Moreover, Avril Lavigne has only obtained the Devil Fruit for such a short time, the development of the Devil Fruit has not yet reached the extreme, and there is still a lot of room for development.

At the same time, she is still her fellow villager, the only one who cannot be found in the world of One Piece for the time being.

How should I treat each other better? three.

[420] What's wrong with changing mentality, doing whatever you want?


Caesar hesitated for a while.

If the other party is a man, it will be easy, then he will definitely kill the other party.

After all, the other party knows one of his biggest secrets, and he doesn't want to have such a person who knows everything.

And he is also a guy with top abilities, good potential and overlord looks.

However, the situation is completely different now, the other party is a girl with great potential and domineering looks!

And it's not a transformation, but a real girl in the past and present!

This made it difficult for Caesar to make a choice, because there are other possibilities if he is not a man.

maybe he can...

As soon as Caesar thought of this, his eyes became deeper, and he slowly calculated in his heart.

To be honest, as a king with huge "five eight seven" ambitions, he has always had the emperor's disease, which is paranoia!

This is why he married four wives and had a bunch of children.

Brothers may turn against each other, not to mention those partners under him, subordinates?

Therefore, no matter how credible the partners and subordinates gathered when they were pirates and the army loyal to themselves after the establishment of the country, they are not as good as their own women and children.

Of course, some things in his previous life told him that sometimes even his wife and children may not be trustworthy.

That's why he longs for powerful power so much. Only when he is strong enough can he truly eliminate dissidents.

In this world, hard fists are the iron law!

How about turning Avril Lavigne into her own woman?

Suddenly, this idea appeared in Caesar's mind.

For a girl who knows everything about him, the best way is to turn her into her own woman.


Speaking of it, he is not lustful, otherwise, with his status, there would be more than four women?

With his ability, how many people can bear it!

You must know that in the world of One Piece, there are so many beauties!

He can accept Hancock, Hiyori, Yamato and so on under his command, but he didn't do it because he is not lustful!

Lily and the three daughters have only been together for a long time, and Effiete is his first real heartbeat.

"However, Avril Lavigne was only eighteen years old in her previous life, so she is better than..."

Caesar's gaze gradually became a little lax. He remembered that Avril Lavigne said that he had just turned eighteen in his previous life, and that was a few years younger than himself.

But don't forget, he has been in the world of One Piece for too many years, and his mental age is over fifty years old.

And Avril Lavigne has been in this world for so many years, and now she is only fifteen years old, and her mental age is at most twenty-one-two...

It can be said that the mental age difference between the two is very large!

For a while, let Caesar have a kind of old cow to eat...

Unknowingly, Caesar's thinking diverged far, far.

Suddenly, he came back to his senses and felt that something was wrong with him!

What are these?

Who is he now?

He, Alexander Caesar, is a pure immortal!

Drinking the potion in the past few years, the life span brought to him by one generation and two generations, even if pure gold is not used, it is a full seven or eight hundred years!

And this is not the limit, in the future his lifespan will be extended infinitely, even reaching the level of immortality.

In other words, according to the age he can live now, he is just a little kid.

Now, let alone a thirty-year difference in mental age, there is a twenty-odd difference in physical age, so what if there is a difference of a hundred years?

After a hundred years, the small psychological age difference between him and Avril could be ignored.

Maybe I can really think about it!

As soon as Caesar thought of this, the way he looked at Avril also changed, and it became slightly softer.

Avril, who was a little ignorant, also noticed that Caesar's eyes seemed to have changed when he looked at him, and the eyes of the two collided unconsciously.

Although she didn't understand that she had never been in love, she felt an inexplicable heartbeat.

"You...what are you looking at me for?"

Avril Lavigne turned her head away, frowned slightly, and said in a panic.

"As a time traveler, I think you seem to be a threat to me!"

Caesar looked at Avril, his eyes seemed to turn colder, and his tone was full of intriguing meaning.

