny electric sparks were born out of thin air.

And Griffin and Kyle also had uncontrollable small electric sparks similar to that of the little beast at the same time.

Afterwards, Caesar, Gnaly, Brad and the others all seemed to be charged with static electricity as if they touched winter sweaters, and everyone felt numb.

Griffin and Kyle may have the most electric sparks on their bodies because the fur tribe is naturally able to generate electricity from their bodies to fight.

And if it shoots towards the little beast, if the power is not enough to penetrate the air, it might be attracted by the little beast.

But this little thing is not important to everyone.

"The sudden static electricity is completely different from the two abilities just now!"

"From the beginning to the present, this little thing seems to have displayed more than one ability."

"What kind of weird devil fruit is this?"

Yakexi crossed her arms, rubbing one hand on the minibus.

"If I'm not wrong, this little thing has more than one ability. So far, there are three kinds of 0..."

Hearing Caesar's words, everyone was shocked and couldn't help but become more and more curious about the true ability of this fruit.

Seeing the movement made by the little beast in front of him, Caesar couldn't judge what the ability of this devil fruit was.

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