After getting the news for the first time, Gang Gukong couldn't help but look downcast, and at the same time quickly held a meeting against Caesar!

And this meeting is to discuss the purpose of Caesar!

"The captain of the Caesar Pirates, Caesar! He is the remnant of the Rocks Pirates! One of the most troublesome guys for the world government!"

"Suddenly disappeared a few months ago, but now there is news that he has appeared on a small island in the North Sea! What is his purpose?"

Steel Gu Kong, who was sitting at the top, held the documents in his hands, and said in a deep voice to his colleagues present.

"I don't know, our intelligence personnel checked the island at the first time, and found nothing special..."

After listening to Steel Gukong finish speaking, Sengoku who was on the side also sorted out the information he had obtained and began to speak.

"And on that island, there was a young man named Polusalino who had met Caesar."

"According to Polusalino's description, Caesar did not know why he appeared on the island. At that time, he found a strange fruit, but Caesar who discovered it at the same time took it away first, and then he tried to attract this Borusalino. Rusalino, but this Polusalino refused Caesar's invitation, and Caesar left..."

"As for other related information, there will be no more here..."

Garp, who had been sitting on the sidelines, couldn't help eating a handful of senbei after listening to Sengoku's report.

"Maybe Caesar is just trying to recruit qualified newcomers! This guy's pirate group has also recruited a lot of powerful people in recent years. You know, this guy wants to get my son into the gang... "

While eating the senbei, he said bitterly. Hearing Garp say such words, Crane couldn't listen anymore, and directly interrupted Garp's speech.

"Garp, your idea is too illogical. Even if he wants to recruit crew members, there's no need for him to disappear like this and go to the North Sea!"

Choked by Crane's remarks, Garp was also stunned, and after eating a few mouthfuls of senbei, he also went into meditation.

"Then what is Caesar's purpose?"

Looking at the people who were discussing enthusiastically in front of him, Gang Gukong shook his head again and said helplessly.

And everyone could only shake their heads, unable to figure out why.

As for the fact that Caesar took away a devil fruit, no one cared, it was just an accidental discovery.

Because Polusalino didn't pay much attention to it, and the navy didn't take the devil fruit illustration book to ask, so no one knew that Caesar took away the top natural devil fruit, the sparkling fruit.

In the end, everyone could only decide to let the intelligence personnel continue to keep an eye on Caesar's traces, and let them report immediately as soon as they found any traces of Caesar.

At the same time, Caesar, who left the range of the North Sea, has now appeared in the Windmill Town of the East China Sea.

As for why Caesar appeared here, it was because after Caesar came to Donghai, he suddenly remembered Monkey D. Drago, who was only one or two years younger than him!

Therefore, he decided to temporarily change his goal and come here to take a look first.

Garp appeared before the end of the flicker last time, and this time he will continue to flicker.

But it didn't take long for Caesar to discover that Drago was no longer in Windmill Town.

After asking someone in Windmill Town, Caesar found out that Drago had already been taken away by Garp, and he hadn't appeared on the island for a long time.

Caesar also quickly figured out the reason for this, probably because the last time he met Dorag, Garp was nervous about fooling him.

So in order to avoid accidents, Garp directly brought Dorag to the Navy Headquarters, let him stay with him, and started his own exclusive training for Dorag!

After all, Karp still wanted to make his son an excellent navy like himself.

If he just let his son be limped by Caesar and become a pirate or something, then Karp would vomit blood.

Finding that Drago was not there, Caesar had no interest in staying here, and left Windmill Village with a smile.

It's just that Caesar didn't know that it was precisely because he asked Drago on the island that the things here had already attracted the attention of Garp, who was far away at the Navy Headquarters.

Although there is no navy here, after all, this is Garp's hometown, and there will always be someone to contact Garp.

Therefore, Karp was able to know immediately that someone was inquiring about Dorag.

It's just that Garp still doesn't know who is inquiring about Drago, but he already has some guesses in his heart.

At the same time, Garp notified the navy's intelligence personnel to keep an eye on the situation in the East China Sea, especially near Windmill Town!

Then Steel Gu Kong said hello, took his own cloth and boarded his exclusive warship, and rushed towards the East China Sea!

Caesar, who was relatively unaware, had already left Windmill Town and came to Shuangyue Village to visit Shuangyue Kosaburo.

After chatting and having a meal, Caesar left Shuangyue Village without a trace.

When he came to Donghai, he didn't come here specifically to fool Monkey D. Dogra, nor did he visit Shimotsuki Kozaburo, but for another purpose.

In the East China Sea, Caesar still changed his appearance and inquired about a place incognito.

It was an island surrounded by special ocean currents, as long as it approached 380 at will, it would be involved and it would be difficult to escape, so there would be no schools of fish and sea beasts near the island.

Moreover, the scenery on this island is very beautiful, but no one goes anywhere because they can only enter and cannot exit.

Inquiring along the way, Caesar passed through many islands.

Everywhere he went, he would find local fishermen and people who often go to sea to ask about the island's information.

Finally, on an island on the way from Donghai Windmill Town to Upside Down Mountain, Caesar got the news that the island was near this island.

As for why Caesar went to that island, it was because Fire Fist Ace got the ability to burn money fruit when he was trapped on this island!

And the purpose of Caesar's trip this time is to find the burnt fruit on this island!

Although in the memory of the previous life, this burning fruit was always ridiculed, saying that dogs would not eat it.

But Caesar knew that the burning fruit is actually a very strong fruit, not as unbearable as others said!