He has been in a high position for many years, and his strength is the strongest in the world, so his aura is enough to make ordinary people fearful even if he is not using the domineering look.

Although Avril has a domineering look so she won't be frightened, she still feels a chill down her spine and her heart skips a beat.

At this moment, she even felt as if she was in the icy cold wind...

However, Caesar soon chuckled, looking with interest at Avril, who was tense and ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, all the coldness he had just now completely melted away and became softer.

"With me, I can make you enjoy immortality just like me!"

Before prevarication, it was because Caesar had scruples in his heart.

After all, it was just the first time Avril and him met, even if they were from Lanxing, they were just strangers.

It is impossible for him to reveal all his secrets to a stranger.

However, it's completely different now!

"I have already obtained pure gold!"

"But! My real hole card is not pure gold, but IQ grass!"

"The world is strong, have you watched the movie version of Luffy and the Golden Lion?"

"There is a kind of grass that can make creatures evolve. I got it, and then let Vegapunk and other top scientists in the world conduct research..."

"I got three medicines from the IQ grass. One is an evolution medicine, which can promote the evolution of creatures without any side effects."

"The remaining two are life-extending potions, and they can be used together!"

Caesar looked at Avril Lavigne, and said the biggest hole card he had hidden.

When he thought that he would live forever and his strength would grow without limit, his heart immediately relaxed.

What does it matter?

0.3 Caesar thinks there is no harm in telling Avril in front of him?

If she doesn't agree, then kill her.

For him, there is no psychological burden or loss.

At that time, having another child will make up for the lost genius, that's all.

Hearing Caesar's words, Avril was stunned for a moment.

Naturally, she also knows about IQ grass, so she doesn't doubt it.

As for the promise of immortality, she was indeed irresistible, in the face of death and immortality, everyone knew how to choose!


Avril quickly glanced at Caesar.

Powerful, handsome, aloof, domineering, noble, the imagination of men can be seen in Caesar.

This...for a while, Avril Lavigne's face turned slightly red.

After the information explosion, she is a beautiful dog! .

【421】Senior Yangou, the essence of all love at first sight is love at first sight

It seems... not bad?

Avril had some shy thoughts in her heart.

She began to waver, not to mention pure gold, immortality, just Caesar himself...

You know, there are not many people in this world who are worthy of her!

She is less than sixteen years old, and her strength will continue to become stronger.

When she is of the right age, she must choose a mate who is strong, good-looking, and handsome.

It's impossible for someone like her to find a soft rice boy who is not as good as her.

Doesn't this person in front of her perfectly meet all her conditions, whether in her previous life or in this life?

And the most important thing is that she and Caesar are both time travelers and fellow villagers, and they have more common topics.

Fellow, strong, good-looking, immortal...

Adding up all these conditions, it seems that there is really no more suitable person in this world except him!

As for Caesar's family with four women and a dozen children...

For Avril Lavigne, these are not 09's problems, she doesn't care much.

Because the family she belonged to in her previous life was not a nouveau riche family, but a family with some history, not a small family.

Her father, besides her mother as his main wife, had several other women, all of whom she had to call Xiaoma.

And most of the relationship between her and the other concubine brothers and sisters is also very good.

So in this respect, she is not open like a beautiful girl in the 21st century.

It is completely acceptable for Caesar to have four women and a dozen children.


Avril, who was crazily moving in her heart, raised her head with a pretty blushing face and gave Caesar a white look.

What do you mean follow me?

It's not too romantic!

It's too straightforward, what should she say?

Really domineering!

When Avril thought of this, she bit her lips lightly, feeling a little angry in her heart.


All love at first sight in the world is essentially love at first sight, who would fall in love at first sight with an ugly one?

As a senior face dog, Avril didn't want to admit it, but Caesar's domineering just now really moved her.

It's just that Avril Lavigne is still a little shy and a little shy to let Avril speak out.

And Caesar has been the king for so long, and he is very good at observing words and demeanor, and he is also self-taught in psychology.

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