The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. It's been on the boat, and it's still not as good as Caesar.

Kaido, who was getting more and more irritable, after drinking the last drop of wine in the gourd, picked up the mace and smashed the rocks beside him!

Suddenly, the entire top of Ghost Island trembled.

Seeing this, those young people felt that they were in danger, and when they heard that they wanted to drink, they ran out without looking back.

Now, Kaido can only use drinks to dispel the boredom in his heart.

Unlike these former partners of Golden Lion, as an enemy, he was an enemy who was almost wiped out by the other party a week ago!

The Roger Pirates escaped from the Navy's pursuit for good only yesterday.

At this moment, they are all recuperating on an unknown island.

Seeing their old opponent who surrounded them a few days ago and almost killed them on the spot, he just died like this.

A strange feeling permeated my heart, I don't know if it was the sorrow of the rabbit's death or the happiness of my heart.

In general, as a generation of legendary pirates, Golden Lion's death like this will inevitably affect the emotions of those who have fought against him or been on the same boat with him.

And to be honest, this kind of death that established the majesty of others is not honorable to the Golden Lion.

Of course, this can only prove that Caesar is indeed stronger than him. In this world, as long as he can't be the strongest and get this kind of result, there is nothing to say.

Just like the Roger Pirates now.

They really had a narrow escape this time!

The battle with the Golden Lion and Hundred Ships was about to be lost, but a natural disaster came, which instantly changed the situation of the battle, and not long after that, before taking a breath, the navy came in hot pursuit again.

If they die during this period, they will only be the same as the Golden Lion now.

Therefore, the strange feeling in the hearts of these strong men was only for a moment, and then disappeared.

Except Pirates.

At this time, the world government and the five old stars are also watching this scene, all of them expressionless.

"Now, the Central Navy is really going to stand firm and become an existence that exercises justice just like the navy in the eyes of the world."

Wulaoxing, who has white curly hair and is not limping but leaning on a cane, said with a helpless expression.

Regarding Caesar, they are powerless now, and it is not safe to deal with it. If they don't deal with it, accidents will happen every now and then.

"That's right, justice, the banner of righteousness, has been robbed of part of it!"

A bald headed Wu Lao Xing with shocking scars, lowered his head slightly, and spoke in a low voice, filled with infinite anger.

If it was put in the past, they would definitely not allow this kind of thing.

The world government is a proper facade, and the justice of the navy is the unique and true justice.

But looking back now, those central puppet troops have also successfully established this point.

"What should we do now?"

Another Wu Laoxing with a long white beard and long straight white hair asked worriedly.

At the moment, they must be cautious when dealing with Caesar.

"Steady the situation for the time being, and strengthen the consolidation of forces in the four seas and the first half of the great route!"

"We must not let the tentacles of the Caesar Pirates protrude from the New World."

On the side, half leaning on the table, the white-robed Wu Laoxing, who was wiping his saber, was thoughtful, and then said firmly.

"As long as he's trapped in the New World, it doesn't matter!"

This method, there is no way out of the way, the world government itself is not strong enough to control the new world. …

Coupled with the troublesome existence of Caesar, now they are even more distinguished.

Moreover, they discussed this issue during the last top battle, but they did not come up with an accurate approach at that meeting.


"we can only do this!"

Hearing this, the other five old stars nodded one after another. As far as dealing with Caesar at the moment, this is the only way out.

In the end, Wu Laoxing still chose silence for the sake of balance.

As for the Navy Headquarters, the navy who saw this scene really felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

Their hearts recognized the execution of the golden lion, which was indeed just.

But when the person who executes this justice is from the enemy they have captured, then this makes them a little awkward.

This will make all the navy feel that what they see is not the execution of justice and the execution of the pirates, but the slap in the face, and the execution of them is more uncomfortable than being roasted on the fire.


Because they feel in their hearts that they are the one who can represent the real justice.

And when another justice appears, they will feel uncomfortable. If they could, they would have eliminated each other long ago, but this is not without this ability!

The book returns to its original story.

No matter what the external forces or the people of the world think of it.

Cheers still resounded in the Middle Kingdom.

After the golden lion was executed, Caesar left with his body immediately.

Because the golden lion had already been executed, they didn't feel anything strange.

Although many people hated him, he was still a well-known top powerhouse!

The king should be buried.