Although the burning fruit attack power may indeed be inferior to the lava fruit.

But no matter what, this burning fruit is also a natural devil fruit with extremely powerful attack power and strong practicality, which is a kind that cannot be found.

Besides, if you can pick up a burning fruit here for nothing, who would miss it?

It's just that things don't always go according to Caesar's wishes.

Caesar quickly found the small island and circled around the island several times.

But it's a pity that Caesar couldn't find the trace of Shaoshao fruit from this island, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Maybe the current time is not right, the burning fruit has not yet drifted to this island, so Caesar failed to find the burning fruit here.

However, Caesar was still a little unwilling to give up, and searched the island a few times, but in the end he still couldn't find any traces of the burnt fruit, so he had to choose to give up.

However, just when Caesar gave up looking for the burning fruit and was about to leave the island.

But a large dog-headed warship appeared on the sea level and quickly approached the island where Caesar was.

[182] The meteorite fell from the sky, Garp smashed the star with one punch!

"How did this guy come here?!"

Caesar flew in mid-air, his face full of doubts.

I'm already like this, why was I still discovered?

On the dog-headed warship, Garp, standing on the bow with his hands on his hips, saw Caesar's figure. Although his appearance was different, he was able to confirm that the other party's aura belonged to Caesar through his knowledge and knowledge!

"Hahahaha! Caesar! You are indeed here! You will never escape this time!"

Looking at Garp on the warship, Caesar couldn't help feeling depressed.

"How do you know that I've come to the East China Sea?" Caesar said puzzledly, while using his life to return to his original appearance.

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, Caesar, you bastard, you actually want to trick my son!"

"I will definitely not do what you wish. I have taken him to the Navy headquarters long ago and trained him myself!"

"His future will be a just navy, the mainstay of the navy!"

"You went to Windmill Town to inquire about him, and a fellow townsman told me, so I guessed it was you! Puff hahaha."

Karp said, looking like I am a very smart and wise idiot.

The corner of Caesar's mouth twitched, his face was speechless.

Unexpectedly, this person who has always been careless and seems to have no brains can guess right when he uses his brain.

"Caesar, I must catch you this time! Don't try to run away!"

"Little ones, prepare the shells!"

Garp laughed loudly, and ordered to the sailors who were waiting behind him.

A unanimous response sounded, and then the sailors moved in a well-trained manner, launching a cart of shells.

Also quickly installed a conveyor belt that just happened to be next to Karp.

After all this was done, the conveyor belt started to run, and the sailors put shells one by one on the conveyor belt.

And Garp, picked up the shells prepared by his side, and threw them towards Caesar like throwing a baseball!

The number of shells thrown by Garp alone is stronger than the firepower of the entire warship!

The cannonballs flying towards Caesar have almost caught up with the posture of the Demon Slaughter Order. If ordinary people see such a formation, their feet will probably be frightened.

As long as there are enough shells, Garp's strength and speed can completely launch the Demon Slaying Order by himself.

But just these ordinary shells are not a threat to Caesar at all!

The thought power barrier was opened in an instant, and all the shocking shells fell on Caesar's thought power barrier, and were firmly imprisoned and stopped in mid-air!

No matter how Garp threw the cannonballs, those cannonballs were imprisoned in mid-air by Caesar's thought power and remained motionless.

With more and more shells, the air in front of Caesar has become impenetrable, forming a wall of shells.

The sailors on the warship couldn't help being shocked when they saw Caesar's methods in front of them.

"What kind of monster is this? Our shells are useless?!"

"You actually let the cannonball stop in mid-air like this?'々!" For the first time, search the following group number to enter the transfer group, update 50 books every day, and the hedgehog cat, bid farewell to the book shortage

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"Lieutenant General Garp's shell attack is useless?!"

Hearing that the sailors under him were in an uproar about this, and the morale of the army seemed to be shaken, Karp narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a loud voice to the group of sailors below with a confident smile.

"It's a matter of course that he can do this kind of thing! After all, he is the king of heaven, Caesar! The remnants of the Lockes Pirates!"

"If he can't even resist this attack, then he wouldn't have caused our navy a headache for so long!"

"Don't confuse him with ordinary pirates, if you don't take him seriously, he will die!"

Hearing Karp's words, the sailors on the warship seemed to have been given a booster, and they all recovered their composure from the panic just now.

"Is your attack over? Then it should be my turn!"

After blocking the shell attack launched by Garp's warship, Caesar floated in mid-air, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and opened his mouth lightly.

I saw that the cannonballs imprisoned by Caesar moved, and Caesar threw them all at the dog-headed warship.

"Not good! The shells were thrown back!"

"Quickly, quickly defend!"

Seeing this battle, the sailors suddenly panicked, only a few generals and officers reprimanded these subordinates indifferently.

"Asshole! Why panic! Lieutenant General Garp is still here!"

The scolding immediately made the scene quiet.

Seeing the big tail on the bow being fluttered by the wind, and the back as majestic as a mountain, the sailors immediately settled down with some shame.

Yes, why are we panicking, the naval hero, Vice Admiral Garp is still here, how could he embarrass mere pirates.

Garp didn't care about the reaction of the sailors behind him, he calmly watched the wall of shells hit, and showed a hearty smile.

"Pfft hahaha~ I really have you, Caesar."

"However, I won't let you destroy my warship so easily!"

As he spoke, Garp bent his legs and jumped up suddenly.

Hearing Garp's loud shout, the fierce invisible armed force slammed into the wall of shells like a wall.

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of thousands of cannonballs were all exploded by Garp's punch!

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