Of course, they didn't know that Caesar took the body of the golden lion to the building connected to the execution platform, and immediately entered the air door of the different space that Doyle opened for him.

Inside, the Hailoushi room stands out!

This matter had been arranged by Caesar long before the execution, and he would not let such a top devil fruit be lost in vain.

Based on this, Caesar 0.3 dare not delay at all.

It has been more than ten seconds since Jin Lion's heart and brain died completely. If he doesn't hurry up, the ability of Piao Piao Guo may be lost.

This is something he doesn't want to see at all!

It stands to reason that the golden lion did not die immediately biologically when it was executed.

That is to say, although the golden lion has lost consciousness, his brain and heart still have some vitality.


Being able to do this doesn't happen by accident.

As early as when discussing with Yixiao, Caesar mentioned this issue, and in the end, he trained the executioners in advance so that they could act with discretion.

in a blink.

Caesar entered the Hailou stone room and immediately sealed the door with Hailou stone.

At this moment, even he was a little nervous: "It must be successful, this fluttering fruit must not be leaked!"

"Such a top devil fruit..."

In anxiety, a few minutes passed quietly, and when Caesar's heart was in his throat, he was placed next to the golden lion, and one of the piles of fruits suddenly began to change!

In just a few seconds, that fruit turned into a gray devil fruit with spiral patterns.

"Hahaha, it worked!"

"It's really a blessing in misfortune, the fluttering fruit has not flowed out.".

[286] Imitation of a fluttering fruit

Seeing this top devil fruit that he finally got, Caesar was excited.

"I finally got it, Piao Piao Fruit!"

Caesar once thought about this devil fruit, but because the overlapping of Piao Piao fruit's ability and mind power is too much, it is not suitable as a fruit for children, so Caesar chose to give up at that time.

Among them, there is also a reason why he does not want to be known that he has the power to deprive the devil fruit.

Even now, he still doesn't want people to know.

How to say this.

Caesar seems to be the only one who uses this method to hunt devil fruits nowadays.

He is no longer a pirate.

But his conflict with the navy still exists, and the pirate side has also become a hostile camp.

Therefore, he can't even reveal that he can deprive the Devil Fruit!

The relationship between the various forces is very tense, and the pirates in the new world are also quite dissatisfied with Caesar because of his large-scale suppression activities.

It's just that the scope of his current settlement has not yet touched the territory of those big pirates.

Not to mention the navy, as long as there is a chance, they will definitely take a decisive action and take down Caesar in one fell swoop.

So right now, with things like this, it's best to be as low-key as possible.

Holding the fluttering fruit, Caesar carried the golden lion's body out of Hailoushi's room with his thoughts.

"Let's go to the palace!"

As soon as he came out, he gave instructions to Doyle who was standing in the different space, waiting for him.


Doyle responded, and then stretched out his hand and pushed it out of thin air, and an air door suddenly opened.

The other end of the door is the inside of the palace.

These days, Doyle has mastered the ability of the door fruit very well, although he has not developed any constructive moves in 09, nor has he awakened the ability.

But other than that, he can use all other abilities with ease.

You can open the door wherever you want, which is really convenient to say the least.

After walking out of the different space, Caesar turned his head and glanced at Doyle, and gave another order: "The body of the golden lion, you watch the burial!"

"After all, he is a legend of a generation, the king of pirates, give him the dignity he deserves."

I feel the same way as Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling and others.

The moment he saw the golden lion fall, he also felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He is not a kind person, nor does he have so much compassion, and he does not show mercy to the golden lion, but he just has a very strange feeling.

Speaking of which, Caesar and Golden Lion have known each other for many years.

Personally arresting, personally ordering, let this partner who was on the same boat, even a long-standing opponent, die in front of him, this feeling is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Hearing the order, Doyle nodded, opened the air door again and walked in.

As soon as the door was closed, it immediately merged with the air, and there was no sign of it anymore.

After doing all this, Caesar held the fluttering fruit in front of his eyes and made another call.

This time, he called the intelligence organization he had set up by himself.

Unlike when they were sailing, the information they could collect was very limited. Later, with the help of the underground force Sander, they collected information from a much wider range.

But compared with now, it is completely different.

The established kingdom has developed to this day, and the resources he possesses are many times that of before.

With multiple identities, the strength is still the strongest in the world. Now Caesar's intelligence organization sorts out information that almost covers the world every day.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

On the opposite side, a young and respectful voice came.

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